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Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Ibu Dalam Pemberian Asi Ekslusif Di Desa Candi Rejo Kecamatan Sibiru-Biru Tahun 2013 Singarimbun, Nurbaiti Br
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol 1 No 1 Januari (2019): Call For Paper [Free]
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Breast milk is the best food for infanst 6 months of age. ASI can meet the nutritional needs of infanst up to the age of 6 month without any food addives. This is called excelusive breastfeeding. In reality, not all mothers breast their babies exclusively. This study aims to determine the factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding mother in Village of  Candi Rejo District of Sibiru-biru in 2013. This type of research is survey. The study population where all mothers with infants 6-12 months of age who reside in the Village of Candi Rejo District of Sibiru-biru totaling 110 people and serve as the overall sample. The factors of affecting exclusive breastfeeding is used by multiple logistic regression. The result  showed that the factors-factors that affect mothers in exclusive breastfeeding is the mothers of knowledge (p=0.000), maternal attitude (p=0.000), mother’s occupation (p=0.002), number of children mothers (p=0.000), support husband (p=0.000), promotion of infant formula (p=0.000). The most dominant variables associated with exclusive breasfeeding is the promotion of infant formula variable (p value = 0.000 ; OR=14.026). It is recommended to mothers who have infants aged 6-12 months in on order to actively search for information by following the extension activities so that increasing maternal knowledge as well as having a positive reaction to do so, and the mother’s knowledge , than it is likely not to believe in the promotion of infant formula. To the mother in order to follow the extension of the health center, associated with exclusive breastfeeding. Husbands also to be able to provide emotional support, attention to nutritional intake for the wife. To health workers, counselors to be able to add energy to improve Communication, Information, Education and Communication (IEC). To the company, and work places are suggested to provide facility space for breasfeeding.  
Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim Dengan Keikutsertaan Menjadi Akseptor Akdr Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Teladan Kota Medan Singarimbun, Nurbaiti Br
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol 1 No 1 Januari (2019): Call For Paper [Free]
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Untuk mengetahui hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim Dengan Keikutsertaan Menjadi Akaeptor AKDR di Puskesmas Teladan Kota Medan Tahun 2014. Penelitian Ini Bersifat Analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan adanya Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Alat Kontrasepsi Dalam Rahim Dengan Keikutsertaan Menjadi Akseptor AKDR di Puskesmas Teladan Kota M,edan Tahun 2014. Sampel dalam  penelitian ini berjumlah 32 orang Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Teladan Kota Medan Tahun 2014 dengan alasan pernah menjadi tempat Praktek Pelajar Lapangan dan populasi ibu yang ikut serta menjadi akseptor KB memiliki standar sebagai bahan penelitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Bulan Mei s/d Juni 2014. Analisa data yang dilakukan terhadap dua variabel yang diduga berhubungan dan berkorelasi (variabel independen dan variabel dependen) yaitu hubungan pengetahuan dan sikap ibu tentang alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim dengan keikutsertaan menjadi Akseptor KB AKDR. Untuk melihat hubungan dua variabel tersebut dilakukan uji statistik  Chi-squere. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan pengetahuan ibu tentang alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim dengan keikutsertaan menjadi Akseptor AKDR di Puskesmas  Teladan Kota Medan Tahun 2014. Ada hubungan sikap ibu tentang alat kontrasepsi dalam rahim dengan keikutsertaan menjadi Akseptor AKDR di Puskesmas Teladan Kota Medan Tahun 2014.
Penyuluhan Tentang Pentingnya Imunisasi Di Wilayah Desa Sudirejo Kecamatan Namorambe Defacto Firmawati Zega; Nurbaiti Br. Singarimbun; Fransiska Riati Nova Simbolon; Helen Anjelina Simanjuntak
Jompa Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Jompa Abdi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Yayasan Jompa Research and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.716 KB) | DOI: 10.55784/jompaabdi.Vol1.Iss2.85


Imunisasi adalah suatu upaya untuk menimbulkan/meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh seseorang secara aktif terhadap suatu penyakit sehingga bila suatu saat terpajan dengan penyakit tersebut tidak akan sakit atau hanya mengalami sakit ringan. Tujuan imunisasi untuk memberikan perlindungan dari penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi. Data pada tahun 2019 cakupan imunisasi rutin di Indonesia masih dalam kategori kurang memuaskan, dan terjadi pernurunan terutama pada masa pandemic. Sehingga perlu dilakukan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa penyuluhan tentang pentingnya imunisasi di wilayah Desa Sudirejo, Kecamatan Namorambe, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumatera Utara. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat terutama orang tua/ibu tentang pentingnya imunisasi. Metode yang digunakan berupa penyuluhan yang dilaksanakan secara luring di balai desa. Peserta yang hadir terdiri dari 30 orang. Kegiatan ini memberikan dampak positif kepada masyarakat terutama dalam mencegah penyakit di masa akan datang melalui program imunisasi.
Survei Cepat: Eksplorasi Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Remaja Tentang Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Victor Trismanjaya Hulu; Yohanna Adelina Pasaribu; Julianto Julianto; Reni Aprinawaty Sirait; Holan Dianju Melva Meinaria Sitanggang; Abdul Wahab; Binarwan Halim; Nurbaiti br Singarimbun; Suharni Pintamas Sinaga; Defacto Firmawati Zega
Jurnal Kesmas Prima Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Edisi Januari
Publisher : Program Studi Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Prima Indonesia

