Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology
Volume 4, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015


Susanti, Ester (Unknown)
Subandiyono, - (Unknown)
Herawati, Vivi Endar (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Apr 2015


Jenis dan bahan pakan yang diberikan pada postlarva udang vaname berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan pemanfaatan pakan.  Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji tingkat pemanfaatan pakan untuk pertumbuhan postlarva udang vaname yang diberi pakan Artemia sp. beku, dan silase Artemia sp.  Perlakuan yang diujikan adalah pemberian pakan dengan Artemia sp. beku (perlakuan A), silase Artemia sp. (perlakuan B), dan pakan buatan (perlakuan C) dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan 3 kali sehari dengan metode relative feeding rate yaitu sebesar 30% bobot biomass.  Postlarva udang tersebut dipelihara dalam ember berkapasitas 25 L yang diisi air sebanyak 20 L.  Kepadatan postlarva udang uji adalah 20 ekor/L, dengan periode pemeliharaan selama 35 hari. Variabel yang diamati selama penelitian yaitu: laju pertumbuhan relatif bobot (RGRW), laju pertumbuhan relatif panjang (RGRL), efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan (EPP), protein efficiency ratio (PER), dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis pakan yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap pertumbuhan postlarva udang vaname.  Nilai RGRW, RGRL, dan EPP tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan A yaitu masing-masing dengan nilai 30,90%/hari; 13,72%/hari; dan 26,17%.  Nilai PER tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan C yaitu sebesar 0,55%.  Nilai SR untuk ketiga perlakuan tidak berbeda (P>0,05).  Berdasarkan pada hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Artemia sp. baik dalam bentuk beku maupun silase dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pertumbuhan dan EPP yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan pakan buatan.  Pakan buatan yang diberikan pada postlarva udang vaname menghasilkan nilai PER yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan pakan Artemia sp. The types and ingredients of feed given to shrimp postlarva vanname affected on the growth and feed utilization.  Feeding fairly and in accordance with the nutritional requirements needed to support the growth of shrimp larvae.  Feed requirements depend on the availability of food, to help ensure the availability of feed storage methods are needed to feed so that the feed can last long, in this case can the freezing and preservation methods.  The purpose of the research was to examine the degree of utilisation of the feed for the growth and survival of the postlarva vannamei fed shrimp feed frozen Artemia sp., preserved Artemia sp., and artificial feed. The treatments to be tested is feeding with frozen Artemia sp. (treatment A), preserved Artemia sp. (treatment B), and artificial feed (treatment C) with feeding frequency 3 times a day by the method of relative feeding rate which is 30% lighter weight biomass.  Postlarva shrimp are kept in a bucket capacity of 25 L of water filled as much as 20 L. The density of post larva shrimp tails assay is 20 L, with a period of maintenance for 35 days. Variables were observed during the study, namely: the pace of weights relative growth (RGRW), the pace of long relative growth (RGRL), efficiency of feed utilization (EPP), the protein efficiency ratio (PER), and the survival rate (SR).  The results showed that different types of feed to give the real influence (P<0.05) against the growth of post larva shrimp vannamei.  The highest value for RGRW, RGRL, EPP obtained at the treatment A, that were 30.90%/day; 13.72%/day; and 26.17%, the respectively.  The highest value of PER obtained at treatment C, that was 0.55%. The values of SR fo all treatments were similiar (P>0.05). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that Artemia sp. in the form of frozen and preserved can be utilized for growth and EPP is better when compared to artificial feeding.  However, the artificial feed fed on shrimp postlarvae vannamei generates value PER better when compared to the feed Artemia sp.

Copyrights © 2015

Journal Info





Computer Science & IT Decision Sciences, Operations Research & Management Other


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