Vol 31, No 2 (2019): AKSARA, EDISI Desember 2019


Mustaqim, Muhammad Sirotol (Unknown)
Djatmika, Djatmika (Unknown)
Marmanto, Sri (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Dec 2019


AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jenis-jenis tindak tutur ekspresif dalam antologi cerpen Penjagal Itu Telah Mati karya Gunawan Budi Susanto. Dan menemukan apa sajakah jenis- jenis tindak tutur ekspresif di dalamnya. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif-kualitatif, dengan pendekatan teori pragmatik. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah antologi cerpen Penjagal Itu Telah Mati, dan data penelitian ini adalah tuturan yang di dalamnya mengandung tindak tutur ekspresif. Peneliti menggunakan teknik total sampling. Data diperoleh menggunakan metode analisis dokumen atau dokumentasi. Hasil analisis penelitian ini sebagai berikut: Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari keseluruhan data yang berjumlah 128 data, ditemukan ada 23 jenis tindak tutur ekspresif yang terdiri dari tindak tutur ekspresif; meminta maaf 19 data (14,28%), memuji 12 data (9,02%), sengsara 10 data (7,51%), terima kasih dan menyetujui 9 data (6,76%), membantah, berharap dan salam 8 data (6,01%), dan memprotes 8 data (6,01%). Kemudian tindak tutur ekspresif bersimpati 5 data (3,75%), menyalahkan, bersyukur, kesenangan dan mengkritik 4 data (3,00%), menyesalkan dan mengecam 3 data (2,25%), mengutuk, mengejek, dan mengucapkan selamat 2 data (1,50%), dan memaki, mengumpat, terkejut, dan berdukacita 1 data (0,75%).Kata Kunci: cerpen, pragmatik, tindak tutur AbstractThis study aims to nd the types of expressive speech acts in the short story anthology of Penjagal Itu Telah Mati by Gunawan Budi Susanto. And to discover what kinds of expressive speech acts is in it. This research type is descriptive-qualitative, with the approach of pragmatic theory. The source of this research data is the short story anthology of Penjagal Itu Telah Mati, and the data of this research is a speech in which contains expressive speech acts. The researchers used total sampling technique. Data were obtained by using document analysis method or documentation. The results of this research analysis are as follows: The result obtained from the total data that amounted to 128 data, found there are 23 types of expressive speech acts consisting of expressive speech acts; apologize 19 data (14,28%), praised 12 data (9,02%), miserable 10 data (7,51%), thanks and approved 9 data (6,76%), denied, hoped, and regards 8 data (6,01%), and protested 8 data (6,01%). Then the expressive speech acts sympathetically 5 data (3,75%), blame, grateful, fun, and criticize 4 data (3,00%), deplore and admonish 3 data (2,25%), condemn, mock, and congratulate 2 data (1,50%), and pussy, cuss, shock, and mourn 1 data (0,75%).Keywords: short story, pragmatic, speech act 

Copyrights © 2019

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Languange, Linguistic, Communication & Media


AKSARA is a journal that publishes results of literary studies researches, either Indonesian, local, or foreign literatures. All articles in AKSARA have passed reviewing process by peer reviewers and edited by editors. AKSARA is published by Balai Bahasa Bali twice a year, June and December. ...