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LINGUISTICA Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Vol. 10, No. 2 (2021): APRIL-JUNE 2021
Publisher : State University of Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jalu.v10i2.26542


The objectives of this study were to find out meanings, what, how, and why the meanings were realized in the Gotilon Batak Toba Ceremony in Dolok Sanggul Humbang Hasundutan. This study was conducted using an observation study. The data of this study were taken from Gotilon Ceremony. The sources of the data were the Gotilon Ceremony in Dolok Sanggul and the informants or Raja Parhata in Dolok Sanggul. The data were analyzed by using Roland’s theory of semiotics object. The writer found the meanings on Gotilon Batak Toba Ceremony, namely: revise, support one, support two, support three, rid, speed, addition, exploitative two, exploitative three, survive, joyfulness, invitation, stay focus, keep fight, togetherness, convince, easier, kinship, honor, offering, and thanksgiving. From those materials were found that there were verbal utterances that consist of Atur biur, Angkat nomor sada, Angkat nomor dua, Angkat nomor tolu, Buang jauh-jauh, Eme, Rugi, Ponggol nomor dua, Ponggol nomor tolu, Naeng Sahat, Tambun Namboru, Hurre Alogo, Unang mekkel, Tahan nafas, Satukan, Beres. And there were symbols namely Luhutan, Marsirippa, Sipanganon, Mangamoti, and Pesta Gotilon. The signs used in Gotilon ceremony because they want to convey the meanings of the ceremony.
LINGUISTICA Vol 9, No 3 (2020): Vol. 9, No. 3 (2020): JUL-SEPT 2020
Publisher : State University of Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jalu.v9i3.20135


This study deals with the characterization of Ronggur as the main character in Toba Dreams Movie and it was aimed to knowing the characteristics of antisocial personality of Ronggur in the movie. It was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data was taken from Toba Dreams movie and the data were which showed actions and dramatic statements from Ronggur and other characters in the movie. The findings of the study showed that the characteristics of antisocial personality of Ronggur are : (1) failure to conform to social norms and respect lawful behaviours with 2 items, (2) deceitfulness with 10 items, (3) impulsivity with 5 items, (4) irritability with 33 items, (5) reckless disregard for the safety of self or others with 7 items, (6) Lack of Remorse with 3 items. The method of characterization and antisocial characteristics used on the main character in Toba Dreams have different meaning. Which in Robert & Jacobs theory of characterization methods presents antisocial personality characteristics, whereas in Schwartz theory antisocial characteristics apply to see the depiction of antisocial personality. Keywords: Characterization, antisocial personality, main character, movie.
Idiomatic Expression Used in Malay Labuhanbatu Wedding Ceremony Sisila Fitriany Damanik; Tiarnita Maria Sarjani Siregar
Britain International of Linguistics Arts and Education (BIoLAE) Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Britain International of Linguistics, Arts and Education - November
Publisher : Britain International for Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/biolae.v1i2.69


The aim of this study is to find out types of idiomatic expression in Malay Labuhanbatu Wedding Ceremony (MLWC). This study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative research. The data were collected by applying documentary and interview technique, and applying the theory of Charles F Hockett to analyzed the types of idiomatic expression in MLWC. Charles F Hockett divides the types of idiomatic expression into 5 types, Proper Names, Abbreviation, English Phrasal Compounds, Figure of Speech and the theory of Abdul Chaer is used to analyzed the applying of Idiomatic expression in MLWC. After analyzing the data, it is found that Malay Labuhanbatu wedding ceremony are used to maintain the respect in the social relation of society, to preserve the Idiomatic Expresssion in Malay Labuhanbatu, and to enrich the Malay language, and the last to present the Malay Culture through the use of idiom
LINGUISTICA Vol 11, No 3 (2022): JULY-OCTOBER 2022
Publisher : State University of Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jalu.v11i3.39602


