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Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 7 NO. 1 OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v7i1.18536


Teknologi budidaya tanaman pada era 4.0 membutuhkan konsep pertanian cerdas untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas budidaya tanaman. Salah satu teknologi pertanian cerdas dalam bidang pertanian adalah penggunaan pesawat tanpa awak atau drone. Teknologi ini dapat menjawab permasalahan terkait evaluasi budidaya pertanaman, sehingga pengabdian teknologi ini kepada petani menjadi terobosan baru dalam memajukan kesejahtera petani. Metode penelitian ini memggunakan  demonstrasi langsung dilapangan, tepatnya pada kelompok Tani Pattarowangta, Galesong Selatan, Kabupaten Takalar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Penggunaan teknologi untuk bidang pertanian seperti UAV diyakini bisa memberi banyak keuntungan kepada pelaku industri pertanian, terkhusus kepada petani. Proses pemantauan dan deteksi dini serangan hama, penyakit, kekurangan nutrisi, hingga prediksi waktu dan hasil panen menggunakan pesawat tanpa awak atau drone telah menjadi terobosan baru dibidang pertanian. Oleh sebab itu teknolohgi ini direkomendasikan dalam menentukan keputusan atau kebijakan yang tepat dalam mengelola suatu sumbedaya lahan. Kata kunci: Pesawat tanpa awak, pertanian cerdas, pemantauan, Jagung. ABSTRACT Plant cultivation technology in the 4.0 era requires smart farming concepts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of plant cultivation. One of the smart farming technologies in agriculture is the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). This technology can answer problems related to the evaluation of crop cultivation so that the service of this technology to farmers is a breakthrough in advancing the welfare of farmers. This research method uses direct demonstration in the field, precisely in the Pattarowangta farmer group, South Galesong, Takalar Regency. The results of this study indicate that the use of technology for agriculture such as UAV is believed to be able to provide many benefits to agricultural industry players, especially to farmers. The process of monitoring and early detection of pests, diseases, nutritional deficiencies, to predict harvest time and yields using unmanned aerial vehicles has become a breakthrough in agriculture. Therefore, this technology is recommended in determining the right decisions or policies in managing a land resource. Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicles, smart agriculture, monitoring, Zea mays.
Drone-Based Vegetation Index Analysis to Estimated Nitrogen Content on The Rice Plantations Ahmad Fauzan Adzima; Risma Neswati; Sartika Laban; Muh Jayadi; Muhammad Fuad Anshori; Husnul Mubarak; Eva Noviyanti; Nur Qalbi Zaesar Muharram; Andi Dharmawan Mallarangen
Jurnal Agritechno Jurnal Agritechno Vol. 15, Nomor 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : Depertemen Teknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/


Nitrogen (N) is one of the essential nutrients needed for the growth of rice plants. Therefore, N fertilizing must be applied efficiently to achieve optimal results. Various methods have been used to calculate the N content in rice plants, such as tissue analysis and the use of Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) technology. This technology still has lack of time efficiency. Other technologies are needed to quickly support precise agricultural analysis, such as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This study aimed to analyze the N content of rice crop using the UAV-based vegetation index and to compare the measurement of N content accuracy between SPAD chlorophyll and rice plant vegetation index. This study used survey methods and laboratory tests based on several approaches, namely analysis of photosynthesis physiology, leaves tissue analysis, and vegetation index using UAV. Based on the research results, it was found that the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index value had a strong correlation with N content of leaves tissue ​​and SPAD chlorophyll. While the results of the accuracy test, the results of chlorophyll with SPAD (CI A) have better accuracy than the NDVI vegetation index. The r value between CI A – N leaves and NDVI – N leaves did not show a significant difference. In addition, the correlation results show that N content of leaves (r=0.83), CI A (r=0.88), CI B (r=81), and CI TOT (r=0.87) have a very high correlation with NDVI. This shows a unidirectional relationship between variables so that the NDVI variable can be used as a consideration to determine chlorophyll in the plants studied.
PEMBERDAYAAN PETANI MELALUI PELATIHAN SELIDIK CEPAT KESUBURAN TANAH SAWAH DI DESA PANAIKANG, KECAMATAN MINESATENE, PANGKEP Asmita Ahmad; Muh Jayadi; Risky Nurhikmayani; Rahmawati; Zulkarnain Chairuddin; Muh. Ansar; Sartika Laban; Nirmala Juita; Ahmad Fauzan Adzima; Balqis Nur Aisyah; Maksum Madjidi; Magfirah Djamaluddin; Sulfadli S; Ahmad Tirta Setiadi; Adiet Nurholis Al Gani; Idul Idul; Mutmainna Mutmainna; Istiqama Maulidina Annisa; Nova Tries Ardani
Jurnal Dinamika Pengabdian (JDP) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): JURNAL DINAMIKA PENGABDIAN VOL. 9 NO. 1 OKTOBER 2023
Publisher : Departemen Budidaya Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20956/jdp.v9i1.30235


