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Jurnal AL-AZHAR INDONESIA SERI SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI terbit 2 kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September adalah jurna; ilmiah yang mempublikasikan artikel hasil penelitan ilmiah dan ide-ide di bidang sains dan teknologi. Jurnal ini berfokus pada bidang teknik industri, teknik elektro, teknik infromatika, biologi, gizi dan teknologi pangan.
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Articles 241 Documents
Preferensi Dosen Pada Proses Penjadwalan Kuliah Menggunakan Algoritma Genetik Studi Kasus: Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia Dody Haryadi; Ade Jamal
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i2.191


Abstrak - Proses penjadwalan kuliah di suatu Universitas merupakan suatu proses yang memiliki peran penting. Dengan adanya sistem yang dapat melakukan penjadwalan dengan mempersingkat proses dan tidak adanya jadwal yang bentrok, kegiatan perkuliahan akan berjalan secara tertib. Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai proses penjadwalan kuliah di Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia (UAI) dengan menggunakan algoritma genetika. Analisa kebutuhan sistem dilakukan sesuai dengan proses bisnis penjadwalan kuliah di UAI. Pada algoritma genetika ini terdapat hard constrain dan soft constrain yang bisa ditentukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, seperti satu jadwal kuliah tidak boleh ada yang beririsan dengan jadwal kuliah yang lainnya. Sistem dapat merekam jadwal yang dapat dipenuhi dan juga tidak dapat dipenuhi dosen, sehingga ketika dalam proses penjadwalan, sistem dapat mencari waktu pengganti lainnya. Terdapat perubahan proses bisnis penjadwalan kuliah di UAI, dan juga berdampak pada pengembangan sistem informasi penjadwalan kuliah. Terdapat input dan output file json yang digunakan untuk komunikasi antara sistem informasi penjadwalan kuliah yang ada dengan sistem penjadwalan algoritma genetik.  Kata Kunci – Penjadwalan Kuliah, Algoritma Evolusi, Presensi Waktu Dosen Abstract - The process of scheduling a lecture at a university is a process that has an important role. With a system that can perform scheduling by shortening the process and the absence of conflicting schedules, lecture activities will run in an orderly manner. This research will discuss about the process of scheduling lecture at Al Azhar University of Indonesia (UAI) by using genetic algorithm. Analysis of system requirements is done in accordance with business process scheduling lectures at UAI. In this genetic algorithm there is a hard constrain and soft constrain that can be determined according to need, such as a lecture schedule should not be any that incline with other lecture schedules. The system can record schedules that can be met and also can’t be met lecturers, so that when in the process of scheduling, the system can find another replacement time. There is a change in the business process of lecture scheduling in UAI, and also has an impact on the development of lecture scheduling information system. There is an input and output json file that is used for communication between existing lecture scheduling information systems with genetic algorithm scheduling system. Keywords - Scheduling Lectures, Evolution Algorithm, Lecturer Time Presentation
Seroprevelensi Virus Avian Influenza SubTipe H5N1 Pada Unggas Domestik Peliharaan Masyarakat di Kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua Serang Provinsi Banten Agrydzadana Frisa; Dewi Elfidasari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v4i2.263


