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IDENTIFIKASI Vol 10 No 1 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : Program Studi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36277/identifikasi.v10i1.342


PT ABC merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang pertambangan yang menjunjung tinggi Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1970 tentang Keselamatan Kerja sebagai hak sekaligus kewajiban dari setiap orang. Dalam bekerja di area pertambangan pasti kita akan berinteraksi dengan berbagai aktivitas berisiko tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan fatal, karena dalam proses produksinya banyak menggunakan alat-alat berat bergerak seperti, Heavy Dump (HD), Dump Truck (DT), Excavator, Dozer, Grader dan Drilling. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bahaya dan risiko pekerjaan yang adapada proses kegiatan Loading material OverBurden dengan menggunakan metodeIBPR (Identifikasi Bahaya dan Penilaian Risiko) di area pertambangan PT ABC. Peneltian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasional dengan jumlah informan 5 orang terhadap pekerja di PT ABC. Hasil dari identifikasi bahaya dan penilaian risiko pada penelitian ini diketahui terdapat 18 potensi bahaya pada 6 aktivitas bahaya yang teridentifikasi pada pekerjaan proses kegiatan Loading Material Overburden di area pertambangan PT ABC, sebelum dilakukan pengendalian tambahan masih berisiko medium dengan nilai persentase medium risk 100%, setelah dilakukan pengendalian tambahan persentase low risk menjadi 100%. Diketahui bahwa penilaian dan pengendalian risiko termasuk dalam kategori efektif.
The Effect of Innovation and Product Quality on Consumer Satisfaction In Coconut Charcoal Products CV. Superior Agro Fadillah, Muhammad Rizky; Ubaidillah, Ahmad Zulfahmi; Ratnawati, R. Aryanti; Acuviarta, Acuviarta
Adpebi Science Series 2022: 1st AICMEST 2022
Publisher : ADPEBI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study is motivated by the use of energy that is used continuously every time will result in the depletion of the energy. Coconut charcoal can be an alternative solution to replace the role of non-renewable energy. CV. Superior Agro as one of the producers of coconut charcoal. The problem discussed in this article is the decline in sales from January to December 2021 due to a decrease in consumer satisfaction with CV. coconut charcoal products. Superior Agro. This study was conducted to analyze how much influence innovation and product quality have on consumer satisfaction on CV coconut charcoal products. Superior Agro. The object of this research is a coconut charcoal product CV. Superior Agro. This study uses associative and descriptive methods with a quantitative approach, namely research that aims to determine the effect between two or more variables, with quantitative research in the form of description using numbers or numerical (statistics). The number of samples obtained from calculations using the solvin formula is 72.75 and is rounded up to 73 samples. Based on the analysis using SPSS, respondents' responses regarding innovation have the highest score, which is 3.78. Respondents' responses regarding product quality have the highest score of 3.88. Meanwhile, respondents' responses regarding customer satisfaction have the highest value, namely 3.68. The result is known that the variables of Product Quality and Innovation have a significant influence together on the Consumer Satisfaction variable. These results are supported by the results of research and tests that have been carried out.