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MANAJEMEN PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN MUTU (Studi Kasus Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Menengah di Surabaya) Anwar Abidin, Achmad
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Pebruari 2017
Publisher : LPM IHDN Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (48.774 KB) | DOI: 10.25078/jpm.v3i1.95


Financing a good management is one key to the success of an educational institution to promote or increase quality. In this study, the focus of the problem is how the management of financing available to the private universities in Surabaya medium in order to improve its quality. The method used is qualitative descriptive with the presence of the researcher as an instrument of research conducted interviews to informants as a source of primary data and documents as well as supporting books as a secondary data source. Management Funding education is one of the factors that determine the quality improvement due to the financial management that is transparent and accountable will give rise to the belief of stakehoulder and it will be the motivation of each academicians Tri Dharma College in Private colleges medium in Surabaya to conduct quality improvement in their respective fields.
MANAJEMEN PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN MUTU (Studi Kasus Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Menengah di Surabaya) Anwar Abidin, Achmad
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Pebruari 2017
Publisher : LPM IHDN Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25078/jpm.v3i1.95


Financing a good management is one key to the success of an educational institution to promote or increase quality. In this study, the focus of the problem is how the management of financing available to the private universities in Surabaya medium in order to improve its quality. The method used is qualitative descriptive with the presence of the researcher as an instrument of research conducted interviews to informants as a source of primary data and documents as well as supporting books as a secondary data source. Management Funding education is one of the factors that determine the quality improvement due to the financial management that is transparent and accountable will give rise to the belief of stakehoulder and it will be the motivation of each academicians Tri Dharma College in Private colleges medium in Surabaya to conduct quality improvement in their respective fields.
JP : JURNAL PENDIDIKAN Vol 1, No 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Institut Keislaman Abdullah Faqih (INKAFA) Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (586.171 KB) | DOI: 10.33754/jalie.v1i2.104


These article discuses about the forming of student’s characters through the internalization of anti-corruption values. In which the form of internalization of the value can be realized with anti-corruption education for children, especially children of elementary school, where they have an important role in the forming and realization of the nation’s future. From this case, it can be seen that corruption prevention efforts might be done in two steps, namely repressive and preventive measures. Repressive measures are carried out by enforcing strict law enforcement by law enforcement officers, and preventive measures are carried out through education. The important values which can be realized in the anti-corruption education process are; responsibility, discipline, honesty, simple life-giving, hard work, self-reliance, fairness and caring. By investing the value through Islamic learning anti-corruption education can be performed to put forward and become one of the main reference curriculum educations in Indonesia.Keywords: Internalization, value, and anti-corruption.
Supervisi Kepala Madrasah dalam Optimalisasi Potensi Guru Mata Pelajaran Fiqih di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Gresik Achmad Anwar Abidin; Nor Mubin
Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan Islam Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15642/japi.2021.3.2.31-43


Supervision carried out at the madrassa level is s the responsibility of a madrassa head. This article discusses the madrassa head supervision model how it is efforts in optimizing the potential of existing teachers. This discussion is the result of research conducted at MIN 2 Gresik. Qualitative research with results that show that the supervision model carried out by the head of madrasah when supervising teachers of fiqh subjects is by using the clinical supervision model. Where the head of the madrassa observes firsthand the ongoing learning process in the supervised classroom. This is done so that the head of madrasah knows the readiness and preparation of teachers in the learning process, especially in fiqh subjects that require special skills related to ubudiyah practices. From this madrassa head will conduct follow-up as needed to optimize the potential of each teacher.
Jurnal Ilmiah Didaktika Vol 17, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ilmiah DIDAKTIKA Agustus 2016
Publisher : Center for Research and Publication Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) of Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jid.v17i1.1587