Abstrak - Unggas domestik di sekitar kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua (CAPD) banyak berinteraksi dengan burung air liar yang terinfeksi virus H5N1. Oleh karena itu perlu diperoleh informasi terkait keberadaan Virus AI pada unggas domestik tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi serologi Avian Influenza (AI) H5N1 pada unggas peliharaan masyarakat yang dipelihara dengan sistem backyard di sekitar kawasan CAPD. Pengamatan terhadap habitat dan perilaku bebek, ayam dan mentok dilakukan untuk menganalisa adanya interaksi dengan burung air liar di kawasan CAPD. Sebanyak 49 sampel serum yang terdiri dari 15 sampel serum bebek, 14 sampel serum mentok dan 20 serum ayam diperiksa keberadaan antibodi terhadap AI subtipe H5N1 melalui uji hambatan aglutinasi (Haemaglutination Inhibition). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan presentase seroprevalensi mencapai 100% dengan nilai Geometric Mean Titer sampel yang diperiksa sebesar 27,9 untuk mentok, 24,6 untuk bebek dan 277 untuk ayam. Terdapatnya antibodi membuktikan unggas peliharaan masyarakat di kawasan CAPD pernah terpapar virus AI subtipe H5N1. Kata Kunci - Avian Influenza, CAPD, Unggas Domestik, Haemaglutination Inhibition Abstract - Domestic birds around Pulau Dua Nature Reserve area (CAPD) interact with wild water birds infected with H5N1 virus. Therefore it is necessary to obtain information related to the presence of AI virus in domestic poultry. This study aims to determine the prevalence of Avian Influenza serology (AI) H5N1 in community poultry maintained by backyard system around CAPD area. Observation of habitat and duck, chicken and stuck behavior was done to analyze the interaction with wild water birds in CAPD area. A total of 49 serum samples consisting of 15 serum duck samples, 14 serum serum samples and 20 serum chickens examined the presence of antibodies against AI subtypes H5N1 through an agglutination inhibition test (Haemaglutination Inhibition). The observation result shows that seroprevalency percentage reaches 100% with Geometric Mean Titer value of examined sample is 27,9 for stool, 24,6 for duck and 277 for chicken. The presence of antibodies proves that community poultry in the CAPD region has been exposed to AI virus subtype H5N1. Keywords - Avian Influenza, CAPD, Unggas Domestik, Haemaglutination Inhibition
Variasi Pola Mencari Makan Tiga Jenis Kuntul di Sekitar Cagar Alam Pulau Dua Serang, Propinsi Banten Dewi Elfidasari
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v1i2.27


Variasi pola mencari makan dari tiga jenis kuntul yang menghuni Cagar Alam Pulau Dua telah diamati selama 12 bulan. Penelitian dilakukan di lokasi makan dari ketiga jenis kuntul yang berada di sekitar kawasan Cagar Alam Pulau Dua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengamatan langsung dengan didukung oleh pengambilan gambar menggunakan Handycam dengan metode Focal Observation. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pola mencari makan pada Casmerodius albus adalah sebanyak 30 pola, variasi pola tertinggi dijumpai pada sawah di waktu pagi (17 pola), dan pola mencari makan yang paling sering dilakukan adalah PCa1. Pola mencari makan Egretta garzetta meliputi 160 variasi tertinggi dijumpai pada lokasi makan dataran lumpur pada waktu pagi (47 macam pola), dan macam pola dengan frekuensi tertinggi adalah PEg1. Sedangkan pada Bubulcus ibis, pola mencari makan yang ditemukan adalah sebanyak 65 jenis, dengan variasi tertinggi dijumpai pada sawah di waktu pagi (33 pola) dan pola mencari makan dengan frekuensi tertinggi adalah PBi15.AbstractForaging pattern variation of  three herons species living in Pulau Dua Nature reserve Serang, Banten Province was observed to 12 months. Research was conducted  done at feeding area of three species of herons around Cagar Alam Pulau Dua. The research method was a combination of direct observation and “focal sampling” method using videotape (handycam). The result showed that foraging pattern of Casmerodius albus were as much 30 kinds, supreme pattern variation was found on the rice-field in the morning (17 type pattern), and the coming foraging pattern was PCa1. Foraging patterns in Egretta garzetta were 160 types, supreme variation to be met on mudflat in the morning (47 type pattern), and pattern type with supreme frequency was PEg1. However on the Bubulcus ibis , the number of foraging pattern were as much 65 types, with supreme variation found on rice-field in the morning (33 type pattern) and pattern type with supreme frequency was PBi15.
Optimization of Benzene and Toluene Biodegradation by Aspergillus niger and Phanerochaete chrysosporium Analekta Tiara Perdana; Mutia Arianata; Tri Retno Dyah Larasati
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v5i2.355


