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Amanah Orang Tua Terhadap Perkembangan dan Pendidikan Anak Prenatal Dalam Perspektif Islam Adhy, Agung wahyu; Tamam, Abas Mansur; Rahman, Imas Kania
TARBAWI : Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 8, No 02 (2023): TARBAWI: JURNAL PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/jtw.v8i02.10057


AbstrakPendidikan anak adalah amanah yang Allah bebankan kepada para orang tua. Mereka adalah madrasah ula bagi anak-anak sebelum mereka mengenal sekolah formal. Pendidikan orang tua terhadap anak adalah amanah surat al-Tahrim ayat 6. Islam sangat memperhatikan pendidikan anak karena mereka akan menjadi Sumber Daya Manusia yang akan mempengaruhi perkembangan peradaban. Perhatian Islam terhadap pendidikan anak yang menjadi amanah bagi orang tuanya, dimulai jauh sebelum anak tersebut lahir ke dunia, yang dikenal dengan istilah pendidikan prenatal atau pra lahir. Sebelum terjadinya pembuahan (prakonsepsi), anak harus sudah mendapatkan hak yang disebut fase persiapan mendidik, di antaranya haknya adalah dipilihkan untuknya calon ayah atau ibu yang baik. Pendidikan kemudian berlanjut pascakonsepsi sampai anak dilahirkan. Pada fase ini peran orang tua sangat besar sekali. Orang tua pada masa pendidikan preanatal bisa memulainya dengan memberikan stimulus-stimulus yang dapat merangsang otak dan perkembangan syaraf sebelum lahir. Sayangnya pendidikan prenatal yang merupakan masa kritis bagi perkembangan fisik, emosi dan mental bayi masih jarang dilakukan oleh orang tua, padahal ini adalah bagian dari amanah orang tua terhadap anak-anaknya. Penyebabnya bisa karena kurangnya pengetahuan dan pengalaman, serta adanya anggapan keliru bahwa pendidikan anak baru dimulai ketika anak telah lahir yaitu pada masa preschool. Kata kunci: Amanah, Pendidikan, Prenatal AbstractChildren's education is a mandate that Allah burdens parents with. They are ula madrasas for children before they know formal schooling. Parental education for children is the mandate of Surat al-Tahrim verse 6. Islam pays great attention to children's education because they will become human resources who will influence the development of civilization. Islam's concern for children's education, which is a mandate for their parents, begins long before the child is born into the world, which is known as prenatal or prenatal education. Prior to conception (preconception), the child must have obtained the right which is called the educational preparation phase, one of which is the right to choose a good father or mother for him. Education then continues postconception until the child is born. In this phase the role of parents is very big. Parents during the prenatal education period can start by providing stimuli that can stimulate the brain and nerve development before birth. Unfortunately prenatal education which is a critical period for the physical, emotional and mental development of babies is still rarely carried out by parents, even though this is part of the mandate of parents towards their children. The reason could be due to a lack of knowledge and experience, as well as the mistaken assumption that a child's education begins only when the child is born, namely during the preschool period.Keywords: Mandate, Education, Prenatal
Tarbiyatuna Kajian Pendidikan Islam Vol 7 No 2 (2023): (September 2023)
Publisher : LPPM Institut Agama Islam Ibrahimy Genteng Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69552/tarbiyatuna.v7i2.2064


The moral and character crisis that befell almost all levels of society is very worrying. Among the characters that are eroded and lost is the trustworthy character. Loss of trust will cause destruction and damage. This research was written to describe the character of amanah from the perspective of Abdullah Abduh al-'Awadhi in the book Fiqh al-Amanah. This research is a type of qualitative research with library research methods. Data was collected using the documentation method and then analyzed using content analysis techniques. The data source for this research comes from primary data, namely the book of Fiqh al-Amānah and skunde data, namely other supporting books such as the book of al-Amānah wa Atsaruha fii al-Mujtama' and the book of al-Amānah wa Makanatuha Fii al-Islam. The conclusion of the research is that trust has a broad meaning, not just a deposit (wadi'ah), it is all rights that must be fulfilled and guarded. So that the scope of trust becomes many and broad. If these mandates are carried out properly, they will have an impact on individuals, social influence, economic influence and scientific influence.