Experts say sexual deviation is caused by several factors including hormone disorder, genetic potential, environmental factors and also improper sex education. Education also contributes to the occurrence of sexual perversion. Therefore, proper sex education at an early age is necessary to prevent sexual deviant behavior. Sexual deviance behavior is a disease that can be known if the patient is already Mumayiz or legally baligh for the needs of one's sex began to be felt. due to there are many people suffered from sexual deviance behavior, then we should be able to detect and prevent them early.
Membangun Jiwa Entrepreneurship Pada Mahasiswa Melalui Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan (Studi Kasus Di Stai Daruttaqwa Gresik) Warti’ah , Achmad Anwar Abidin
ACTIVA: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 1 No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : LP3M STITNU Al Hikmah Mojokerto

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Growing the entrepreneurial spirit through entrepreneurial learning becomes the task of universities in preparing graduates who have an entrepreneurial spirit. Students are expected to have the ability in thinking to become entrepreneurs so as to create their own jobs, but it can also be used as a side job that can increase revenue.This study aims to find out in depth how to build entrepreneurship spirit in students through entrepreneurship learning in Islamic High School (STAI) Daruttaqwa Gresik.The method used is case study, through data collection related to entrepreneurial learning process. The result of research stated that STAI Daruttaqwa in building entrepreneurship spirit to students apply the theory learning and laboratory learning.Theoretical learning is done by the lecturers of entrepreneurship lecture subjects through classroom learning, followed by the assignment to make the textbook according to the topic given by the lecturer of the lecturers who are divided into groups.Each group must present its tasks to know the ability to master the entrepreneurial material. The learning of the laboratory is done by the lecturers of entrepreneurship lecture subjects through learning in making the products presented in the classroom and the students also participate in the making.Besides, students are also required to create business plans to create innovative products that are presented in the classroom so that all students can understand the entrepreneurial materials both theory and practice. With entrepreneurial learning in theory and laboratory learning is expected to change the mindset of students about the importance of entrepreneurial learning for students to be stocked after graduating back to live in the community. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Learning, entrepreneurial spirit
Jurnal Ijtihad Vol 5, No 2 (2021): AGUSTUS
Publisher : Universitas Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/multikultural.v5i2.12318


Abstract Ngepeh hamlet is one of the hamlets in Rejoagung village, Ngoro sub-district, Jombang district. In this village there are three adherents of different religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Hindusm. Even though they have different religions, they still life in harmony and tolerance. It is proven by the existence of various places of worship from people of different religions, namely two churches, one temple, one Jami' Mosque and several mushola (prayer rooms). Instilling values in society needs to be investigated as a model in managing pluralism in rural communities. This research is a qualitative research with the type of case study. Data collection techniques using participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. To determine the informants used purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The findings of this study are a value inculcation model which is divided into two forms, namely inter-community and intra-community models. The inter-community model is carried out in the nobility association with activities in the form of discussions, savings and loans activities, art performances and mass rituals. In order to strengthen tolerance in the community, this community prioritizes cultural da'wah tactics, namely by accommodating local wisdom. In the intra-community model through religious education in Islamic religious activities. ta'alum or a learning process with indoctrination techniques.Keywords: model of implementing islamic education values, tolerant behavior 
International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism (IJIERM) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): IJIERM Edition January
Publisher : The Islamic Education and Multiculturalism Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.746 KB) | DOI: 10.47006/ijierm.v2i1.30


