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The Effect Of Service Quality, Product Quality, And Chatime Product Promotion On Customer Satisfaction (Case Study Of Chatime Customers In The Central Jakarta Region) Ulfania Eka Erlinda; Suryari Purnama; Fachmi Tamzil
APTISI Transactions on Management (ATM) Vol 6 No 1 (2022): ATM (APTISI Transactions on Management: January)
Publisher : Pandawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33050/atm.v6i1.1680


This study aims to determine the effect of service quality, product quality, and promotion of Chatime products on customer satisfaction (a case study of Chatime customers in the Central Jakarta Region). The population in this study are all Chatime customers who make direct purchases at outlets. The sample in this study was taken by non-probability sampling method using purposive sampling technique as many as 185 respondents. The data collection method used in this study was through an online questionnaire—data processing using Multiple Regression Analysis. The results of this study indicate: (1) service quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction; (2) product quality has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction; (3) promotion has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction; (4) service quality, product quality, and promotion have a simultaneous positive, and significant effect on Chatime customer satisfaction in the Central Jakarta area; (5) the variable that has a dominant influence on Chatime customer satisfaction in the Central Jakarta area is the promotion variable.
Evaluasi Usability Electronic Integrated Antenatal Care (e-iANC) Hosizah Hosizah; Fachmi Tamzil; Mulyo Wiharto
Indonesian of Health Information Management Journal (INOHIM) Vol 8, No 2 (2020): INOHIM
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/inohim.v8i2.227


AbstractElectronic Integrated Antenatal Care (e-iANC) is a web-based application that can be used by midwives in antenatal care (ANC) data and information management. Currently, e-iANC is being developed so that it can be used in the public primary healthcare at sub-district level. To ensure that e-iANC is used by end users, it was needed to test e-iANC using the System Usability Scale (SUS) instrument. The e-iANC test had been conducted in a structured and accurate manner by using SUS’ ten statements on 22 purposive samples. The results obtained were 83.1 scores, which means that the e-iANC application was declared acceptable (acceptable) and good ratings in grade A and B. The e-iANC application could be developed and used as a tool for midwives in ANC.Keyword: Electronic Integrated Antenatal Care, e-iANC, System Usability Scale (SUS), midwifeAbstrakElectronic Integrated Antenatal Care (e-iANC) merupakan aplikasi berbasis web yang dapat digunakan bidan dalam manajemen data dan informasi pelayanan antenatal (ANC). Saat ini e-iANC sedang dikembangkan agar dapat digunakan dalam lingkup lebih luas yaitu di puskesmas tingkat kelurahan dan kecamatan. Untuk menjamin e-iANC dapat dimanfaatkan bidan sebagai pengguna akhir diperlukan pengujian menggunakan SUS’s instrument (System Usability Scale). Pengujian e-iANC telah dilaksanakan secara sistematis dan terukur secara akurat menggunakan 10 pernyataan untuk menilai sampel sebanyak 22 orang yang diambil secara purposive. Hasil pengujian e-iANC diperoleh skor penilaian 83,1 yang berarti aplikasi e-iANC acceptable atau dapat diterima pengguna akhir dan dalam grade A dan B dengan rating excellent. Hal ini berarti aplikasi e-iANC dapat terus dikembangkan dan dijadikan alat bantu bidan dalam melakukan ANC.Kata Kunci: Electronic Integrated Antenatal Care, e-iANC, System Usability Scale (SUS), bidan 
Pemanfaatan Strategi Pemasaran 5.0 Untuk Peningkatan Penjualan Pada Kelompok Tani Desa Cidokom Gilang Pratama; Fachmi Tamzil; Elistia Elistia
Jurnal Komunitas : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4, No 2: Januari 2022
Publisher : Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen Stiami

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.156 KB) | DOI: 10.31334/jks.v4i2.2112


Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan mengelola manajemen usaha yang berfokus pada aspek manajemen pemasaran dan komunikasi pemasaran yang berbasis IPTEK terhadap Kelompok Tani, yang terletak di Desa Cidokom. Sasaran program PKM ini adalah kelompok masyarakat yang produktif secara ekonomi (UKM). Tujuan program adalah untuk mengembangkan masyarakat yang mandiri secara ekonomidengan mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam salah satu dimensi proses bisnisnya. Mitra usaha dalam program ini adalah kelompok usaha budidaya tanaman hias. Analisis thematic dalam pre survey mendapatkan permasalahan mitra meliputi; Tata kelola keuangan yang tidak lancar, solusinya: mendukung pelaksanaan dan kelancaran usaha mitra PKM dari sisi penyiapan permodalan dan pengelolaan keuangan usaha dengan perancangan dan pelatihan manajemen keuangan (aliran kas), perencanaan usaha yang baik, dan efisiensi serta efektivitas dana usaha. Permasalahan kedua terletak pada melemahnya tingkat penjualan selama pandemic Covid-19, solusinya adalah meningkatkan ketrampilan mitra PKM dalam menunjang produktivitas, dengan pelatihan difusi inovasi teknologi pemasaran. Realisasi progam PKM dengan terjadinya volume penjualan dengan meningkatkan awareness, pembuatan e-katalog penjualan, alternatif sistem penjualan (konsinyasi) dan saluran pemasaran lainnya serta penataan pasar yang lebih luas menggunakan konsep digital marketing 5.0. luaran wajib dan luaran lainnya yang ditargetkan program PKM ini berupa: 1. Publikasi di jurnal ilmiah cetak atau elektronik di Jurnal Nasional ber-ISSN, 2. Artikel ilmiah dimuat di jurnal cetak atau elektronik Nasional, 3. Permodelan Manajemen Produksi, 4. Peningkatan daya saing Mitra Produktif Ekonomi dalam aspek Pemasaran, 5. Penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna IPTEK digital marketing pada UMKM. Rencana kegiatan dimulai dari merumuskan permasalahan, mencari solusi, merencanakan dan melaksanakan seluruh PKM serta mensosialisasikan hasil penerapan teknologi tepat guna ke seluruh anggota mitra.
The Influence of Consumer Behavior and Ease of Transactions on the Use of E-Money (Case Study of Transjakarta, Tanjung Priok Sub-District) Siti Mariam; Kartika Sari; Fachmi Tamzil
IDEAS: Journal of Management & Technology Vol 3, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : President University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33021/ideas.v3i1.4679


This study aims to analyze the effect of consumer behavior and ease of transaction on the use of e-money (Case Study of Transjakarta in Tanjung Priok District) partially and simultaneously. This research uses quantitative research. The analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis. Data analysis used IBM SPSS Statistics Version 26 Program. The research population was 800 respondents using E-money consumers. The results of the study: (1) There is a positive and significant influence of consumer behavior on the use of e-money, with the magnitude of the effect of 32.6%. (2) There is a positive and significant effect of Ease of Transactions on the Use of E-money, with a magnitude of 24.3%. (3) There is a positive and significant effect of Consumer Behavior and Ease of Transactions on the Use of E-money, with a magnitude of 36.1%.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Fintech Consumers in Indonesia Gilang Pratama Hafiz; Dodi Ria Atmaja; Fachmi Tamzil
Indikator: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol 7, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/indikator.v7i3.19766


The researcher conducted a pre-survey in order to find out more about the reasons that make consumers choose digital payment providers in making daily payments. From the pre-survey that was asked of 100 consumers, it was found that there were 4 factors that dominated the determination of consumer intentions in choosing digital payment providers. Based on the situation analysis and pre-survey findings, it is important to conduct this research so that it can become a strong theoretical foundation for stakeholders in the financial technology industry (FINTECH) in Indonesia and can contribute to the success of government programs in encouraging the development of the digital economy and digitalization in Indonesia. The sample involved 1,713 respondents with certain criteria and was analyzed using the structural equation modeling method. The findings state that the intention to use FINTECH can be increased through user satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is strongly influenced by the diffusion of innovation from the technology presented in the service, where the service must be able to make it easier for users to transact. Customer satisfaction must be a priority in designing customer-oriented product and service management, so as to form brand integrity that reflects quality service. To obtain a better determination, especially in assessing customer satisfaction using mobile payments, many factors such as Hedonic Value, Information Quality are factors that are suspected to have antecedents that need to be tested.
Principal Leadership In Implementing Independent Learning Concept At Jatirasa II Public Elementary School, Bekasi City Iswadi Iswadi; Fachmi Tamzil; Tuhfah Humairoh
FIKROTUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Manajemen Islam Vol. 12 No. 01 (2023): 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Institut Agama Islam Al-Khairat Pamekasan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32806/jf.v12i01.6541


