Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
Vol. 19 No. 2 (2014): Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia

Pemberian Daun Kayu Manis Cinnamomun Burmanni dalam Pakan Terhadap Kinerja Pertumbuhan dan Komposisi Nutrien Tubuh Ikan Patin Pangasius Hypopthalmus

Mia Setiawati (Unknown)
Dedi Jusadi (Unknown)
Shella Marlinda (Unknown)
Dadang Syafruddin (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Dec 2014


This research was carried out to evaluate the effect of cinnamon leaf (Cinnamomun burmanni) as a suplement inthe diet due to growth performance and nutriet composition of patin (Pangasius hypothalamus). A triplicateexperiment was conducted using fish with an initial body weight of 7.27 ± 0.28 g. Fish were culture in aquaria 50 x40 x 35 cm at a density of 10 fish/aquaria. Fish were fed on the diet contained either 0, 0.5, 1; or 1.5% respectively.Fish fed on the diet at satiation for 30 days. The result shows that the suplementation of cinnamon leaf powder inthe diet 0 to 1.5% was insignificantly affected feed consumption, specific growth rate, and survival rate of fish.However, the addition of Cinnamomumn burmanni up to 1% was significantly increased the level of total feeddigestibility twice, the protein digestibility to 87.39%, and protein retention 1.5 higher than the control (withoutcinnamon leaf powder). On the other hand, the diet of 1% Cinnamomumn burmanni were the optimal result of thisresearch with the feed efficient, decrease 30% of fat and have more compact flesh texture.

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Agriculture, Biological Sciences & Forestry


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