Abstract: the discussion in this article refers to the development of a multicultural-based Islamic religious education curriculum as an effort to develop the values of religious moderation in Indonesia that have been implemented. The research method in this article is an observative research on educational institutions in Indonesia from the policy side of government and related educational institutions. The conclusion is as follows: 1). Multicultural-based Islamic religious education learning Model. In developing a multicultural learning model that must be blessed is a truly multicultural-laden learning activity. Learning activities are designed to provide a learning experience involving mental and physical processes through interaction between learners, learners with teachers, the environment, and other learning resources in order to achieve basic competencies. 2). Learning Media of Islamic religious education. Media can also be called tools while commonly used at this time is an audio visual aids, which means audiovisual aids are materials or tools used in the situation to help the writings and words spoken in the transmission of knowledge, attitudes, and ideas in the development of Islamic education be bases multicultural. 3). Sources of educational learning Islamic religion-based multicultural sources of Islamic values as a cornerstone of Islamic education The Foundation consists of the Qur'an and Sunnah Prophet Muhammad SAW that was developed with Ijtihad, Al Maslahah al murincorrectly, Istihsan, Qiyas and so on and from the source of learning it in the Islamic Religious education based multicultural developed with regard to the values of Islam Rahmatan li Al-"alamin that put forward the principles of Islamic Humanist , tolerant, democratic, and accommodating local cultures.
Memacu Peningkatan Kualitas Pribadi untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Institusi (Telaah Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia di MI Al Illahiyah Rejoagung Ngoro Jombang) Achmad Anwar Abidin
MODELING: Jurnal Program Studi PGMI Vol 3 No 2 (2016): September
Publisher : Program Studi PGMI Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Nahdlatul Ulama Al Hikmah Mojokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (155.095 KB)


process of producing the expected personal qualities, is certainly necessary effort is not easy and the sacrifice that is not cheap. Here is an institution that houses must be capable of being the support and encouragement to spur an increase in the personal qualities of the employees both educators and its educational staff because essentially that's the institution itself that will harvest the quality of the individuals. MI Al Illahiyah are educational institutions at the elementary level (elementary school) located in Redjoagoeng village Ngoro - Jombang district that has stood for a long time and belong to the old school were less significant development even stagnant from year to year. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake actions that can upgrade quality of the institutions in order to grow significantly. Personal qualities or quality of each individual human being is different to find, analyze and then needed of increasing human resource management (HRM) is good and accurate. Human resource management is a process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the procurement of energy, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and termination of employment with the human resources to achieve the goals of individuals, organizations working, institutions, and communities. The main purpose of human resource management is to increase the contribution of its human resources to the organization or institution in order to achieve the goals of the organization or institution in question The Supporting faktors and inhibitors a personal quality improvement is : a. Leadership b. Regulatory rules c. Reward and Punishment and d. Personal motivation. Then The things that must be done to improve the Personal Quality is: a. Following courses and training. b. Discussion subjects teacher (Teacher Meeting) c. Questionnaire feedback from students d. Recording a learning process that has been done. e. Conducting Study Tour. To improve the personal qualities of an institution should at least be able to do things as follows : Motivating , Acknowledge individual , Giving Opportunities for positive activities for self-development . Periodically conduct training , conduct Job Performance Assessment (Performance appraisal ) , Gives Compensation , and Creating Effective Working Relationships.
Mendidik Dengan Model Komunikasi Al Quran: Analisis Term Komunikasi dalam Al Quran dan Impelemetasinya pada Proses Belajar Mengajar Achmad Anwar Abidin
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars No Seri 2 (2017): AnCoMS 2017: Buku Seri 2
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.698 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v0iSeri 2.67


Communication is also becoming one of the factors that influence the success of an educational process for the success indicator is the achievement of a goal of learning or educational purpose itself is by tersampaikannya message in this case the learning material to learners through an effective communication. According Onong Uchjana Efendy, in terms of the process, education is communication within the meaning of the word that in the process the two components consisting of the person, that teacher as learner as a communicator and communicant. Communication models in the Qur'an is a communication model that should serve as an example and can be practiced in everyday life of Muslims, especially for educators every day in direct contact with the process of learning, both formal, non-formal or informal.Dalam the learning process of a teacher is also expected to implement the model qâulan balighâ communication (speech which imprint hearts), qâulan layyina (word meek), qâulan ma'rufa (a good word again firmly), qâulan maysura (speech which deserved), qâulan Karima (words that glorify ) and is able to give mauidhah (teaching), Nashihah (advice), da'wah (invitation) and taushiyah (edify each).Keywords; Education, model of communications, learning.