ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of seasoning and type of oil on the weight of impurities and water content of oil after soybean tempeh frying, and to know the effect of frying frequency on quality of cooking oil after soybean tempeh frying with chemical and physical parameters. The experimental design used in this study was a factorial completely randomized design with two treatments No Seasoning and Seasoning. The second treatment is the frying frequency. The first factor had 18 treatments and the second factor was 12 treatments, each treatment was repeated 2x so that the first factor was obtained 18x2 = 36 units of the experiment, the second factor 12x2 = 24 units of the experiment. Data were analyzed statistically using F. If the test shows significantly different results, followed by HSD test. Stage I to measure water content (gravimetric method) and the weight of impurities cooking oil after frying soybean tempeh. The influence of seasoning / no seasoning and the type of oil which gives the water content and weight of impurities in the highest post-frying soybean frying oil used for stage II research. Phase II tests the water content, weight of impurities (gravimetry), specific gravity (pycnometer), free fatty acids (titration), color (chromameter). The results showed that cooking oil with no seasoning tempeh frying and no oil had a significant effect on water content, while the weight of impurities had a significant effect on tempeh results without Bulk oil seasoning (TC) 28.25% and Bulk oil-seasoned tempeh BC) 31.23%. The frying frequency does not significantly affect the water content and specific gravity, but it has a significant effect on the weight of impurities with results, the frequency of 1 time frying (P1X) 30.1%, free fatty acids with a frequency of 3 times frying (P3X) 0.40% and at a frequency of 4 times frying (P4X) 0.35% and color L * at a frequency of 1 frying time (P1X) 60.54, a * with a frequency of 1 time frying (P1X) -0.51 and a frequency of 2 times the frying (P2X) 2.54, b * 1 time frying frequency (P1X) 29.26. Keywords: Frying frequency, Impurities, Oil, Oil quality ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh bumbu dan jenis minyak terhadap berat impuritis dan kadar air minyak pasca penggorengan tempe kedelai, serta mengetahui pengaruh frekuensi penggorengan terhadap mutu minyak goreng pasca penggorengan tempe kedelai dengan parameter fisik dan kimia. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Faktor pertama menggunakan tempe berbumbu/ tidak berbumbu serta jenis minyak dan faktor kedua frekuensi penggorengan. Faktor pertama mempunyai 18 perlakuan dan faktor kedua 12 perlakuan, masing-masing perlakuan diulang 2x sehingga diperoleh faktor pertama 18x2 = 36 unit percobaan, faktor kedua 12x2 = 24 unit percobaan. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji F. Apabila memperlihatkan hasil berbeda nyata, dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ. Analisis pada tahap I yaitu kadar air (metode gravimetri) dan berat impuritis minyak goreng pasca penggorengan tempe kedelai. Tahap II menguji kadar air, berat impuritis (gravimetri), berat jenis (piknometer), asam lemak bebas (titrasi), warna (chromameter). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak goreng pasca penggorengan tempe yang berbumbu/ tidak berbumbu dan jenis minyak tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, sedangkan terhadap berat impuritis berpengaruh nyata dengan hasil tempe tanpa bumbu minyak Curah (TC) 28,25% dan tempe berbumbu minyak Curah (BC) 31,23%. Pada frekuensi penggorengan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air dan berat jenis, namun berpengaruh nyata terhadap berat impuritis dengan hasil, frekuensi 1 kali penggorengan (P1X) 30,1%, asam lemak bebas dengan frekuensi 3 kali penggorengan (P3X) 0,40% dan pada frekuensi 4 kali penggorengan (P4X) 0,35% dan warna L* pada frekuensi 1 kali penggorengan (P1X) 60,54, a* dengan frekuensi 1 kali penggorengan (P1X) -0,51 dan frekuensi 2 kali penggorengan (P2X) 2,54, b* frekuensi 1 kali penggorengan (P1X) 29,26. Kata kunci: Frekuensi penggorengan, Impuritis, Minyak, Mutu minyak
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