Abstract - Benzene and toluene can cause contamination in environments. Utilization of microorganism to degrade these compounds could be favorable approach to discover a convenient biodegradation agent. Fungi have an important role in the degradation of petroleum hydrocarbon (PHC). The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of benzene and toluene degrading molds Aspergillus niger and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. These molds were selected to check the Lignin Peroxidase (LiPs) activity and formulate the medium conditions for improving degradation process. Optimization of medium conditions (pH and nutrient concentrations) for benzene and toluene degradation was applied under in vitro conditions. Molds were grown in sawdust media with pH settings (4, 5, 6 and 7) and nutrients (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) followed by the addition of benzene and toluene. The percentage of degradation was analyzed using Gas Chromatography (GC). The optimal degradation conditions of benzene and toluene by A. niger were at pH 6 with nutrient concentration of 75%, while P. chrysosporium at pH 7 with nutrient concentration of 25%. All samples that had been polluted by benzene and toluene did not show LiPs activity, however non polluted samples showed LiPs activity 0,528 U/ml in A. niger and 0,275 U/mL in P. chrysosporium.Keywords- Aspergillus niger, Benzene, Biodegradation, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Toluene.
Potensi Daun Teh (Camellia sinensis) dan Daun Anting-anting Acalypha indica L. dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Salmonella typhi Nita Noriko
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v2i2.131


Abstrak - Salmonella typhi adalah bakteri penyebab terjadinya penyakit typhus. Pengobatan menggunakan antibiotika menimbulkan resistensi jika dilakukan tidak tuntas terutama ketika sistem tubuh menurun. Pengobatan dengan menerapkan kearifan lokal merupakan salah satu alternatif dalam upaya penyembuhan. Daun teh (Camellia sinensis) dan daun anting-anting (Acalypha indica L) diduga mengandung tanin, suatu senyawa yang dapat berfungsi sebagai antibiotik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh informasi efektifitas ekstrak daun teh dan daun anting-anting sebagai antibakteri alami, khususnya S. typhi Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Oktober 2012 di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari pembuatan ekstrak daun teh dan anting-anting, pengujian adanya kandungan tanin, penumbuhan S. typhi dan uji antibakteri. Ekstrak daun diperoleh dengan cara perebusan dan pengeringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun teh dan anting-anting berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai antibiotik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan terbentuknya zona bening ketika dilakukan uji antibakteri. Kedua ekstrak daun tersebut positif mengandung tanin yang diduga berperan dalam penghambatan pertumbuhan S. typhi.  Abstract - Salmonella typhi is a bacteria that caused typhus disease. The curation using chemical drugs may cause bacterial resistance if the treatment is not complete, especially when the system of the body decreases. Treatment with traditional medicine is one of alternative way for curing typhoid fever. Tea and Anting-anting leaves are suspected to contain tannin, a compound that can act as an antibiotic. The aim of the research is getting information about effectiveness of tea and anting-anting leaf extract as antibacterial agent specially S. thypi. Research were conducted from Maret until October 2012 in Microbiology Laboratory, Al Azhar Indonesia University. The steps incude collecting tea and anting-anting leaves, extracting tannin, testing for tannin, growing the bacteria, and testing the inhibition zone. Leaf extract obtained by boiling and drying. The research shows that leaf tea and anting-anting extraction have potential to be developed as an antibiotic. That are showed by clear zone as indicate inhibition Salmonella typhi when tested antibacterial. Both of the leaves plant are positive tannin containing, and it is indicated as inhibitor S. thypi growth.
Perancangan Sistem Radio Pengendali Robot Terbang Nirawak Octarina Nur Samijayani; Suci Rahmatia; Tio Apridinata
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v3i1.182


