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Dilahur, D
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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Geografi Desa dan Pengertian Desa Dilahur, D
Forum Geografi Vol 8, No 2 (1994): December 1994
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v8i2.4826


Geografi desa merupakan cabang geografi yang mengkhususkan diri pada study pedesaan. Desa merupakan obyek studi yang dikaji dari sudut pandang geografi yaitu pendekatan keruangan, pendekatan ekologi dan pendekatan komplek wilayah. Geografi desa sebagai sub disiplin geografi belum lama yaitu baru pada masa dasa warsa 1960-an. Hal ini disebabkan perhatian yang agak kurang terhadap masalah kemiskinan di daerah pedesaan negara-negara berkembang. Bidang kajian berkembang dengan pesat sesuai dengan umurnya yang masih muda. Problem utama yang muncul adalah pendefinisian baik pengertian geografi desa maupun pengertian desa. Geografi desa mengutamakan kajian dengan pendekatan geografi sedangkan desa dari sudut pandang geografi merupakan suatu wilayah.
Departicipation of Youth in Agricultural Sector (Case Study at Delanggu Village, Delanggu, Klaten) Dilahur, D; Umrotun, U; Priyono, P; Amin, Choirul; Aminudin, M. Farid
Forum Geografi Vol 15, No 2 (2001): December 2001
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v15i2.4573


This study is carried out in Delanggu, Klaten, that has high productivity of rice but undergoing a decrease in the role of the sector of agriculture. The goal of this study is to observe young people departicipation in the sector od agriculture and fators that influence it. The method used is survey method. The population is all of the young people in Delanggu, 1.419 peoples. The sampling uses stratified proporsional quota sampling where respondents are divided into three groups of age, 15-19 years old, 20-24 years old, and 25-29 years old. Every sampling in eah group is taken 5% proportionally, with its homogenates consideration, while the characteristic, which has determined in order to fulfil the number of determined quota in each age group. Collected data is presented in the form of frequency and cross table. Qualitative data analysis uses logical thought, deducyive-inductive, analogy ang comparison, whereas analyzing frequency and cross table uses quantitative data analysis. The use of both analysis is adjusted to the data and goal of the study.
Ruang, Lingkungan dan Wilayah: Suatu Konsep Dasar Geografi Dilahur, D
Forum Geografi Vol 5, No 2 (1991): December 1991
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v5i2.4675


Sejarah perkembangan geografi mencatat lima sudut pandang yang berpengaruh luas dalam perkembangan pemikiran geografi yaitu, determinisme dari Friedrich Raizel, possibilisme dari Paul Vidal de La Blache, waktu dan bentang lahan dari Sauer, studi wilayah dari Hartshorne dan keruangan dari Schaefer. Kelima sudut pandang tersebut melahirkan tiga pendekatan utama dalam geografi saat ini yaitu sudut pandang keruangan, sudut pandang lingkungan dan sudut pandang kompleks wilayah. Pemhahasan tentang hakekat ruang, lingkungan dan wilayah menunjukkan bahwa ketiga sudut pandang tersebut merupakan satu kesatuan sudut pandang atau pendekatan geografi. Waktu merupakan dimensi keempat dalam geograji oleh karenanya setiap permasalahan barus dilihat dari segi dinamika keruangan, dinamika lingkungan dan dinamika kompleks wilayah.
The Orientation of The Use of Houses In The Sub Urbans: A Case Study In East Part of Kartasura, Sukoharjo 2001 Dilahur, D; Musiyam, M; Amin, Choirul
Forum Geografi Vol 15, No 2 (2001): December 2001
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v15i2.4579


Kartasura, seen formspace point of view, has special position because it is located in the corridor intersection between Semarang-Surakarta-Yogyakarta. Which becomes three central developing cities in central part of Java. This study is carried out in border town area in east part of Kartasura, which consist of four village – Pabelan, Gonilan, Gumpang, and Makamhaji. That are growing fast due to the effect of urban characteristic from Surakarta. The orientation phenomena of the use of house (OPR), the urban population that led to the commercial use is an interesting fact dealing with the influence of urban activities in those areas. The goal of this study is to know the kindsand the spread of the space of OPR population in east part of Kartasura and the factors, which is studied, is the houses in the research areas and the respondents are the owner of the houses. The sampling uses systematic proportional random sampling. The location of house sample (UMS, UNS, Islamic Boarding Shcool of Assalam), health services (RSIS and RSO), and commercial services (ALFA, UMS stores). All of them are located in Pabelan and Makamhaji. While industrial center consist of PT Tyfountex and small industries around it in Gumpang. Every central activities is divided into two cluster based on the relative distance from central activities (far and near), so as a whole there are four clusters which made up of two clusters in service center and the other in industrial center. Sample at every cluster is taken proportional about 2,5% based on homogenity consideration, whether the selecction of house sampling is taken randomly. The numbers of samples as a whole 175 respondents. The collected data are prensented in the form of frequency and cross table. Qualitative data analysis uses logical thought, deductive induccctive, analogy and comparison, while quantitative data analysis is done using frequency table analysis and cross table. The use of both analysis is sadapted with the data and goal of the study. The result of this study shows that 1) OPR population in east part of Kartasura consist of three kinds, commercial OPR, non commercial, and combination. While the spreading space of the kind of OPR follows the concept of distance decay principle-the nearer relative distance of the house to the center of activities, the more commercial orientation the use of the house is. 2) External factor, which influence OPR, is the developing urban activities such industry, commerce, education, and health instrument. While the internal factor which influence to OPR is the size of land ownership.
Pola Keruangan Kriminalitas Perkotaan Dilahur, D
Forum Geografi Vol 8, No 1 (1994): July 1994
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v8i1.4814


Masalah kejahatan cenderung meningkat secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif bersama dengan semakin kompleknya kehidupan manusia. Jenis kejahatan bervariasi demikian pula dengan factor-faktor penyebabnya. Penggolongan jenis kejahatan dan teorinya bervariasi dari berbagai ahli dan disiplin ilmu. Geografi mengkaji kejahatan dari segi keruangan, lingkungan dan kewilayahan. Dari segi keruangan akan diperoleh persebaran berbagai jenis kejahatan baik asal pelaku maupun tempat peristiwa kejahatan terjadi serta asosiasi keruangannya dengan faktorfaktor sosial, ekonomi, budaya dan lingkungan. Tidak semua jenis kejahatan mempunyai pola keruangan yang jelas. Geografi dapat memberi sumbangan terhadap pemecahan masalah kejahatan di perkotaan dengan pendekatan keruangan, lingkungan dan wilayah tersebut.
Urban Graveyard in Spatial Change Perspective Dilahur, D
Forum Geografi Vol 4, No 2 (1990): December 1990
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/forgeo.v4i2.4853


The growth of urban population tends to increase constantly but some towns show faster growth than others. Ultimately the urban area extends tremendously, and a new urban environment is created. Graveyard is one phenomenon that an not be neglected from this process. Duc to their strategic locations, some portions have undergone changes in economic, social, and environment values. For the time being lands used for graveyards are constantly increasing. The competition with other uses can not be avoided anyway and land conservation must be carried out concomitantly.