Numeracy : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika
Vol 4 No 2 (2017)


Anwar (Universitas Samudra)
Muhammad Zaki (Universitas Samudra)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Oct 2017


The teachers candidates are people being prepared into a teacher. Although the teacher candidates has been equipped with various science teacher and a set of teacher skills, it is possible they still have less confidence in the ability that has been owned, especially self confidence. This study aims to find out how to improve self-confidence of teachers candidates and learning outcomes in understanding mathematics through the application of problem posing approach. This research uses eksperiment research with quantitative approach. The main data in this research are test result of learning, observation result of student activity, and questionnaire to student of mathematics education program. subject peneliannya is a student of mathematics education semester four. The results show that there is an increase in self confidance and understanding of mathematical concepts of prospective teachers through approach possing problems are applied by forming small groups consisting of two to three; guiding teachers candidates to create a conducive learning; providing motivation; assigning tasks at the end of each lesson; asking one of the teachers candidates to present their tasks, every teacher candidates is required to make a problem / issue and the answer which will then be given to his friends to solve it, and provide exercises or quizzes at the beginning of the lesson or at the end of each learning session. Every aspect of Self Confidance has increased, and overall average aspect improvement is 42.3%. Abstrak Calon guru adalah orang sedang dipersiapkan menjadi seorang guru. Walaupun calon guru tersebut telah dibekali berbagai ilmu keguruan dan seperangkat keterampilan keguruan, tidak tertutup kemungkinan mereka masih memiliki kepercayaan diri yang kurang terhadap kemampuan yang telah dimiliki khususnya kepercayaan diri (self-confidence). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara meningkatkan kepercayaan diri calon guru dan hasil belajar matematika melalui penerapan pendekatan problem posing. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Data utama dalam penelitian ini berupa tes hasil belajar, hasil observasi aktivitas mahasiswa, dan angket terhadap mahasiswa prodi pendidikan matematika. subjek peneliannya adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan matematika semester 4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan self confidance dan pemahaman konsep matematika calon guru melalui pendekatan problem possing yang diterapkan dengan cara membentuk kelompok-kelompok kecil yang terdiri dari 2-3, membimbing calon guru agar terciptanya suasana pembelajaran/ diskusi yang kondusif; memberikan motivasi, memberikan tugas disetiap akhir pembelajaran, menyuruh salah satu calon guru untuk mempresentasikan tugasnya, setiap calon guru diwajibkan membuat soal/ mengajukan masalah beserta jawabannya yang kemudian akan diberikan kepada teman-temannya untuk menyelesaikannya, dan memberikan latihan atau kuis pada awal pembelajaran atau di akhir pembelajaran disetiap pertemuan. Setiap aspek Self Confidance mengalami peningkatan, dan secara keseluruhan rata-rata aspek peningkatan yaitu 42,3%. Kata kunci: Calon Guru, Self-Konfidence,konsep matematika, Problem Posing

Copyrights © 2017

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Education Mathematics


Numeracy Journal is a journal on mathematics education. The Journal publishes articles comprising on mathematics learning, critical study of mathematics learning, classroom action research research on mathematics curriculum, learning method of mathematic, learning media of mathematic, research on ...