Abstrak – Permasalahan investigasi, evakuasi bencana ataupun juga aplikasi pemantauan berkala pada daerah yang sangat sulit dijangkau memerlukan suatu teknologi yang dapat menjangkau daerah tersebut. Salah satu alternatif adalah menggunakan robot tanpa awak, yakni dapat berupa pesawat dalam ukuran besar ataupun robot dalam ukuran kecil. Robot terbang tanpa awak merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dapat mengintai atau mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan di daerah yang sulit dijangkau. Robot terbang saat ini memiliki banyak kegunaan, diantaranya untuk meliput aktifitas lalu lintas, aerial photography menentukan kontur daratan, surveillance perkebunan, sampai pemupukan. Dengan mengirimkan robot terbang, manusia tidak perlu datang langsung ke tempat yang ingin dituju. Salah satu komponen penting pada robot terbang adalah sistem pengendali jarak jauh. Sistem pengendali yang dirancang pada penelitian ini memanfaatkan system komunikasi radio untuk mengendalikan robot terbang. Perancangan system dimulai dengan perancangan perangkat robot terbang kemudian perancangan system radio pengendali. Hasil uji coba sistem radio pengendali robot terbang ialah jarak terbang mencapai 200 meter, sistem komunikasi telemetri dan GPS telah berhasil digunakan untuk mengirimkan informasi ketinggian, arah, dan posisi, status batterai dari robot. Kata Kunci - Robot Terbang Nirawak, Radio Pengendali, Telemetri Abstract – The investigation and evacuation necessity after certain disaster also for monitoring system in remote area especially in danger area needs such technology that can reach that location. One of alternative is using the unmanned robot, in form of airplane or specific unmanned robot. Unmanned flying robot or Aerial Robotics can reach the remote area in order to find and record the important information. Recently, flying robot is widely used in some application area, for example for traffic monitoring, aerial photography, plantation surveillance and fertilization. One of the important components in flying robot is the controller function. In this research, the controller function is designed and sent using radio communication. The flying robot design is involving the hardware component and the radio controller. Experimental results shows that flying robot has flight range of up to 200 meters, also telemetry and GPS communication systems have been successfully used to transmit altitude information , direction,  position, and the status of the robot batteries. Keywords – Robot Terbang Nirawak, Radio Control, Telemetry
Deteksi Bakteri Pencemar Lingkungan (Coliform) Pada Ikan Sapu-Sapu Asal Sungai Ciliwung Riris Lindiawati Puspitasari; Dewi Elfidasari; Yorianta Sasaerila; Fatihah Dinul Qoyyimah; Fatkhurokhim Fatkhurokhim
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v4i1.244


Abstrak - Sungai Ciliwung merupakan salah satu sumber kehidupan bagi masyarakat. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan, ikan sapu-sapu sungai Ciliwung juga dimanfaatkan sebagai pangan oleh masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan bakteri Coliform dan mikroorganisme yang terdapat pada ikan sapu-sapu asal perairan sungai Ciliwung. Deteksi Coliform dilakukan dengan metode uji praduga dan uji konfirmasi terhadap insang, usus, daging serta kulit abdomen ikan sapu-sapu. Uji praduga dengan menggunakan media Lactose Broth (LB), sedangkan uji konfirmasi dengan media Brilliant Lactose Broth (BGLB). Hasil MPN dilihat dari tabel yang memberikan nilai duga terdekat dengan kombinasi tabung positif dan tabung negatif pada uji konfirmasi. Hasil yang didapat menunjukan seluruh sampel memiliki nilai MPN melebihi batas maksimum Coliform pada makanan. Jadi daging, insang, kulit abdomen, dan usus pada ikan sapu-sapu tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat.Kata Kunci - Coliform, ikan sapu-sapu, sungai CiliwungAbstract - Ciliwung River is one of life source for society. Based on the survey conducted, Ciliwung river broom fish is also used as food by the community. This study aims to detect the presence of Coliform bacteria and microorganisms found in broom fish from the Ciliwung River waters. Coliform detection was performed by presumptive test method and confirmation test on gills, intestines, meat and abdominal skin of sweeper fish. Prediction test using Lactose Broth (LB) media, while confirmation test with Brilliant Lactose Broth (BGLB) media. MPN results are seen from the table that gives the closest possible value to the positive tube and negative tube combination in the confirmation test. The results show that all samples have MPN values exceeding the maximum limit of Coliform in foods. So the meat, the gills, the abdominal skin, and the intestines in the broom fish are not fit for consumption by the public.Keywords - Coliform, Cattle Fish, River Cilliwung
Design of Multiband Miniaturized Antenna using Metamaterial Concept for WLAN/WiMAX Application Sofian Hamid
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v1i1.11


Design of low cost multiband antenna is presented. The antenna works in WLAN/WMAX band and has a very compact dimension of 2 cm x 2 cm, making it suitable for handheld devices. This small dimension is achieved since the antenna is loaded with the metamateria element. To miniaturize the antenna dimension further, modification on the left side of ground-plane is introduced, which is inspired by the self complementary antenna concept. Resonance at lower frequency is given by the single cell metamaterial loading on 2.36 – 2.45 frequency; at the middle frequency is given by the thin slot on 3.26 – 3.49 frequency; and at higher frequency is given by the main radiator on 5.3 – 6 GHz frequency. The antenna has omnidirectional pattern and moderate directivity of 2-3 dBi on those frequencies.
Segmentasi Gigi pada Dental Panoramic Radiograph untuk Identifikasi Manusia Latifah Ramadhana Murilmiani Effendhi; Ade Jamal; Solechoel Arifin; Teguh Widodo
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v5i1.320


