Jurnal SMART Kebidanan
Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016

Hubungan Stres dengan Siklus Menstruasi pada Mahasiswa Prodi DIII Kebidanan STIKes Karya Husada Semarang

Maftuchah Maftuchah (STIKes Karya Husada Semarang)
Aprilia Ainul Fitri (STIKes Karya Husada Semarang)
Dita Wasthu Prasida (STIKes Karya Husada Semarang)

Article Info

Publish Date
20 Jul 2017


Latar Belakang: Sebagian besar perempuan di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 yang berusia 10-59 tahun melaporkan 68% mengalami haid teratur dan 13,7% mengalami masalah siklus haid yang tidak teratur dalam 1 tahun terakhir. Sedangkan di Jawa Tengah tahun 2010 diketahui perempuan yang berumur 10-59 tahun dengan siklus haid teratur sebanyak 70,4%, tidak teratur 13,1%, belum haid  6,8% dan tidak menjawab 9,7%. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui hubungan stress dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa prodi DIII Kebidanan STIKES Karya Husada Semarang. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian correlation dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi yaitu mahasiswa DIII kebidanan STIKES Karya Husada Semarang semester V tahun 2015 sejumlah 69 mahasiswa dengan sampel 59 mahasiswa dengan teknik simple random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan analisis bivariat. Hasil Penelitian: Stres yang dialami oleh mahasiswa prodi DIII Kebidanan sebagian besar adalah stess ringan sebanyak 40 responden (67,8%). Siklus menstruasi mahasiswa prodi DIII Kebidanan sebagian besar adalah normal sebanyak 46 responden (78,0%). Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa prodi DIII Kebidanan (Pvalue = 0,000). Kata kunci: Stress; siklus menstruasi THE CORRELATION BETWEEN STRESS AND MENSTRUAL CYCLE TO THE DIPLOMA III OF MIDWIFERY STUDENTS’ KARYA HUSADA HEALTH SCIENCE COLLEGE SEMARANG Abstrack Background: Most women in Indonesia in 2010 were aged 10-59 years reported a 68% had regular menstruation and 13.7% experienced problems irregular menstrual cycles in the past 1 year. Whereas in Central Java in 2010 known women aged 10-59 years with regular menstrual cycles as much as 70.4%, 13.1% irregular, yet menstruation 6.8% and 9.7% did not answer. Objective: To determine the correlations between stress and menstrual cycle to the diploma iii of midwifery students’ Karya Husada Health Science College Semarang. Method: This research was a correlation design with cross-sectional. The population was all students of DIII midwifery STIKES Karya Husada Semarang fifth semester of 2015,  they were 69 students. The sample was 59 female students with sampling techniques using simple random sampling. The Date were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analyzes. Results: The stress experienced by the students of DIII of midwifery mostly mild stres they were 40 respondents (67.8%). The menstrual cycle of students DIII of Midwifery are mostly normal they were 46 respondents (78.0%). There was an association between stress and the menstrual cycle to the students of DIII the Midwifery (Pvalue = 0.000). Keywords: Stress;  menstrual cycle 

Copyrights © 2016

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Health Professions Nursing Public Health


The focus of this journal is the dissemination of information related to all midwifery area including maternal and child health, midwifery, ante natal, labor, post-partum, family planning, adolescent health, pre-conception period, pre-menopause, complementary in ...