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Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Muara Sains, Teknologi, Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jmstkik.v8i1.23379


Bintan Island is one of the islands in the Riau Archipelago and has a variety of tourist objects that are worth Bintan Island is one of the islands in the Riau Archipelago and has various tourist attractions that are worth visiting. Introducing a variety of tourist attractions to the general public is one of the things that is often promoted by the Bintan district regional government because it can attract tourists, both local and foreign, thereby increasing regional income. The decline in the level of tourists, both domestic and foreign, caused by the regulations/policies of the Covid-19 pandemic, is one of the triggers for making technology a medium for delivering promotions for tourist attractions. The application of technology in the tourism sector is something that is not relatively new. In this research, the use of technology in introducing tourist attractions on Bintan Island uses the Location Based Service method where an Android-based Geographic Information System for Bintan Island Tourism Objects will be designed. This application can be one solution that can be presented in introducing the diversity of tourist attractions on Bintan Island so that it can help tourists in obtaining information about various tourist locations on Bintan Island. Using this application can also help tourists search for data on tourist attractions and directions to these tourist attractions. This application can also help in providing descriptive information in the form of images, as well as ratings and comments given by other visitors who have visited the tourist attraction. The results of the black box test of the application using 2 validators from the admin and user side produce a match between the desired expectations and the results after testing so the application can be used because it is free from functional errors. Keywords: Tourism; Bintan Island; Location-Based Service; Geographic Information System Abstrak Pulau Bintan merupakan salah satu pulau yang berada di Kepulauan Riau dan memiliki beragam obyek wisata yang patut untuk dikunjungi. Mengenalkan keanekaragam obyek wisata kepada khalayak umum merupakan salah satu hal yang sering digaungkan pemerintah daerah kabupaten Bintan sebab dapat menarik wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan daerah. Penurunan tingkat wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara yang disebabkan aturan/kebijakan pandemi covid19 menjadi salah satu pemicunya menjadikan teknologi sebagai media dalam penyampaian promosi obyek wisata. Penerapan teknologi dalam bidang pariwisata merupakan hal yang bukan tergolong baru. Pada penelitian ini penggunaan teknologi dalam memperkenalkan obyek wisata di Pulau Bintan menggunakan metode Location Based Service dimana akan dirancnag suatu Sistem Informasi Geografis Obyek Pariwisata Pulau Bintan berbasis Android. Aplikasi ini dapat menjadi salah satu solusi yang dapat disajikan dalam memperkenalkan keanekaragaman obyek wisata yang dimiliki oleh Pulau Bintan, sehingga dapat membantu para wisatawan dalam memperoleh informasi mengenai berbagai lokasi wisata yang berada pada Pulau Bintan. Penggunaan aplikasi ini juga dapat membantu wisatawan dalam mencari data tempat wisata serta arah tempat wisata tersebut. Aplikasi ini juga dapat membantu dalam memberikan informasi deskripsi berupa gambar, serta rating dan komentar yang diberikan oleh pengunjung lainnya yang pernah mendatangi tempat wisata tersebut. Hasil dari uji black box terhadap aplikasi dengan menggunakan 2 validator dari sisi admin dan pengguna menghasilkan kesesuaian antara harapan yang diinginkan dengan hasil setelah dilakukan pengujian, sehingga aplikasi ini dapat dipergunakan karena bebas dari kesalahan fungsional.
Clustering Data Stok Penjualan Sparepart Mobil Toyota Bengkel Multi Topindo Menggunakan K-Means Haris, Yusril; Friadi, John; Frederick, Aurora Elsa Shafira; Huda, Dwi Nurul; Romdoni, Mochammad Rizki
Jurnal Ilmu Siber dan Teknologi Digital Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Mei
Publisher : Penerbit Goodwood

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35912/jisted.v2i2.3308


Purpose: Sales of car spare parts at the Multi Topindo Tanjungpinang Workshop play a vital role in maintaining customer satisfaction in after-sales services. Accurate data analysis is required to increase marketing effectiveness, inventory management, and customer satisfaction. One relevant approach is the application of the K-Means Clustering algorithm, which effectively groups car spare part stock data based on the initial stock and final stock. Using this method, workshops can segment stock inventory based on customer preferences by observing what spare parts are sold frequently by comparing them with the initial stock. This segmentation provides the basis for developing a more efficient sales process and precise stock management. Methodology/approach: The research was carried out at the Multi Topindo Tanjungpinang Workshop with system development developed based on the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, which consists of four stages: identifying goals and information needs, working with users to design the system, building the system, introducing a new system, and carrying out classification. spare parts sales stock data by using the k-means method. Results/findings: The results of segmentation obtained through K-Means Clustering will help in identifying spare part groups based on the clusters that are built. In addition, this algorithm plays a role in managing inventory stock, minimizing the risk of excess or shortage of inventory, and increasing overall operational efficiency. Limitations: The system was developed based on the K-Means Algorithm with Python programming language and Django web framework as a sample of data using a car spare parts sales inventory. Contribution: This research contributes to the Multi-Topindo Tanjungpinang workshop, which can take more appropriate steps to meet customer demand, optimize inventory, and ultimately increase customer satisfaction.