Abstrak – Indonesia memiliki tingkat kerawanan tinggi terhadap bencana alam dan kecelakaan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya korban massal. Banyak cara untuk mengidentifikasi korban, salah satunya menggunakan citra gigi. Gigi merupakan bagian dari tubuh yang lebih tahan lama karena struktur gigi yang padat dan kuat. Identifikasi menggunakan sarana gigi dapat dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan data gigi yang telah diperoleh dari pemeriksaan gigi jenazah yang tidak dikenal (data postmortem) dengan data gigi yang sebelumnya pernah dibuat (data antemortem). Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam melakukan identifikasi korban menggunakan citra gigi. Tahapan yang dilakukan oleh peneliti adalah tahap segmentasi gigi. Pertama, citra dilakukan cropping hingga mendapatkan dimensi berukuran 1564×589 piksel serta perbaikan citra menggunakan Histogram Equalization. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemisahan citra gigi menggunakan metode Integral Projection dilengkapi penggunaan Spline Interpolation untuk menggambar garis pemisah antara rahang atas-bawah serta gigi tunggal. Tiap citra memiliki nilai n-blok kolom yang berbeda sehingga dibutuhkan parameter sebesar 3 hingga 30 n-blok kolom untuk membentuk garis pemisah rahang atas-bawah. Citra gigi berjenis Dental Panoramic Radiograph. Hasil evaluasi kesalahan terkecil saat melakukan pemisahan rahang atas-bawah menggunakan Horizontal Integral Projection sebesar 56.8% dengan nilai n-blok kolom adalah 8 dan saat segmentasi gigi pada tahap Vertical Integral Projection sebesar 38.27% dengan nilai average filter adalah 17.Abstract – Indonesia has a high level of vulnerability to natural disasters and accidents that result in mass casualties. There are many ways to identify victims, especially by using dental images. The teeth are part of the body that are more durable because of the solid and strong tooth structure. Identification using dental images can be done by comparing dental data that has been obtained from unknown victim dental examination (postmortem data) with dental data previously made (antemortem data). There are several stages in identifying victims using dental images and researcher worked on tooth segmentation stage. First, the image need to cropped up to get dimensions size of 1564×589 pixels and improved contrast using Histogram Equalization method. Then, tooth separation is performed using Integral Projection method which is equipped with the use of Spline Interpolation to draw the separator line between the upper-lower jaws and single tooth. Each image has a different n-block column value, so researcher selected range number of n-block column is between 3-30. In this reseach, dental panoramic radiographs are used. The smallest error rate in the images is found when performing an Integral Projection to separate upper and lower jaws by 56.8% with n-block column value = 8 and when separating each tooth from the image by 38.27% with average filter value = 17.Keywords – Antemortem, Postmortem, Segmentation, Histogram Equalization, Integral Projection, Spline Interpolation
A Continuous Topography Approach for Agent Based Traffic Simulation, Lane Changing Model Ade Jamal
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v2i1.96


Traffic simulation has been being an interesting research subject for transport engineer and scientist, mathematicians and informatics scientist for different point of view. Transport scientists study the traffic complexity and behaviour of traffic participants by using statistical experiment or simulation. The earlier approach was based on macroscopic model deducted from hydrodynamics kinematic wave analogy. Later on the microscopic model was introduced first by invoking cellular automata and then agent based model takes important role in the traffic simulation world. Most of microscopic model are based on a multi-grid element topography model which is a natural environment of cellular automata. Just recently a software engineer started an ambitious work to develop a multipurpose framework for complex traffic simulation. The ingenious idea is to replace the traditional grid based element topography with a continuous two dimensional one from which a region of traffic road or street is built up. Traffic participant is modelled as agent whose physical properties such as its coordinate position, speed, and direction are governed by the kinematic Newtonian law. This article will present this new concept and show how the simple movement of lane changing model that is very well known from the beginning era of traffic simulation become a quite complex movement in the new continuous topography

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