This study aims to find out the kinds of misogynist hostility that happened to the main character and the factors that influence the misogynist hostility directed at the main character. The objective of this study is to find out: 1) To analyze the misogynist hostilities that occur to the main character; and 2) To explain the factors that are the cause of the misogynist hostilities that happened to the main character. The data on this study was the written narrative and dialogue text taken from “Mary Queen of Scots” screenplay. The findings show that:  1) There are three kinds of categorized misogynist hostilities consist of fifth-teen kinds of hostilities there are Infantilizing and Belittling (ridiculing, humiliating, mocking, slurring, vilifying, and demonizing), Sexualization and Desexualization (silencing, shunning, shaming, blaming, patronizing, and condescending), and Aggression (physical violence, intimate partner violence (IPV), and rape). 2) There are three kinds of misogynist hostilities factor that are the main factors that influence the misogynist hostilities that occurred to the main character in the screenplay. Which consist of eleventh kinds of the reasons behind the misogynist hostilities; there are anxieties, fears, and desire to preserve the patriarchal order (Threatened, cornered, thwarted, let down, wounded, undermined, ousted, surpassed, disappointed, humiliated, chastened). In conclusion, the misogynist hostilities happened to the main character because their subordinate felt anxious and feared being overpowered. Thus, they turn hostile to punish the main character for preserving the patriarchal order.
Indonesian humorous status in social media: An application of script-based semantic theory of humour Sisila Fitriany Damanik; Mulyadi Mulyadi
Studies in English Language and Education Vol 7, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1368.722 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/siele.v7i2.17237


This paper aims to analyse Indonesian humorous status in social media by applying the Script Semantic Theory of Humour (SSTH) and the parameters called Knowledge Resources (KRs) of the General Theory of Verbal Humour (GTVH). It is conducted by applying a qualitative method since the purpose of this study is primarily to describe and to establish the variation in a situation, phenomenon, problem, or event without quantifying them. The data is taken from Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp account followed by the first writer of this study for eight months. There are 17 statuses to be analysed, in which, seven statuses consist of 21 phrases analysed by applying SSTH theory, while the other 10 statuses consist of 14 phrases as set-up stages, 18 phrases, and three pictures as punchline stages analysed by applying GTVH theory. From the data being displayed, regarding the Superiority theory, it is found that people generally laugh because of other people’s misfortunes, and it emphasizes one’s superiority to the shortcomings of others. The people will laugh at individuals who are inferior or ugly, because they feel happy, and feel superior to them. Based on Release/Relief theory, humorous status also stems from regenerating something painful into something light-hearted. It is an indication of the misfortunate aspects of life. From the Incongruity theory, it is found that humour appears when there is an oddity between the concepts prepared in certain situations and the real events that are thought to be related to the concept. The paper further elaborates the findings and discuss them in detail.
TRANSFORM : Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.651 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/tj.v9i3.24465


This study deals with the characterization of Ronggur as the main character in Toba Dreams Movie and it was aimed to knowing the characteristics of antisocial personality of Ronggur in the movie. It was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data was taken from Toba Dreams movie and the data were which showed actions and dramatic statements from Ronggur and other characters in the movie. The findings of the study showed that the characteristics of antisocial personality of Ronggur are : (1) failure to conform to social norms and respect lawful behaviours with 2 items, (2) deceitfulness with 10 items, (3) impulsivity with 5 items, (4) irritability with 33 items, (5) reckless disregard for the safety of self or others with 7 items, (6) Lack of Remorse with 3 items. The method of characterization and antisocial characteristics used on the main character in Toba Dreams have different meaning. Which in Robert & Jacobs theory of characterization methods presents antisocial personality characteristics, whereas in Schwartz theory antisocial characteristics apply to see the depiction of antisocial personality.
METAPHOR IN ONANG-ONANG SONG ISMAIL HARAHAP; Meisuri Meisuri; Sisila Fitriany Damanik
TRANSFORM : Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning Vol 9, No 4 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (447.123 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/tj.v9i4.24533


