Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia
Vol 12, No 2 (2016): November 2016


Ermawan Susanto (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Nov 2017


AbstrakTulisan ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan model permainan air (water fun games) dalam meningkatkan potensiberenang sekaligus menumbuhkan perilaku karakter siswa. Tujuan khusus yang ingin dicapai: (1) Menyusun bentukbentuk permainan air (water fun games), dan (2) Melakukan uji coba produk permainan air. Untuk mencapai targettersebut, penelitian didesain melalui research development dalam lima pentahapan. Subjek penelitian untukmemperoleh persepsi kebutuhan permainan air adalah siswa dan guru pendidikan jasmani. Subjek penelitian untukmengembangkan permainan air adalah ahli pendidikan jasmani dan ahli pembelajaran akuatik. Subjek ujicobaadalah siswa siswi sekolah dasar. Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis varians. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan tersusunnya 33 bentuk permainan air yang terintegrasi perilaku karakter yang diharapkan dapatmeningkatkan keterampilan renang. Unsur permainan air tersebut berisi: nama permainan air, gambar, tujuan, levelpermainan, perlengkapan yang dipakai, kedalaman air, pengaturan tempat, jumlah peserta, cara bermain, potensiketerampilan renang yang dikembangkan, dan perilaku karakter.Kata kunci: permainan air (water fun games),kemampuan berenang, perilaku karakterAbstractThis paper aims to outline the game model (water fun games) in increasing the potential for swimming as well asfoster the behavior of the student’s character. The specifc objectives to be achieved: (1) Develop forms of the game(water fun games), and (2) To test the water game products. To achieve these targets, the study was designedthrough research development in fve phasing.The subject of research to obtain perception needs water gamesare students and teachers of physical education. The subject of research to develop the game of water is a physicaleducation experts and learning experts aquatic. Subject trials are the students of primary school. Data analysis usingdescriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results showed completion of 33 form the integrated water gamescharacter traits are expected to improve swimming skills. The element of water games it contains: name of watergames, images, objectives, level of the game, the equipment used, the depth of the water, place settings, numberof participants, how to play, the potential of the developed swimming skills, and characterKey Words: water fun games, potential swimming ability, character behavior.

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