Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur
Vol 8 No 1 (2015): April 2015

Optimasi Derajat Kebebasan RedundantMekanisme Paralel Spherical 3-URU untuk Optimalisasi Kekakuan Kinematik

Sepriyanto Sepriyanto (Unknown)
Syamsul Huda (Unknown)
Lovely Son (Unknown)
Mulyadi Bur (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
25 Jul 2015


Pada paper ini dikaji optimasi postur mekanisme paralel 3-URU rotasi murni. Optimasi inidigunakan untuk memperoleh kekakuan kinematik yang optimal berupa kemampuanmekanisme meneruskan torsi input dan kemampuan mekanisme menahan gaya luar yangdinyatakan dengan indeks evaluasi (EI). Optimasi meliputi pemilihan parameter kinematikyang menggambarkan gerak platformyang dinyatakan dengan rotasi berurut berdasarkanEuler Angle dengan sistem rotasi Z-X-Z. Euler Angle tersebut dinyatakan dengan , , z x ? ? ? .Pada penelitian ini mekanisme paralel rotasi murni 3-URU diaplikasikan sebagaipengontrolan orientasi pahat pada mesin perkakas. Pada aplikasi ini sudut ? merupakansudut redundant yang menyatakan putaran pada sumbu yang tegak lurus terhadap bidangplatform. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa ? optimal merupakan fungsi sudutinklinasi platform ?()x yang dapat diformulasikan dengan6 5 4 3 2 1 -08( ) 4 -06( ) 0.0008( ) 0.0151( ) 0.3143( ? optimal ? ? E ?x ? E ?x ? ?x ? ?x ? ?x ) 3.9654( ) 79.977 x ? ? ? .Denganmenggunakan formulasi sudut redundant ini telah didapatkan kekakuan yang optimal yangdinyatakan dengan indek evaluasi EI.Kata kunci: kinematik, mekanisme paralel, constraint singularity, actuation singularityIn this paper was studied the optimization of posture of a 3-URU spherical parallelmechanism. The mechanism was applied tocontrol the orentation of platform represented bythree successive Euler Rotation Angles. The rotation angle was denoted as ? , ? , ? z x thatindicates the rotation about Z, X dan Z axis respectively. Based on the desired aplication, thethird rotation angle, ? was recognized as redundant degree dof because such rotation is notrequired as orienting tool. The optimization was carried out to realize optimal kinematicstiffness of the mechanism to transmit the torques and to restrict the external forces acting onthe center of platform motion indicated by evaluation index, EI. Based onthis works, it wasobtained that the optimal ? is a function ofthe angle of inclinationplatform,? x formulated as6 5 4 3 2 1 -08( ) 4 -06( ) 0.0008( ) 0.0151( ) 0.3143( ) 3.9654( ) 79.977 optimal x x x x x x ? ? ? E ? ? E ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . The optimizegave the highes of EI.Keywords: kinematic, parallel mechanism, constraintsingularity, actuationsingularity

Copyrights © 2015

Journal Info





Energy Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering


"Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur" is a journal published by Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana, Bali since 2006. During 2006-2011 the journal's name was "Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin CAKRAM" (Scientific journal in mechanical engineering, CAKRAM). "Jurnal Energi dan Manufaktur" is ...