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Dengan semakin tingginya angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat penyakit diabetes melitus (DM) tipe 2, maka pemahaman tentang faktor risiko dan upaya pencegahan penyakit diabetes melitus tipe 2 pada remaja sangat penting diketahui sedini mungkin, sehingga dapat mengendalikan faktor risiko DM tipe 2. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi karakteristik dan pengetahuan mahasiswa/i tentang DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif jenis survei cepat/rapid survey dengan desain crossectional. Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh mahasiswa/i Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan yang diperoleh dengan teknik simple random sampling (SRS) sebanyak 148 orang. Waktu Penelitian dilakukan selama bulan Oktober 2022. Analisis data yang digunakan berupa analisis univariat dengan menghitung distribusi frekuensi masing-masing variabel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik berdasarkan jenis kelamin responden paling banyak pada kategori perempuan yaitu 79,7%, usia responden lebih banyak pada kategori usia 21-25 tahun sebanyak 59,5%, suku lebih banyak pada kategori batak yaitu 62,2%, indeks massa tubuh yang tidak normal sebanyak 30,4%, responden yang memiliki riwayat keluarga sebanyak 15,5%, aktivitas fisik yang kurang terdapat sebanyak 22,3%, dan responden yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok sebanyak 16,2%. Responden yang berpengetahuan kurang terdapat sebanyak 43,2% dan yang berpengetahuan baik yaitu 56,8%. Perlu peningkatan pendidikan promosi kesehatan tentang pencegahan diabetes mellitus pada mahasiswa/i. Kata Kunci: diebetes melitus tipe 2, pengetahuan, karakteristik, mahasiswa With the increasing morbidity and mortality due to type 2 diabetes mellitus, understanding the risk factors and efforts to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in adolescents is very important to know as early as possible so that they can control the risk factors for T2DM. This study aims to explore the characteristics and knowledge of students about T2DM. This research is a descriptive type of rapid survey with a cross-sectional design. The research subjects were all students of Universitas Prima Indonesia, Medan who were obtained by simple random sampling (SRS) technique as many as 148 people. Time research conducted in October 2022. The data analysis used was univariate analysis by calculating the frequency distribution of each research variable. The results showed that the characteristics based on the sex of the respondents were mostly in the female category, namely 79.7%, the age of the respondents was more in the 21-25 year age category, 59.5%, ethnicity was more in the Batak category, namely 62.2%, abnormal body mass index is 30.4%, respondents who have a family history are 15.5%, lack of physical activity are 22.3%, and respondents who have smoking habits are 16.2%. Respondents who had less knowledge were 43.2% and those who had good knowledge were 56.8%. It is necessary to increase health promotion education about the prevention of diabetes mellitus in college students. Keyword : type 2 diabetes mellitus, knowledge, characteristics, adolescents
PENYULUHAN PROGRAM PHBS CUCI TANGAN DI SD NEGERI 106165 MARINDAL I DELI SERDANG Sahat Sinaga; Lydia Br. Barus; Nurbaiti Br. Singarimbun; Defacto Firmawati Zega; Helen Anjelina Simanjuntak; Hermawan Purba
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i2.12062


The degree of public health can be seen from the level of health. Efforts to improve health can be done by implementing the Clean and Healthy Living Behavior hand washing program in the school environment. Hand washing is carried out with the aim of being clean and can have an impact on preventing infectious diseases such as infections that cause diarrhea, Covid-19, intestinal worms, respiratory infections and other infections. So it is necessary to carry out community service activities in the form of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior counseling to 28 class II students at SD Negeri 106165 Marindal I Deli Serdang Regency as one of the efforts to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in the school environment which will later have an impact on the home and in the community. The activity method is carried out by lectures, questions and answers, demonstrations and evaluations. The results of the activity showed that there was an increase in students' knowledge about hand washing, the impact of not washing hands and how to wash hands properly and correctly. There are several factors that support the implementation of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior hand washing in schools, namely; the existence of teacher support, peer support, and hygiene facilities in washing hands.
Perbandingan Pertumbuhan Bayi dengan Pemberian ASI Ekslusif dan Non Ekslusif Nurbaiti Br. Singarimbun; Suharni Pintamas Sinaga; Selli M. Pasaribu
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Research Vol 4 No 1 (2023): February 2023
Publisher : Forum Kerjasama Pendidikan Tinggi (FKPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47065/jharma.v4i1.3107


