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Modified exorotation graft tension for tibial fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized controlled trial Pontoh, Ludwig A.P.; Dilogo, Ismail H.; Bardosono, Saptawati; Lubis, Andri M.T.; Harahap, Alida R.; Pandelaki, Jacub; Hidayat, Mohammad
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 27, No 3 (2018): September
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.664 KB) | DOI: 10.13181/mji.v27i3.1765


Background: The inability of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) surgery to reduce tibial internal rotation causes many problems. A large tibial internal rotation will result in a patellofemoral pain syndrome. This study aimed to introduce a new technique of modified exorotation graft tension at tibial fixation to minimize endorotation, reduce tibial internal rotation, and prevent patellofemoral pain syndrome.Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind controlled clinical trial. ACL rupture patients underwent ACLR surgery between December 2014 and Februrary 2015. They were randomized to standard endorotation group or modified exorotation group. Hamstring autograft was used and fixed with an EndoButton® and bioabsorbable interference screw. Tibial tubercle to trochlear grove (TTTG) was used to evaluate rotation, whereas cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) was employed to analyze cartilage breakdown. The functional outcome was measured using the Kujala score to assess patellofemoral joint function. Evaluations were conducted before the surgery and at 6 months postoperation.Results: A total of 29 subjects were recruited. Sixteen subjects were allocated into the standard endorotation group, and 13 were assigned to the modified exorotation group. The exorotation group demonstrated better results than the endorotation group in all three parameters: TTTG (p=0.028), COMP (p<0.001), and Kujala score (p=0.015).Conclusion: A new technique of modified exorotation direction of graft tension for ACL reconstructive surgery at tibial fixation showed a significant reduction in tibial internal rotation and cartilage breakdown. The proposed method could significantly improve the functional outcome of those with total ACL rupture.
Bedah sinonasal endoskopik angiofibroma nasofaring belia: laporan seri kasus berbasis bukti (evidence based) Wardani, Retno Sulistyo; Mayangsari, Ika Dewi; L, Lisnawati; Pandelaki, Jacub; Prameswari, Kharisma; Mangunkusumo, Endang
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 42, No 2 (2012): Volume 42, No. 2 July - December 2012
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (579.558 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v42i2.31


Background: Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA) is a histologically benign, but locally invasive neoplasm occurring most often in adolescent males. These tumors are highly aggressive andare associated with significant morbidity and mortality due to its tendency to bleed. Purpose: To presentevidence based case-report on endoscopic removal of JNA as an alternative technique besides the openapproach. Cases: Three cases of JNA managed endoscopically of their removal and the difference ofclinical symptoms based on the histopathological variation and radiological description analysis, givingbenefits in endoscopic surgical planning. Management: The classical treatment for JNA is surgery,however there are cases in which may indicate radiotherapy or even hormone therapy and gamma knifesurgery. Recent advances in technology enable ENT surgeons to use the endonasal technique as analternative in treating JNA patients. Conclusion: Endoscopic removal of JNA was successfully performedfor T1 and T2 tumor based on Fisch classification. To support a good management for JNA casesendoscopically, carefull considerations should be made to determine accesses toward the predominant attachment of the tumor to sphenopalatine foramen and pterygoid plate. Rhinologists and OncologyHeadandNecksurgeonsshouldhavedeepunderstandingofendoscopicanatomyoflateralnasalwalland mastering the art of four-hand technique of endoscopic sinonasal surgery. Keywords : angiofibroma, endoscopic surgery, sphenopalatine artery, pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone.  Abstrak :  Latar belakang: Angiofibroma nasofaring belia (ANB) merupakan tumor jinak secara histologis,namun bersifat ganas secara lokal yang terjadi terutama pada anak laki-laki usia remaja. Tumor jenis inibersifat sangat agresif dan sering dihubungkan dengan tingginya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas karenakecenderungan tumor yang mudah berdarah. Tujuan: Mempresentasikan 3 kasus dengan diagnosis klinisANB yang dilakukan ekstirpasi secara bedah sinonasal endoskopik. Telaah literatur terstruktur dilakukanuntuk menganalisis keputusan dan aplikasi pemilihan teknik bedah ini. Kasus: Tiga kasus ANB yangtelah dilakukan ekstirpasi dengan bedah endoskopik dianalisis berdasarkan variasi gejala klinis, gambaranhistopatologi dan gambaran radiologiknya yang berguna untuk perencanaan pembedahan sinonasalendoskopik. Penatalaksanaan: Tatalaksana utama ANB adalah dengan pembedahan, namun pada kasuskasustertentudapat dipilih modalitas radioterapi, terapihormon dan pembedahan dengan pisau gamma.KemajuanteknologimemudahkanparaahlibedahTHTuntukmenggunakanpendekatanendoskopisebagaialternatif pendekatan bedah pada pasien ANB.Kesimpulan:Bedah sinonasal endoskopikANBdapatdilakukanuntuktumorberukuranT1danT2berdasarkanklasifikasiFisch.Faktorlainyangharusdiperhatikanuntukkeberhasilantindakanadalahpemahamananatomiendoskopikhidungdansinusparanasal untuk penetapanakses secara sentripetalmenujuperlekatanutamaANBpada foramensfenopalatinadanlempeng pterigoid, serta kerjasama antaraahli Rinologi dengan ahli Bedah KepalaLeherOnkologi dalam teknik bedah sinonasal endoskopik 4 tangan (four-handtechnique). Kata kunci : angiofibroma, bedah endoskopik, arteri sfenopalatina, lempeng pterigoid os sfenoid.
Acute sinusitis data classification using grey wolf optimization-based support vector machine Ajeng Maharani Putri; Zuherman Rustam; Jacub Pandelaki; Ilsya Wirasati; Sri Hartini
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) Vol 10, No 2: June 2021
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v10.i2.pp438-445