Penurunan hasil produksi dalam satu dekade terakhir telah dirasakan oleh masyarakat petani di desa Panaikang, Kecamatan Minasatene, Kabupaten Pangkep. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan hasil panen. Ketidaktahuan petani tentang permasalahan kesuburan tanah, mengakibatkan para petani tidak dapat menemukan solusi terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam memperbaiki/mengembalikan kesuburan tanah. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan pelatihan selidik cepat kesuburan tanah sawah untuk mengatasi permasalahan degradasi tanah di lahan sawah. Pelatihan diberikan secara langsung dengan mempraktekkan bagaimana menggunakan alat Perangkat Uji Tanah Sawah (PUTS) tanah sawah, dan dilanjutkan dengan simulasi yang dilakukan langsung oleh beberapa kelompok tani. Hasil uji kesuburan tanah dengan alat PUTS, memiliki nilai keakuratan terutama terkait pH tanah, Nitrogen, dan Posfor, yang sudah dapat dijadikan rujukan awal dalam penanganan status kesuburan tanah dan rekomendasi peningkatan kesehatan tanah. Nilai pH tanah berbanding lurus dengan kandungan hara-hara yang terdapat di dalam tanah. Perbedaan nilai uji PUTS dan uji laboratorium, disebabkan oleh adanya perlakuan yang telah diberikan oleh petani pada tanaman padi sawah berupa pemupukan sebelum pengambilan sampel tanah, sehingga memberikan hasil yang berbeda. Uji PUTS sebaiknya dilakukan sebelum penanaman padi sawah atau setelah panen, sehingga terbebas dari kesalahan pembacaan data. Pembentukan Desa Mitra menjadi keberlanjutan kegiatan sebagai wujud pendampingan petani dalam meningkatkan kesuburan tanah sawah di Desa Panaikang. Kata kunci: Tanah, petani, PUTS, desa mitra, Pangkep.   ABSTRACT The farming community in Panaikang Village, Minasatene District, Pangkep Regency, has felt a decline in production yields in the last decade. Various attempts were made to increase crop yields. Farmers' ignorance of soil fertility problems resulted in farmers being unable to find solutions to the issues they faced in improving/restoring soil fertility. Therefore, training is needed to quickly investigate the fertility of paddy soil to overcome the problem of soil degradation in paddy fields. The training was given directly by practicing using the Rice Field Soil Test Tool (PUTS) for rice fields and continued with simulations carried out directly by several farmer groups. The results of soil fertility tests using the PUTS tool have accuracy values, especially regarding soil pH, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus. These can be used as an initial reference in handling soil fertility status and recommendations for improving soil health. The pH value of the soil is directly proportional to the nutrient content in the soil. The difference in PUTS test values and laboratory tests is caused by the treatment given by farmers to lowland rice plants in the form of fertilization before taking soil samples, thus providing different results. The PUTS test should be carried out before planting lowland rice or after harvest to avoid data reading errors. The formation of Partner Villages is a continuation of activities as a form of assistance to farmers in increasing the fertility of rice fields in Panaikang Village. Keywords: Soil, farmer, PUTS, partner villages, Pangkep.