Nutrition is a nutritional intake that plays an important role during the period of growth and development in infants. The nutrition that babies aged 0-6 months need comes from exclusive breastfeeding. About 13% of infant mortality can be reduced through exclusive breastfeeding. The study aims to determine the comparison of infant growth with exclusive and non-exclusive breastfeeding. The research method used was a descriptive design with a population of 50 infants aged 6 months at the Bawomataluo Health Center. The results of the analysis showed that the average growth of babies who were given exclusive breastfeeding based on body weight was 6.11, body length was 65.68 and head circumference was 42.72. While the average growth of babies with non-exclusive breastfeeding based on body weight was 4.56, body length was 56.56 and head circumference was 37.96. Differences in infant growth based on body weight, body length and head circumference as well as infant development between exclusively and non-exclusively breastfed infants (p = 0.000 <0.05). The conclusion shows that the growth of babies at the Bawomataluo health center with exclusive breastfeeding is better than non-exclusive.
Kajian Potensi Tumbuhan Nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) dalam Pengobatan Penyakit Infeksi Helen Anjelina Simanjuntak; Nurbaiti Br. Singarimbun; Defacto Firmawati Zega; Suharni Pintamas Sinaga; Herlina Simanjuntak; Toberni S Situmorang
Herbal Medicine Journal Vol 5 No 1 (2022): Herbal Medicine Journal
Publisher : Program Studi S1 Farmasi, STIKES Senior, Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (410.294 KB) | DOI: 10.58996/hmj.v5i1.36


Infectious diseases are one of the health problems because they cause new infectious diseases caused by antibiotic resistance. So it is necessary to search for new antibiotic agents that are sourced from natural ingredients such as jackfruit plants. Jackfruit plant (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) has many benefits ranging from roots, stems, leaves, fruits and seeds. Jackfruit plant has pharmacological properties as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimalarial, antifungal activity, cytotoxic, tyrosinase inhibitory activity and antimicrobial. The purpose of this study was to determine the study of jackfruit plants that have potential as antimicrobials. The research method was carried out using a literature review with online media based on the Web, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, ResearchGate, Google Scholar used for publication. The results showed that jackfruit has antimicrobial activity due to the content of bioactive compounds such as: tannins, flavonoids, catechins, artocarpin and artocarpanone. Jackfruit plant parts that have the potential as antimicrobials are the leaves, jackfruit skin, seeds and roots. Jackfruit plants have potential as antimicrobials against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Propionibacterium acnes, Klebsiella pneumonia, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus mutans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Plasmodium falciparum, and Vibrio cholera.
Inhibition Test of Ethanol from Extract Mangosteen Leaves (Garcinia mangostana L.) as an Acne Antibacterial Junius Gian Ginting; Nurbaiti Br. Singarimbun; Mestika Clemesiya Yulianti Daeli; Helen Anjelina Simanjuntak; Hermawan Purba; Lydia Br. Barus; Defcato Firmawati Zega
JURNAL PEMBELAJARAN DAN BIOLOGI NUKLEUS (JPBN) Vol 9, No 3 (2023): Jurnal Pembelajaran Dan Biologi Nukleus November 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Labuhanbatu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/jpbn.v9i3.5066


A prevalent global infection that manifests frequently in Indonesia. An example of an infectious disease that is commonly encountered during adolescence is acne (Acne vulgaris). Antibiotics can be used to treat acne; however, their misuse can lead to the development of resistance; therefore, we are searching for inexpensive, readily available alternatives that are also secure. Mangosteen leaves (Garcinia mangostana L.) are one alternative to synthetic ingredients when it comes to the treatment of acne. Mangosteen leaves comprise xanthone derivative compounds that exhibit significant biological activity, including antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. Therefore, this this study aimed to ascertain the inhibitory power of an ethanol extract derived from mangosteen leaves in order to determine its antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria. Additionally, the compound content of the ethanol extract of mangosteen leaves was determined. The inhibition test was conducted by utilizing the paper disc technique, while the extraction method employed the maceration method. As indicated by the phytochemical screening test results, simplicia and ethanol extract of mangosteen leaves were found to contain steroids/triterpenoids, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, and tannins. The inhibition test outcomes against Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria revealed the following: a diameter of 3.3 mm for bacteria at a concentration of 20%, 9.4 mm for bacteria at 40%, 10.4 mm for bacteria at 60%, 12.9 mm for bacteria at 80%, and 13.2 mm for bacteria at 100%