Education is in the spotlight because it is a vehicle for human resource development. The purpose of this study was to examine the principal's leadership in implementing the concept of independent learning at Jatirasa II Public Elementary School, Bekasi City. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive. The results of the study show that 1) the leadership of the principal plays an important role in the progress of the school 2) the implementation of independent learning at Jatirasa II Public Elementary School, Bekasi City a) the principal takes steps to support independent learning; b) encourage teachers to make learning fun for students, so students don't get bored; c) motivate students to always be ready and eager to learn; d) involve parents and the community actively; d) cooperate with the education office to improve the quality of teachers at Jatirasa II Public Elementary School, Bekasi City. Indicators of the success of the principal's administration in implementing independent learning at Jatirasa II Public Elementary School, Bekasi City are 1) there is an equal distribution of student participation in education; 2) effective and interesting learning; and 3) students are not left behind in the learning process.
Kemitraan pendidikan dan pengembangan kapabilitas dinamis UMKM guna meningkatkan ekspor melalui manajemen produksi berkualitas Gilang Pratama; Dodi Ria Atmaja; Andi Hidayat Mukmin; Fachmi Tamzil
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS) Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS)
Publisher : University of Islam Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33474/jipemas.v7i1.21040


Mitra program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah UMKM yang melakukan produksi kuliner rendang siap saji dalam kemasan dalam skala industri rumah tangga di tempat tinggal Mitra di Ibukota DKI Jakarta. Produksi rendang dalam kemasan ini, dikelola oleh Mitra bersama sekelompok pengusaha kuliner yang tinggal di daerah tersebut. Program pengabdian dengan metode Service-Learning ini dirancang untuk memberikan manfaat kepada mitra dalam usahanya memproduksi dan memasarkan produk rendang siap saji dalam kemasan dengan meningkatkan kapabilitas dinamis yang memiliki ketahanan produk lebih lama, serta lebih berkualitas dan praktis baik saat didistribusikan maupun saat dikonsumsi oleh konsumen. Pelaksanaan program pengabdian berupa transfer knowledge dan pendampingan mulai dari tahap produksi hingga pendaftaran sertifikasi BPOM dan Sertifikasi Halal serta Paten Merek kepada mitra, program PkM ini juga menghasilkan Buku Diklat Manajemen produksi kuliner siap ekspor bagi mitra. Program pengabdian ini memberikan manfaat nyata bagi peningkatan mutu produk Mitra, dari sisi inovasi varian rasa, peningkatan ketahanan, dan berpeluang besar meningkatkan omset dan produktivitas mitra. Program pengabdian berencana akan dilanjutkan berupa pameran produk serta pengendalian- penjaminan mutu (quality control-quality assurance) bagi tenaga produksi untuk dapat terus menerus memproduksi produk yang berkualitas di tempat usaha mitra agar bisa memenuhi kebutuhan ekspor.
Optimizing Digital Applications For MSMEs In Operational Efficiency And Encouraging The Acceleration Of The Digital Economy Andi Primafira Bumandava Eka; Sarlina Sari; Sutono Sutono; Fachmi Tamzil; Dewi Anggraeni
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 13 No. 03 (2024): Jurnal Ekonomi, Edition July -September 2024
Publisher : SEAN Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In the digital economy era, the application of information and communication technology is the main support for MSMEs to improve operational efficiency. This study uses a systematic literature review method to review and analyze literature related to the adoption of digital technology in MSMEs. The results show that digital applications such as inventory management systems, e-commerce platforms, digital marketing tools, and financial applications can significantly improve the operational efficiency of MSMEs. However, the adoption of these technologies still faces barriers such as limited resources, lack of technical knowledge, and minimal infrastructure support. To encourage the adoption of digital technology, it is necessary to improve digital literacy, financial support, and strengthen infrastructure. Case studies show the success of MSMEs that have adopted digital technology in increasing sales and operational efficiency. This research provides practical recommendations for MSMEs, government, and other stakeholders in supporting MSME digitalization, which in turn is expected to contribute to the acceleration of the digital economy in Indonesia.