Acute sinusitis is the most common form of sinusitis, and it causes swelling and inflammation within the nose. The main thing that can causes sinusitis is probably due to viruses, and also can be caused by other factors, namely bacteria, fungi, irritation, dust, and allergens. In this research, the CT scan data attributes will be used for classification and grey wolf optimization-support vector machine (GWO-SVM) will be the machine learning technique used, where the GWO technique will be used to tuned the parameters in SVM. The performance of methods was analyzed using the python programming language with different percentages of training data, which started from 10% to 90%. The GWO-SVM method proposed provides better accuracy than using SVM without GWO.
Cerebral infarction classification using multiple support vector machine with information gain feature selection Zuherman Rustam; Arfiani Arfiani; Jacub Pandelaki
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Vol 9, No 4: August 2020
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (581.68 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eei.v9i4.1997


Stroke ranks the third leading cause of death in the world after heart disease and cancer. It also occupies the first position as a disease that causes both mild and severe disability. The most common type of stroke is cerebral infarction, which increases every year in Indonesia. This disease does not only occur in the elderly, but in young and productive people which makes early detection very important. Although there are varied of medical methods used to classify cerebral infarction, this study uses a multiple support vector machine with information gain feature selection (MSVM-IG). MSVM-IG is a modification among IG Feature Selection and SVM, where SVM conducted doubly in the process of classification which utilizes the support vector as a new dataset. The data obtained from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Based on the results, the proposed method was able to achieve an accuracy value of 81%, therefore, this method can be considered to use for better classification result.
Peran implanted electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses(Imp-eABR) pada pasien tuli kongenital Fikri Mirza Putranto; Jenny Bashiruddin; Semiramis Zizlavsky; Irawan Mangunatmadja; Jacub Pandelaki; Saptawati Bardosono; Wijana Hasansulama
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 49 (2019): Volume 49, No. 2 July - December 2019
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.096 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v49i20.320


