Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

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Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.248 KB) | DOI: 10.31965/infokes.v14i2.110


The physical and mental growth of a child is affected by the health of his teeth and mouth. A child with untreated dental caries can cause recurrent infections, bacteremia, mastication, and sleeplessness and can, in turn, interfere with child growth. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of early childhood caries promotion and prevention programs at Community Health Centers conducted by Dental Nurses managing community dental programs. The results showed that none of the respondents who conducted the program of promotion and prevention of caries in Posyandu on a regular basis and only 33 percent of respondents who undertook early promotional programs and prevention of early caries in infants incidentally. Parents of Infants and Teachers are not involved in early childhood caries promotion and prevention programs conducted by P. None of the referrals from early childhood/family visit to Puskesmas for advanced dental care. Toddler visits to Dental Police Puskesmas are dominated by Toddlers with cases of periodontal abscess and pulpitis. The conclusion of this research is Dental Nurses Dental health program managers do not have a program of promotion and early dental caries in Toddler. Public Health Service, Puskesmas and especially Dental Nurses Puskesmas managing dental health program community need to make and implement a program of promotion and prevention of early caries at baby at Posyandu and toddler in Posyandu, PAUD / TK involving parents and teachers.
Motivasi Berobat Gigi pada Pasien yang Berkunjung ke Poli Gigi Yohanes Audes Toni Werang; Manginar Sidabutar; Apri Adiari Manu; Ratih Variani
Dental Therapist Journal Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Dental Therapist Journal
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.885 KB) | DOI: 10.31965/dtj.v1i2.448


Abstract: Motivation for dental treatment in patients visiting dental poly. Motivation is an impulse arising from within or from outside a person or individual that causes the person or individual to want to do something activity to achieve the goal. Motivation is also said to be an incentive to give strength in taking action for self-interest as we know it around us, most people are not aware that it is important to take care of health, especially dental and oral health, especially when they have to go to a health center or other health services. From the results of research at the Tarus Public Health Center in Kupang Tengah Subdistrict, Kupang Regency, there are several motivational criteria, namely intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and a combination of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation which results in dental treatment motivation of patients visiting the Tarus Public Health Center Dental Clinic in Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. Where this motivation is drawn based on the percentage shown in the diagram. Intrinsic motivation is 90% and extrinsic motivation is 73%. And the motivation for dental treatment is 77%. Other extrinsic motivational factors that support the treatment of patients in the Dental Clinic of Tarus Public Health Center, Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency include supporting facilities, as well as the presence of dentists who are very instrumental in making decisions in diagnosing and curative, rehabilitative measures. As for health insurance such as BPJS, KIS, ASKES, National Health Insurance (JKN), thus supporting patient motivation for treatment, especially teeth and mouth. Abstrak: Motivasi Berobat Gigi pada Pasien yang Berkunjung ke Poli Gigi. Motivasi merupakan suatu dorongan yang timbul dari dalam diri maupun dari luar diri seseorang atau individu yang menyebabkan orang atau idividu tersebut mau melakukan sesuatu kegiatan guna mencapai tujuan. Motivasi juga dikatakan sebagai pendorong untuk memberikan kekuatan dalam melakukan suatu tindakan untuk kepentingan diri seperti yang kita ketahui disekitar kita, sebagian besar masyarakat belum sadar bahwa pentingnya menjaga kesehatan khususnya kesehatan gigi dan mulut, apalagi sampai harus berobat ke puskesmas atau pelayanan kesehatan lainya. Dari hasil penelitian di Puskesmas Tarus Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang, ada beberapa kriteria motivasi yakni motivasi intrinsik, motivasi ekstrinsik serta gabungan dari motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik dimana menghasilkan motivasi berobat gigi pasien yang berkunjung pada Poli Gigi Puskesmas Tarus Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang. Dimana motivasi ini tergambar berdasarkan persentase yang di tunjukkan pada diagram. Motivasi intrinsik 90% dan motivasi ekstrinsik 73%.serta motivasi berobat gigi sebesar 77%. Adapun faktor pendorong motivasi ekstrinsik lainnya yang mendukung pengobatan pasien pada Poli Gigi Puskesmas Tarus Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang di antaranya, fasilitas yang mendukung, serta keberadaan dokter gigi yang sangat berperan dalam pengambilan keputusan dalam mendiagnosa maupun tindakan kuratif, rehabilitatif. Adapun jaminan kesehatan seperti BPJS, KIS, ASKES, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), sehingga mendukung motivasi pasien untuk melakukan pengobatan khususnya gigi dan mulut.
The Behavior of Pregnant Women on Maintenance of Dental and Oral Health During Pregnancy in the Namosain Community: Perilaku Ibu Hamil Terhadap Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Selama Kehamilan Di Masyarakat Namosain Nurfalah Liarian; Ferdinan Fankari; Apri A. Manu; Manginar Sidabutar
Dental Therapist Journal Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Dental Therapist Journal
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (127.099 KB) | DOI: 10.31965/dtj.v2i1.712


Maintenance of dental and oral health during pregnancy aims to prevent dental and oral health problems during pregnancy. Dental and oral health is one of the things that need to be considered during pregnancy. The increased risk of oral disease in pregnant women can be caused by several factors such as the gagging reflex, fear of brushing teeth or habits such as neglecting oral hygiene which can increase the frequency of caries and disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of maintaining dental and oral health of pregnant women. This type of research is descriptive involving 20 pregnant women in the Namosain community. The results showed that the behavior of pregnant women towards the maintenance of oral health by 60% or as many as 12 respondents who consumed fruit during pregnancy, 50% or as many as 10 respondents who brushed their teeth twice a day during pregnancy and 10% or as many as 2 respondents who did dental check-up during pregnancy. The conclusion of this study is that pregnant women are more dominant in consuming fruits and only a small proportion of pregnant women who do dental and oral health checks during pregnancy. Pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut selama kehamilan bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut saat masa kehamilan. Kesehatan gigi dan mulut merupakan salah satu hal yang perlu diperhatikan selama kehamilan. Peningkatan resiko terjadinya penyakit mulut pada wanita hamil dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti refleks muntah (gagging), rasa takut menggosok gigi atau kebiasaan seperti mengabaikan kebersihan rongga mulut yang dapat meningkatkan frekuensi karies dan penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut ibu hamil. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yang melibatkan 20 orang ibu hamil di masyarakat Namosain. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku ibu hamil terhadap pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut sebesar 60% atau sebanyak 12 responden yang mengonsumsi buah-buahan selama kehamilan, 50% atau sebanyak 10 responden yang menyikat gigi 2x sehari selama kehamilan dan 10% atau sebanyak 2 responden yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi selama kehamilan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil lebih dominan mengonsumsi buah-buahan dan hanya sebagian kecil ibu hamil yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut selama kehamilan.