This study was about the use of metaphor in the onang-onang song. The goals of the study were: to find out the types of metaphor used in onang-onang song, describe the realization of each type, and explain the reasons of onang-onang song represent in the particular value. The descriptive-qualitative method was used in the analysis of metaphor. The data of the study taken from six Onang-onang songs and have 67 utterances 11 lines have metaphor meaning. The results of the data analysis showed that there were three types of metaphor: conceptual (45.4%),and followed by ontological (36.3%), and orientational metaphor (18.1)%. The song were realized linguistically by identifying in each of the uterancess to get the implicit message in the song. The onang-onang songs were used in cultural values because all of the message in each of lyrics has a good meaning such as adviced, shared experience, and also kind of prayer to the new mariage life. So to make this study be strong, a tribal leader has an important role to translate of each lyrics.
Main Character’s Conflict and Defense Mechanisms in The Novel “Tentang Kamu” by Tere Liye Lilia Sarah Indriani Saragih; Sisila Fitriany Damanik; Winda Setiasari
TRANSFORM : Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning Vol 10, No 1 (2021): Transform (March, 2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.78 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/tj.v10i1.43247


The study dealed with the maincharacter’s conflicts and defensemechanisms found in a novel “TentangKamu” written by Tere Liye. The objectivesof this study were to find out the types ofconflict of the main character and thedefense mechanism that is reflected insolving the problem. The sources of thedata were taken from the novel “TentangKamu” By Tere Liye. This was anobservation study because this studyfocused on the analysis of spoken languagein the novel. The collected data wereidentified, divided, and analyzed based onliterature and psychology perspectives ofIslam’s (2016) theory and defensemechanisms by Cramer (2006). Thefindings show that Sri Ningsih, as the maincharacter, faces the external conflict whichis described as person vs nature whereasthe internal conflicts is person vs himselfwhich describes the features of sadness,anger, betrayal, anxiety, love and regret asexperienced by the main character. Theconflict between person vs. herself(internal conflict) becomes the mostcommon conflict faced by the maincharacter then it was followed with thedefense mechanism of denial andidentification.
Hyperboles Used by A Beauty Influencer in The Beauty Product Reviews Videos on YouTube Ulfa Julianti Pulungan; Sisila Fitriany Damanik
TRANSFORM : Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning Vol 11, No 3 (2022): Transform (Sept, 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.223 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/tj.v11i3.44032


This study attempts to analyze hyperboles used by a beauty influencer in the beauty product review videos on YouTube. One of the most famous beauty influencer named Suhay Salim in her beauty product reviews videos on her YouTube channel often applying hyperbolic utterances. By following Claridge (2011) and Cano Mora (2006) theory of hyperbole, the study aims to find out the form of hyperbole that used by Suhay Salim in her beauty product reviews videos, and also how the hyperbolic utterance conveyed and why they used in the ways they are. In order to achieve the aims, the data is in the form of utterances that was selected from two of Suhay Salim’s most popular videos which contain skincare products review on her YouTube channel. The study adopts descriptive qualitative research method in order to give detailed explanation in describing the phenomenon. The results show that Suhay Salim uses six forms of hyperbole such as single word, phrasal, clausal, numerical, comparison and repetition hyperbole. And they are conveyed through variations of words, phrases and clauses. There are found some hyperbolic markers which can be grouped into two hyperbole form. There are found more than one hyperbolic marker in one example. And there are also found some examples have the same hyperbolic utterance. Moreover, the use of the hyperbole makes the utterances during reviewing the products way more attractive, convincing and persuasive which can attracts the viewer’s attention and influence them to buy the same product as the reviewer.
GENRE JOURNAL : Journal of Applied Linguistics of FBS Unimed Vol 7, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.018 KB) | DOI: 10.24114/genre.v7i2.12427


The aim of this study is to develop Word Walls as media for teaching writing descriptive text at the seventh grade students of MTs S Nurul Hakim Tembung. The researcher used Research and Development (R & D) method through six steps: gathering data and information, need analysis, media design, validating to experts, revising, and final product. The subjects of this research were 26 students from VII A at MTs S Nurul Hakim Tembung. The instrument of collecting data was using questionnaires and interviewing the teacher. The data were analyzed by descriptive text technique. The product was assessed from two experts. The average scores of the product assessment were 90 from English teacher, and 92 from English lecturer. The total average scores from two experts were 91 which was in very good quality. It means that the developed product/Word Walls is eligible to be used for teaching writing descriptive text for the seventh grades students at MTs S Nurul Hakim Tembung.  Keywords: Research and Development (R & D), writing descriptive text, word walls.