Latar belakang: Variasi performa pasca implan koklea menunjukkan adanya variasi patologi yang belum dapat dijelaskan melalui pemeriksaan standar pra-operasi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan pemeriksaan yang dapat menunjukkan variasi integritas jaras auditori sebagai petunjuk variasi potensi internal tiap individu. Tujuan: Mendapatkan variasi respons jaras auditori terhadap stimulus listrik pasca implan berdasarkan pemeriksaan Implanted Electrically evoked Auditory Brainstem Respons (Imp-eABR), serta korelasinya dengan faktor internal pra-implan lain berupa usia, luas area n. koklearis dan kemampuan komunikasi pra-operasi. Metode: Kriteria subjek penelitian adalah pasien operasi implan koklea berusia kurang dari 10 tahun, memiliki koklea dan n. koklearis normal, dan pada pasien berusia lebih dari 4 tahun sudah memakai alat bantu dengar minimal 1 tahun. Pemeriksaan Imp-eABR dilakukan terhadap 5 elektrode yang mewakili area apikal, medial dan basal koklea. Dicari hubungan respons dari stimulasi terhadap ketiga faktor internal.Hasil:Pemeriksaan Imp-eABR dilakukan terhadap 28 telinga dari 19 pasien yang dilakukan operasi secara unilateral dan bilateral. Rerata skor total respons Imp-eABR adalah 6,3 + 2,63; dengan 60,7% telinga memiliki skor total kurang dari 8. Uji regresi linear menunjukkan faktor usia, luas area n. koklearis dan kemampuan komunikasi berkorelasi secara bermakna dan dapat memprediksi variasi skor Imp-eABR sebanyak 49,2%. Kesimpulan:Variasi skor total Imp-eABR pada pasien dengan faktor internal pra-operasi menunjukkan adanya patogenesis lain yang mendasari kemampuan transmisi jaras pendengaran retrokoklea terhadap stimulasi listrik dari implan koklea. Faktor internal pra-operasi dapat menjelaskan kurang dari 50% variasi respons Imp-eABR. Kata kunci: Imp-eABR, luas area n. koklearis, implant koklea, integritas jaras auditori ABSTRACT Background:Variations in performance after cochlear implant indicates pathology variations that cannot be explained through standard preoperative examination. Therefore, an examination is needed to show variations in the integrity of auditory pathways as a guide to internal potential variations of each individual. Objectives: To show variations of auditory pathways responses to electrical stimulation from cochlear implant by performing Implanted Electrically evoked Auditory Brainstem Response (Imp-eABR) examination and to find its correlation to age, cochlear nerve area and preoperative communication skills. Methods: Subjects were cochlear implant patients with age less than 10 years, had normal cochlear and cochlear nerve,and patients over 4 years old with history of wearing hearing aids for at least 1 year. The Imp-eABR examination was performed to 5 electrodes representing the apical, medial and basal areas of the cochlea. Results:Imp-eABR examination was performed on 28 ears from 19 patients who underwent unilateral and bilateral surgery. The average total score of Imp-eABR responses was 6.3 + 2.63; with 60.7% of the ears having a total score of less than 8. Linear regression tests showed age,cochlear nerve area,andcommunicationabilitysignificantlycorrelate,it canexplain49.2%ofthevariationinthetotal Imp-eABR score. Conclusion: The variation in the total Imp-eABR score in patients with preoperative internal factors indicated that another pathogenesis also underlines the ability of transmission of the retrocochlear auditory pathway to electrical stimulation from the cochlear implant. Preoperative internal factors can only explain less than 50% of the variation of the Imp-eABR response.   
Posisi elektroda intrakoklea dan ECAP sebagai pedoman pemetaan pada tuli sensorineural dengan implan koklea Semiramis Zizlavsky; Ratna Dwi Restuti; Jacub Pandelaki; Muchtaruddin Mansyur; Bambang Hermani; Teguh Ranakusuma; Edrial Eddin; Sarwono Waspadji
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol 44, No 1 (2014): Volume 44, No. 1 January - June 2014
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.352 KB) | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v44i1.77


