LITERASI: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Humaniora
Vol 1 No 2 (2011)


Muhammad Abdullah (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Diponegoro)

Article Info

Publish Date
07 Dec 2011


In an ancient mosque in Tegalsari, Tegal regency, Central Java, there are more than twenty manuscripts containing a variety of religious teachings, such as theology, mysticism, jurisprudence, and Arabic language. One of them is a phenomenal classical manuscript namely Rambang manuscripts. The Rambang reveals an esoteric aspect of Islam Martabat Tujuh and Ibnu Arabi’s dogma Wahdah Al­Wujud, fiqh doctrine, tajalli concept, Allah’s tanzih and tasbih attitude, and classical Islamic theology. This esoteric aspect teaches that God’s existence cannot be recognized by anyone and any power. God can only be recognized after tajalli (appearing Himself) in the universe. This article, by using philological and hermeneutics method, will analyze the influence of Islamic mystical teaching in the Rambang. This article finds that characteristic of Islamic mystic in northern coastal showing two tendencies, Sunni and philosophical Islamic mystic. Furthermore, the Rambang also teaches how to synthesize two concepts, Wahdah Al­Wujud and Sunni in Islamic tradition. Keywords: teology, tajalli, Wahdah Al-Wujud, esoteric

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