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Journal of Research and Publication Innovation Vol 2 No 1 (2024): JANUARY
Publisher : Journal of Research and Publication Innovation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This research aims to analyze the influence of compensation and work motivation on the performance of non-PNS employees at the Directorate of "Senior High School" Development, Directorate General of Basic Education, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia, South Jakarta. The total sampling method was used to obtain 73 samples. Multiple linear regression analysis assisted by SPSS 26 was used in this research. The results show that work compensation and work motivation have a partial and simultaneous positive effect on performance. Linear regression equation for work compensation on performance Y = 21,282 + 0,374X1 the calculated t value is 2,905> t table 1,666, the correlation value is 0,501 and the coefficient of determination is 0,240. Linear regression equation for work motivation on performance Y = 20,723 + 0,336 X2 the calculated t value is 2,619> t table 1,666, the correlation value is 0,485 and the coefficient of determination is 0,224. Work compensation and work motivation also have a fairly strong positive relationship with performance. These results show that if compensation and motivation are increased, employee performance will also increase. The multiple linear regression equation Y = 15,092 + 0,253X1 + 0,211X2,  the calculated F value is 16,284, the correlation value is 0,563 and the coefficient of determination is 0,298.  
Seminar Nasional Menggali Potensi Diri Membentuk Karakter Anak Yang Kreatif Melalui Proses Pendidikan Di Sekolah Dasar Swasta Muhammadiyah Kecamatan Lirik Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu Kurniawan, Reyhan Exsa; Satria, Khevin Agna; Na’imah; Putri, Saffana Kiyasa; Rialdi; Wilanda, Aini; Ahmad, Fairuza Salsabila; Johni, Puti Qamara; Rahma, Nurliyanti; Hasugian, Prisko Ivan Savanger; Marhadi, Hendri
KALANDRA Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 3 No 5 (2024): September
Publisher : Yayasan Kajian Riset Dan Pengembangan Radisi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55266/jurnalkalandra.v3i5.443


Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KUKERTA) is an academic activity carried out by students in the form of community service. Through this service, students gain experience interacting and socializing with the community while contributing to solving problems within the society. As part of their service, KUKERTA students from the University of Riau organized a national seminar to develop the character and potential of children in the villages of Lambang Sari I, II, and III. The seminar aims to provide understanding and strategies to teachers, parents, and other educators on how to develop the potential and creative character of children in these villages. By involving discussions with experts in the field of education, the seminar emphasizes the crucial role of teachers in enhancing creativity and guiding children to become strong, character-driven individuals. The outcomes of this activity show that an educational approach integrating religious values, creativity, and local culture is highly effective in shaping creative and morally upright character in children. Additionally, the seminar highlights the importance of collaboration between schools and parents in optimally facilitating the development of children's potential.
Polarisasi Politik Gentong Babi dalam Perspektif Film Dirty Vote Aldi Ferdiansyah; Na’imah; Syaiful Kiram; Yogi Sopian Haris; Muhammad Syarqowi
Indonesian Journal of Law and Justice Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): September
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/ijlj.v2i1.2755


Film Dokumentari Dirty Vote mendeskripsikan dugaan kecurangan terstruktur, sistematis dan masif yang melibatkan penyalahgunaan anggaran negara yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah, terutama dana bantuan sosial (bansos), untuk kepentingan politik dalam upaya mempertahankan kekuasaan. Film tersebut merupakan cerminan realita politik di Indonesia di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Republik Indonesia yang masih berkuasa saat itu, yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum dan etika demi kepentingan politiknya, merugikan masyarakat luas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan sumber data primer dari film "Dirty Vote" dan sumber sekunder dari berbagai media elektronik, undang-undang, jurnal, berita, media sosial, media cetak, serta surat kabar. Analisis data dilakukan secara induktif sejak awal pengumpulan data hingga penelitian selesai. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Film "Dirty Vote" menjadi pembelajaran penting bagi masyarakat untuk tetap waspada terhadap praktik politik curang yang terstruktur, sistematis, dan masif; (2) Berbagai alasan logis di balik terjadinya kecurangan terstruktur, sistematis, dan masif tersebut disebabkan oleh ambisi kekuasaan penguasa melalui politik dinasti; (3) Implikasi dari kecurangan terstruktur, sistematis, dan masif mengakibatkan demonstrasi besar di berbagai daerah, penolakan terhadap hasil pemilu 2024, serta korban jiwa, materi, dan energi yang sangat besar.