Prosiding Seminar Nasional MIPA


Sucitra, I Gusti Ngurah Bayu (Unknown)
Suja, I Wayan (Unknown)
Muderawan, I Wayan (Unknown)
Nurlita, Frieda (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Aug 2016


Pemahaman siswa SMA terkait dengan hubungan struktur molekul dengan sifat senyawa organik sangat rendah. Sejauh ini, belum ada penelitian terkait dengan model mental siswa dalam pembelajaran kimia di Bali. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan model mental siswa tentang hubungan struktur molekul terhadap sifat senyawa organik. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah 74 orang siswa kelas XI IPA di SMA Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja pada tahun ajaran 2015/2016. Data dikumpulkan melalui tes diagnostik model mental berbentuk pilihan ganda dua tingkat, yang terdiri atas bagian isi dan bagian alasan. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif interpretatif dengan mengelompokkan jawaban siswa berdasarkan kemiripannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model mental siswa dalam memahami hubungan struktur molekul terhadap sifat senyawa organik adalah 1,35% model mental ilmiah (Scientifically Correct, SC) dan 98,65% model mental alternatif, yang terdiri atas 5,53% model mental tipe NR (No Response); 42,57% tipe SM (Specific Misconceptions); dan 50,54% tipe PC (Partially Correct). Secara umum, siswa belum dapat memahami hubungan struktur molekul terhadap sifat senyawa organik yang mencakup representasi ketiga level kimia berserta interkoneksinya. Hal ini diperkuat dengan rerata hasil belajar siswa hanya mencapai 21,47 dari skala 100. Kata-kata Kunci: model mental, tes diagnostik, struktur molekul, senyawa organik AbstractThe student’s understanding on correlation of molecular structure towards the properties of organic compounds is very low. So far, there is no research on students’ mental models in chemistry learning in Bali. The present research was a descriptive study aimed to describe and explain student’s mental models about the correlation of molecular structure toward the properties of organic compounds. The subject of this study was 74 students of 11th grade of science program at SMA Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja in academic year 2015/2016. The data were collected through diagnostic test of mental models in form of two level multiple choice, consisting the content and reason. Data analysis was conducted by using descriptive interpretative method in classifying students’ answers based on its similarities. The result of this study showed that students’ mental models about the correlation of molecular structure toward the properties of organic compounds were 1.35% of scientifically correct (SC) and 98.65% of alternative mental models, consisting of 5.53% mental models of no response (NR) type, 42.57% of specific misconception (SM) type, and 50.54% of partially correct (PC) type. Generally, students’ could not understand the correlation of molecular structure toward the organic compounds properties including the representation of three chemistry level and the interconnection. This statement is supported by the mean of students' achievement only 21.47 out of 100. Keywords : mental models, diagnostic test, molecular structure, organic compounds

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