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Journal : Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Ichthyology)

PENGARUH ALKALINITAS TERHADAP KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP DAN PERTUMBUHAN IKAN LALAWAK Barbodes sp. [Effect of Alkalinity on the Survival Rate and Growth of Lalawak Fish, Barb odes sp.] Yulfiperius Yulfiperius; Mozes R. Toelihere; Ridwan Affandi; Djadja Subardja Sjafei
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 4 No 1 (2004): Juni 2004
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v4i1.252


This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of alkalinity on the survival rate and daily growth rate of Barbodes sp. The fishes were reared in 12 aquariums with four different alkalinity levels 48, 78, 108 and 138 ppm. Each aquarium filled with 10 fish at the average weight of 12.25 to 12.64 g attempt. The treatment lasted for 75 days. During the experiment, the fish were given commercial diet (pellet) with the dose of 5% of biomass weight at the frequency of three times a day. Result of the experiment showed that the survival rate for all treatments was 100%, while the alkalinity which suitable for daily growth rate of the fish was 80 ppm C’aCOr 
PENGARUH KADAR VITAMIN E DALAM PAKAN TERHADAP KUALITAS TELUR IKAN PATIN (Pangasius hypophthalmus) [Effect of dietary vitamin E on the egg quality of catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus)] nFN Yulfiperius; Ing Mokoginta; Dedi Jusadi
Jurnal Iktiologi Indonesia Vol 3 No 1 (2003): Juni 2003
Publisher : Masyarakat Iktiologi Indonesia (Indonesian Ichthyological Society)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32491/jii.v3i1.267


This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of dietary vitamin E (VE) on the diet of catfish broodstock, Pangasius hypophthalmus on the egg quality. Four isonitrogenous (37.68-38.05% crude protein) and isocaloric (3066.66-3104.71 kcal digestible energy/kg of feed) practical diets contained either 28.08, 146.55, 189.65, or 251.80 mg VE/kg of feed, respectively, were applied the to catfish broodstock. The broodstock were cultivated in net cages held in earthen pond. Fishes were fed daily at 4% of body weight for 15 months using these diets. During feeding period, gonad maturation stage were examined, and egg ovulation was induced artificially. The vitamin E and the total lipid contents in the eggs produced were increase as the dosage of VE in the diet elevated. The vitamin E affected the gonad somatic index, fecundity, egg diameter, hatching rate, abnormal larvae, and total number of larvae produced. Fishes fed on diet containing 189.65 mg VE/kg of feed significantly produced the highest hatching rate (78.77%), total number of larva 332,339/kg of brood stock, and lowest abnormal larvae (0.19%). Supplementation 189.65 mg VE/kg of feed significantly improve the eggs quality of catfish. AbstrakPercobaan ini dilakukan untuk menentukan pengaruh dari vitamin E (VE) dalam pakan induk ikan patin, Pangasius hypophthalmus terhadap kualitas telurnya. Empat macam pakan yang digunakan yaitu yang mengandung protein relatif sama yaitu berkisar antara 37.68-38.05% dan kalorinya 3066.66-3104.71 kkal/kg pakan, kandungan VE yang digunakan dalam pakan secara berturut-turut antara lain 28.08, 146.55, 189.65, dan 251.80 mg VE/kg pakan. Induk dipelihara dalam jaring yang ditempatkan dalam kolam beton. Setiap liari ikan diberi makan sebanyak 4% dari berat tubuh untuk selama 15 bulan. Selama periode pemberian pakan, tingkat kematangan gonad diperiksa, dan pembuahan dilakukan secara buatan. Vitamin E dan kandungan lemak dalam telur yang dihasilkan meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan dosis VE dalam pakan. Vitamin E mempengaruhi gonad somatik indek, fekunditas, diameter telur, laju penetasan, larva abnormal, dan jumlah total larva yang dihasilkan. Pakan yang mengandung 189.65 mg VE/kg pakan menghasilkan tingkat penetasan yang tinggi (78.77%), jumlah total larva 332,339 ekor/kg induk, dan larva abnormal terendah (0.19%). Penambahan 189.65 mg/kg pakan dapat meningkatkan kualitas telur ikan patin.