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All Journal Jurnal Pertanian Agros
Putri Septyani, Ika Ayu
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IDENTIFIKASI KEANEKARAGAMAN MESOFAUNA DAN MAKROFAUNA TANAH DI PTPN III PADA FASE PERTUMBUHAN TBM III Panggabean, Bastian Fernandes; Putri Septyani, Ika Ayu; Dalimunthe, Badrul Ainy; Yusida Saragih, Siti Hartati
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 26, No 1 (2024): Edisi APRIL
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v26i1.4233


The third producing oil palm plant or TBM III is an oil palm plant that is 36 months old and is a potential initial plant for producing palm oil. This research aims to identify the diversity of soil mesofauna in the PTPN III Plantation during the TBM III growth phase. The research was carried out at Perkebunan Nusantara 3 Aek Nabara Selatan in December 2023. The sample was determined using purposive random sampling based on slope differences, namely 0-5% and 5-15%. For one type of slope, 4 different observation locations were taken at random so that a total of 8 sample units were obtained. Each observation sample was made into a cube-shaped monolith with dimensions of 30 x 30 x 40 cm. The results of meso and macrofauna observation data were tested for differences in slope of 0-5% and 5-15% based on the t test at the 5% level. The research results show that a slope of 0-5% has a larger fauna distribution than a slope of 5-15%. This indicates that flatter land has greater macro and mesofauna activity because the area is covered by plant remains. On slopes of 0-5% to 5-15% the macrofauna is dominated by ants and earthworms. Key words: soil mesofauna, species diversity, TBM III INTISARITanaman sawit menghasilkan ketiga atau TBM III merupakan tanaman kelapa sawit yang berumur 36 bulan dan merupakan tanaman awal yang potensial untuk memproduksi sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi keanekaragaman mesofauna tanah di Perkebunan PTPN III pada fase pertumbuhan TBM III. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Perkebunan Nusantara 3 Aek Nabara Selatan pada Desember 2023. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara purposive random sampling berdasarkan perbedaan kelerengan yaitu 0-5% dan 5-15%. Pada satu jenis kelerengan diambil 4 lokasi pengamatan berbeda secara acak sehingga diperoleh 8 satuan sampel secara keseluruhan. Tiap sampel pengamatan dibuat monolith berbentuk kubus dengan dimensi 30 x 30 x 40 cm. Hasil data pengamatan meso dan makrofauna diuji perbedaan kelerengannya 0-5% dan 5-15% berdasarkan uji t pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  kelerengan 0-5% memiliki sebaran fauna yang lebih besar dibanding dengan kelerengan 5-15%. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa lahan yang lebih datar memiliki aktivitas makro dan mesofauna yang lebih besar karena daerahnya ditutupi oleh sisa tanaman. Pada kelerengan 0-5% hingga 5-15% makrofauna didominasi oleh semut dan cacing tanah. Kata kunci: mesofauna tanah, keragaman jenis, TBM III
RESPON PEMBERIAN AIR KELAPA DAN KOMPOS KULIT PISANG TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BAYAM HIJAU (Amaranthus tricolor L.) Syah Yudi, Syah Yudi; Lestari, Widya; Putri Septyani, Ika Ayu; Harahap, Fitra Syawal
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 26, No 1 (2024): Edisi APRIL
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v26i1.4259


Green spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) has high nutritional value so efforts are needed to increase its production, one of which is providing good nutrition and growth regulators (ZPT) for plants. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of banana peel compost, the effect of coconut water ZPT, and the combination of banana peel and coconut water factors in increasing the growth of green spinach. This research was carried out from January 25 2024 to February 18 2024 located on Jln. Tapian Nauli No. 67, Bale Lake, Rantau Selatan District, Labuhanbatu Regency, North Sumatra. This research used a factorial randomized block design (RAK) consisting of 2 factors. Factor A (banana peel compost) includes P0: control, P1: 250g/plant, P2: 500g/plant and Factor B (coconut water zpt) includes A0: control, A1: 150ml/liter of water, A2: 300ml/liter of water, Each treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 27 experimental units and analyzed using the ANOVA test at 5% and 1% levels followed by the Duncan 5% test. With research parameters, namely plant height, number of leaves, root length, and plant fresh weight. It is known from the research results that the provision of compost from banana peel waste and coconut water zpt has a significant effect on the height of plants in 1 week after planting (WAP), 2 WAP, and 3 WAP, the number of leaves in 1 WAP, 2 WAP, 3 WAP. Root length and wet weight of spinach with banana peel compost treatment 500g/plant and coconut water zpt 300ml/ liter of water showed the highest response. Key words : green spinach, banana peel compost, coconut water olc. INTISARIBayam hijau (Amaranthus tricolor L.) memiliki nilai gizi yang tinggi sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan produksinya, salah satunya adalah memberikan nutrisi dan zat pengatur tumbuh (zpt) yang baik bagi tanaman. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompos kulit pisang, pengaruh zpt air kelapa, dan kombinasi faktor kulit pisang dan air kelapa dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bayam hijau. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada 25 Januari 2024 sampai dengan 18 Februari 2024 berlokasi di Jln. Tapian Nauli No. 67, Danau Bale, Kecamatan Rantau Selatan, Kabupaten Labuhanbatu, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial terdiri dari 2 faktor. Faktor A (kompos kulit pisang) meliputi P0 : kontrol, P1 : 250g/ tanaman, P2 : 500g/ tanaman dan Faktor B (zpt air kelapa) meliputi A0 : kontrol, A1 : 150ml/ liter air, A2 : 300ml/ liter air, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 27 satuan percobaan dan dianalisis menggunakan uji anova taraf 5% dan 1% dilanjut dengan uji Duncan 5%. Dengan parameter penelitian, yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, panjang akar, dan berat basah tanaman. Diketahui dari hasil penelitian bahwa pemberian kompos dari limbah kulit pisang dan zpt air kelapa berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman 1MST, 2MST, dan 3MST, jumlah daun 1MST, 2MST, 3MST. Panjang akar dan berat basah bayam dengan perlakuan kompos kulist pisang 500g/tanaman dan air kelapa 300ml/ liter air menunjukkan respon tertinggi. Kata kunci : bayam hijau, kompos kulit pisang, zpt air kelapa.
Agros Journal of Agriculture Science Vol 26, No 2 (2024): Edisi Juli
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Janabadra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37159/jpa.v26i2.4615


This research aims to test the effectiveness of using liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) from sap and pineapple water in controlling horn beetle pests (Oryctes rhinoceros) on oil palm plants in private plantations in Tandikat hamlet, Silangkitang. The approach used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four treatments, namely N0 (control), N1 (100% pineapple starch), N2 (500 grams of pineapple + 1 liter LOF of palm juice), and N3 (500 grams of pineapple + 2 liters of LOF sap water) each repeated four times. The parameters observed included the number of horn beetles caught and those that died. The results of the analysis of variance showed that the significance value of the treatment was <0.05, indicating that there was a real effect of the treatment on the number of horn beetles caught and killed. Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) further test indicated that the N0 treatment was significantly different from the N2 and other treatments. N2 treatment proved to be the best treatment, showing high effectiveness in controlling horn beetle pests. The conclusion of this research is that the use of LOF from pineapple and palm juice is significantly effective in controlling horn beetle pests on oil palm and is an environmentally friendly alternative to the use of chemical pesticides.Keywords: pests; horn beetles; liquid organic fertilizer; pineapple