Latar belakang: Implan koklea merupakan pilihan utama untuk habilitasi pendengaran dan berbicara pada anak tuli sensorineural berat bilateral. Pengaturan comfortable dan threshold level berdasarkan nilai evoked compound action potential (ECAP) direkam dengan neural responses imaging (NRI) saat pemetaan. Tujuan: Memperoleh nilai ECAP sebagai acuan pemetaan berdasarkan jarak elektroda intrakoklea ke modiolus, jarak terpanjang elektroda nomor satu dengan elektroda berhadapan, jarak marker dengan lubang kokleostomi dan faktor lainnya. Metode: Anak tuli sensorineural usia 2-10 tahun, menggunakan implan koklea dengan desain contour atau straight terdiri dari 16 elektroda, 120 channel sebagai subjek penelitian. Subjek penelitian sebanyak 46 telinga (39 anak), terpasang implankoklea diperoleh secara konsekutif dengan desain potong lintang. Perekaman ECAP elektroda 3-5, 8-10, 13-15 mewakili daerah apeks, medial dan basal. Hasil tomografi komputer resolusi tinggi koklea dengan program OsiriX dilakukan rekonstruksi 3D untuk menilai posisi dan jarak elektroda. Analisis data diawali dengan univariat dan uji korelasi Spearman ‘s pada bivariat. Kandidat faktor yang berperan disertakan pada regresi ganda untuk mendapatkan faktor determinan ECAP. Comfortable zone untuk populasi diperoleh dari analisis area pada distribusi normal menggunakan comfortable level. Hasil: Diperoleh persamaan yaitu: (rerata ECAP)=-21,19+5,87 rerata jarak elektroda ke modiolus (mm)+1.31, rerata threshold level (cu)+0.48 lama penggunaan implan koklea (bulan). (R square=0.60). Comfortable zone diperoleh dengan ECAP yang berada pada variasi 84-87,5% comfortable level. Kesimpulan: Jarak elektroda ke modiolus, lama penggunaan implan koklea dan t level merupakan faktor determinan ECAP. Nilai ECAP dapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi penyimpangan jarak elektroda dan memperoleh comfortable zone.Kata kunci : ECAP, implan koklea, lokasi elektroda, tuli sensorineuralABSTRACT Background: Currently cochlear implant remains a preferred choice in hearing and speechhabilitation in children with bilateral profound SNHL. Comfortable and threshold level setting based on ECAP value is recorded by NRI during mapping. Purpose: To obtain ECAP value as mapping guidance based on the distance between electrode to modiolus, the longest distance between electrode number one with the ones it faces, the distance between marker and cochleostomy and other factors. Methods: Research subject were children with SNHL, between 2-10 years old using CI with 16 electrodes, 120 channels. There were 46 ears (39 children) with CI chosen consecutively by cross sectional design. Using NRI, ECAP was recorded on electrode 3-5, 8-10, 13-15 that represent the apex, medial and basal area. Their cochlears were examined with HRCT then 3D reconstruction with OsiriX programto determine the electrode position and calculate the distance. Data analysis started with univariat 1 and bivariat with Spearman’ correlation. Candidates’ factor were analysed with multiregression test to gain ECAP determinant factor. Comfortable zone for population was gained from area analysis in normal distribution using comfortable level. Results: The equation found were: y (average ECAP)=21.19+5.87 the average electrodes to modiolus distance (mm)+1.31, threshold level (cu)+0.48 CI length use (months). (R square=0.60).Comfortable zone was acquired with ECAP between 84-87,5% comfortable level variation. Conclusion: The electrode to modiolus distance, duration of CI use and t level are ECAP determinant factor. The value of ECAP can be used as guidance to identify electrode distance deviation and to gain comfortable zone.Keywords: cochlear implant, ECAP, electrode location, sensoryneural hearing loss 
Peran implanted electrically evoked auditory brainstem responses(Imp-eABR) pada pasien tuli kongenital Fikri Mirza Putranto; Jenny Bashiruddin; Semiramis Zizlavsky; Irawan Mangunatmadja; Jacub Pandelaki; Saptawati Bardosono; Wijana Hasansulama
Oto Rhino Laryngologica Indonesiana Vol. 49 (2019): Volume 49, No. 2 July - December 2019
Publisher : PERHATI-KL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32637/orli.v49i20.320


Latar belakang: Variasi performa pasca implan koklea menunjukkan adanya variasi patologi yang belum dapat dijelaskan melalui pemeriksaan standar pra-operasi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan pemeriksaan yang dapat menunjukkan variasi integritas jaras auditori sebagai petunjuk variasi potensi internal tiap individu. Tujuan: Mendapatkan variasi respons jaras auditori terhadap stimulus listrik pasca implan berdasarkan pemeriksaan Implanted Electrically evoked Auditory Brainstem Respons (Imp-eABR), serta korelasinya dengan faktor internal pra-implan lain berupa usia, luas area n. koklearis dan kemampuan komunikasi pra-operasi. Metode: Kriteria subjek penelitian adalah pasien operasi implan koklea berusia kurang dari 10 tahun, memiliki koklea dan n. koklearis normal, dan pada pasien berusia lebih dari 4 tahun sudah memakai alat bantu dengar minimal 1 tahun. Pemeriksaan Imp-eABR dilakukan terhadap 5 elektrode yang mewakili area apikal, medial dan basal koklea. Dicari hubungan respons dari stimulasi terhadap ketiga faktor internal.Hasil:Pemeriksaan Imp-eABR dilakukan terhadap 28 telinga dari 19 pasien yang dilakukan operasi secara unilateral dan bilateral. Rerata skor total respons Imp-eABR adalah 6,3 + 2,63; dengan 60,7% telinga memiliki skor total kurang dari 8. Uji regresi linear menunjukkan faktor usia, luas area n. koklearis dan kemampuan komunikasi berkorelasi secara bermakna dan dapat memprediksi variasi skor Imp-eABR sebanyak 49,2%. Kesimpulan:Variasi skor total Imp-eABR pada pasien dengan faktor internal pra-operasi menunjukkan adanya patogenesis lain yang mendasari kemampuan transmisi jaras pendengaran retrokoklea terhadap stimulasi listrik dari implan koklea. Faktor internal pra-operasi dapat menjelaskan kurang dari 50% variasi respons Imp-eABR. Kata kunci: Imp-eABR, luas area n. koklearis, implant koklea, integritas jaras auditori ABSTRACT Background:Variations in performance after cochlear implant indicates pathology variations that cannot be explained through standard preoperative examination. Therefore, an examination is needed to show variations in the integrity of auditory pathways as a guide to internal potential variations of each individual. Objectives: To show variations of auditory pathways responses to electrical stimulation from cochlear implant by performing Implanted Electrically evoked Auditory Brainstem Response (Imp-eABR) examination and to find its correlation to age, cochlear nerve area and preoperative communication skills. Methods: Subjects were cochlear implant patients with age less than 10 years, had normal cochlear and cochlear nerve,and patients over 4 years old with history of wearing hearing aids for at least 1 year. The Imp-eABR examination was performed to 5 electrodes representing the apical, medial and basal areas of the cochlea. Results:Imp-eABR examination was performed on 28 ears from 19 patients who underwent unilateral and bilateral surgery. The average total score of Imp-eABR responses was 6.3 + 2.63; with 60.7% of the ears having a total score of less than 8. Linear regression tests showed age,cochlear nerve area,andcommunicationabilitysignificantlycorrelate,it canexplain49.2%ofthevariationinthetotal Imp-eABR score. Conclusion: The variation in the total Imp-eABR score in patients with preoperative internal factors indicated that another pathogenesis also underlines the ability of transmission of the retrocochlear auditory pathway to electrical stimulation from the cochlear implant. Preoperative internal factors can only explain less than 50% of the variation of the Imp-eABR response.   
Clinical Characteristics and Therapeutic Outcome of Carotid-Cavernous Fistula Ressa Yuneta; M Sidik; Syntia Nusanti; Jacub Pandelaki
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 42 No 3 (2016): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v42i3.98


