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Pemanfaatan Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskular Untuk Mereduksi Kadar Pb dan Cd pada Lahan Sawah Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Selada Marhamah Nadir; Syamsia Syamsia; Sartika Laban
Jurnal Ecosolum Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.095 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/ecosolum.v7i2.6853


Pb and Cd are two types of heavy metal that has been widely contaminates agricultural land. Pollution on agricultural land led to a decrease in productivity, disruption of the ecological balance and impaired human health. The research aims to identify and detect the content of heavy metals Cd and Pb in the soil and measure the effectiveness of the arbuscular mycorrhizal veskular withstand heavy metals in lettuce plants. Soil samples were collected in the Village Sudiang Makassar City using stratified sampling and purposive sampling methods. Sampling points are distinguished based on the distance from the highway, which is 15 meters and 30 meters. Analysis of heavy metal content in soil carried Soil Laboratory BPTP Maros. The study based on a randomized block design in a factorial 2 factors. The first factor was soil sampling and the second factor was the provision of mycorrhizae. Based on the survey results revealed that the content of Pb and Cd in soil belt of northern South Sulawesi has passed the threshold. Due to the reduced content of Pb and Cd after treatment arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi but the decline is not significant compared with no treatment mycorrhizae. The content of Cd and Pb in plants of lettuce grown in the various media and the addition of CAM treatments above the threshold concentration safe for consumption.
Analisis Indeks Produktivitas Lahan untuk Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan di Bagian Hilir Daerah Irigasi Kampili Muh. Akbar; Burhanuddin Rasyid; Sartika Laban
Jurnal Ecosolum Vol. 8 No. 2 (2019): DESEMBER
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (35.08 KB) | DOI: 10.20956/ecosolum.v8i2.8663


The large population growth of Indonesia encourages the transition of the function of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. The demand for land from time to time always increased, while the available land limited in number. This caused the conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. This phenomenon certainly could bring serious problems. This study aimed to determine the land productivity index for rice and green beans cultivation and to find out the factors that influence production. The productivity indexes analyzed based on the Storie Approach. Soil sampling was carried out by an open grid method divided based on five land map units which spread across three different villages in Kampili irrigation area. The results of the study indicate that the highest productivity index is shown in SPT 5 where the productivity index is 47 and the lowest productivity index is shown in SPT 2 where the productivity index is 21,6. The land productivity index in the downstream of the Kampili irrigation area, which is located in the district of West Bajeng is poor to sufficient level. The low value of land productivity was strongly influenced due to poor soil quality, especially soil chemical properties. The results of the laboratory analysis show that nutrients in those areas are low.
DIVERSIFIKASI USAHA OLAHAN RUMPUT LAUT MELALUI PEMBUATAN EKADO Adiansyah Syarifuddin; Sartika Laban; Muhammad Arsyad; Nurlaila Abdullah; Mariyati Bilang; Mulyati Muhammad Tahir
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 4 NO. 1 OKTOBER 2018
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v4i1.5276


Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas hasil laut yang diunggulkan dikarenakan memiliki kandungan yodium yang tinggi. Tingginya kandungan yodium yang dimiliki rumput laut membuat komoditas ini dapat dikembangkan menjadi produk subsitusi tepung terigu menjadi produk pangan olahan khususnya ekado. Ekado merupakan makanan yang dibungkus dengan adonan kulit pangsit. Adonan kulit pangsit terbuat dari tepung terigu dengan penambahan rumput laut. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kelompok usaha Matahari dalam menghasilkan ekado; (2) Meningkatkan pengetahuan kelompok usaha Matahari mengenai aspek keamanan pangan dan pemilihan jenis kemasan yang tepat; (3) Meningkatkan pengetahuan manajemen dan strategi pemasaran produk. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan meliputi penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Metode penyuluhan dan pelatihan dilakukan untuk menjelaskan tentang manfaat ekado, cara membuat ekado, keamanan pangan dan pengetahuan manajemen dan strategi pemasaran. Sementara itu metode pelatihan diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari membuat ekado dan mengemas vakum produk olahan rumput laut. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah ibu-ibu kelompok usaha Matahari banyak memperoleh pemahaman diversifikasi olahan rumput laut seperti ekado. Selain itu peserta menyadari pentingnya keamanan pangan dalam proses produksi, pemilihan jenis kemasan yang tepat dan mengetahui cara penggunaan kemasan vakum. Bahkan, peserta juga menyadari pentingnya kemasan yang menarik dalam memasarkan produk olahan dan cara memasarkan produk olahan ekado. Kata kunci: diversifikasi, rumput laut, ekado, kemasan, keamanan pangan, promosi.
Drone-Based Vegetation Index Analysis to Estimated Nitrogen Content on The Rice Plantations Ahmad Fauzan Adzima; Risma Neswati; Sartika Laban; Muh Jayadi; Muhammad Fuad Anshori; Husnul Mubarak; Eva Noviyanti; Nur Qalbi Zaesar Muharram; Andi Dharmawan Mallarangen
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Nitrogen (N) is one of the essential nutrients needed for the growth of rice plants. Therefore, N fertilizing must be applied efficiently to achieve optimal results. Various methods have been used to calculate the N content in rice plants, such as tissue analysis and the use of Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) technology. This technology still has lack of time efficiency. Other technologies are needed to quickly support precise agricultural analysis, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This study aimed to analyze the N content of rice crop using the UAV-based vegetation index and to compare the measurement of N content accuracy between SPAD chlorophyll and rice plant vegetation index. This study used survey methods and laboratory tests based on several approaches, namely analysis of photosynthesis physiology, leaves tissue analysis, and vegetation index using UAV. Based on the research results, it was found that the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index value had a strong correlation with N content of leaves tissue ​​and SPAD chlorophyll. While the results of the accuracy test, the results of chlorophyll with SPAD (CI A) have better accuracy than the NDVI vegetation index. The r value between CI A – N leaves and NDVI – N leaves did not show a significant difference. In addition, the correlation results show that N content of leaves (r=0.83), CI A (r=0.88), CI B (r=81), and CI TOT (r=0.87) have a very high correlation with NDVI. This shows a unidirectional relationship between variables so that the NDVI variable can be used as a consideration to determine chlorophyll in the plants studied.
INDEKS BAHAYA EROSI DI SUB DAS PASUI HULU DAS SADDANG: Erosion Hazard Index in Upstream Sub Watershed Pasui of Saddang Watershed Lia Asmira; Syamsul Arifin Lias; Sartika Laban
Jurnal Ecosolum Vol. 11 No. 1 (2022): JUNI
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/ecosolum.v11i1.21597


Sub watershed Pasui is an upstream area of Saddang watershed with mountain topography dominated by agricultural cultivation activities of coffee, cocoa, cloves and onions without conservation methods. Agricultural cultivation activities that do not apply conservation methods on steep slopes are expected to increase the rate of erosion in this region. This study is aim to determine the magnitude of potential erosion and erosion hazard index in Sub watershed Pasui upstream Saddang watershed. The method of study is conducted survey and soil sampling in Sub watershed Pasui, Baraka subdistrict and Buntu Batu, Enrekang regency. The study took place from February to August 2021. Erosion restoration uses the USLE method, while the restoration of erosion hazard index refers to The Minister of Forestry Regulation No. 60 of 2014. Paddy field cover, mixed dry land agriculture and forest are classified as low erosion hazard index class with potential erosion value <15 ton/ha/year. Meanwhile, dry land and savanna agriculture belong to a very high erosion hazard index class with a potential erosion value. The weighted average potential erosion value is 189,46 tons/ha/year, while the weighted average erosion hazard index in the Sub watershed Pasui upstream Saddang watershed is 8,83 and belongs to the highest erosion hazard class.