Background: Carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF) is an abnormal communication between the carotid arterial system and the cavernous sinus. It can manifest as proptosis, bruit, corkscrew appearance or other signs. The aims of this study were to evaluate the clinical characteristics and result of CCF therapy.Methods: This is a retrospective study which evaluated the clinical characteristic, outcome of therapy and complications after embolization in CCF patient confirmed by digital subtraction angiography (DSA) from January 2012 to December 2014.Results: Twenty-three patients, 16 male and 7 female, were diagnosed as CCF. Mean age was 26±10.5 years old. The most common etiology was trauma (91.3%) with onset ranging from immediately to 17 months after trauma. The frequent ocular manifestations were proptosis, bruit, and conjunctival abnormalities. Other ocular signs were ophthalmoplegia, secondary glaucoma, abnormalities of posterior segment, and decrease of visual acuity. Seventy-eight percent patient was type A CCF. Fifteen patients underwent embolization, 3 patients couldn’t be embolized then treated by manual carotid compression, 5 patients were still waiting for schedule of embolization. Clinical signs of 63% patients were improved in 1 week after embolization. After several months, 2 patients with carotid compression was improved and 1 patient had persistent signs. Complications of embolization include transient sensoric aphasia (1 pasien) and central retinal vein occlusion (2 patients).Conclusion: Clinical characteristics of CCF in this study were not different with previous descriptive studies and most cases showed improvement in clinical signs after therapy.  Keywords: CCF, embolization
Endovascular Coiling Embolization in Direct Carotid Cavernous Fistula Yulika Harniza; Syntia Nusanti; Jacub Pandelaki
Majalah Oftalmologi Indonesia Vol 46 No 1 (2020): Ophthalmologica Indonesiana
Publisher : The Indonesian Ophthalmologists Association (IOA, Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia (Perdami))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35749/journal.v46i1.100026


Background: Carotid cavernous fistula (CCF) is a rare life-threatening. Rapid endovascular technical development has provided as a safe and effective treatment strategy for direct CCF (DCCF). Coiling treatment is a promising endovascular procedures solution in DCCF. Method: A comprehensive PubMed, Clinical key, and Ophthalmology database search was conducted using appropriate keywords (direct carotid cavernous fistula, endovascular treatment, embolization, and coil). Inclusion criteria was only article in English. Results: Nine studies (8 case series and 1 cohort study) were found suitable. From these results, endovascular coiling treatment can close the fistula with radiological evaluation and improvement in clinical symptoms in most of studies (90% and 88%, respectively). Post-operative and long-term complication were reported in some studies. Conclusion: Efficacy of endovascular coiling embolization appears promising in management of DCCF. There were no intra-operative complications and post-operative complications, such as unraveled micro-coil. The recurrence fistula rate of 4% is common in fistulas with larger tears associated with a larger CCF.