Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia (JPPK)
Vol 3, No 3 (2014): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia


Eca Octadarmafina (Unknown)
Ila Rosilawati (Unknown)
Nina Kadaritna (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Jul 2014


This research aimed to describe the  skills grouping and inference on any material oxidation-reduction with a model of the problem solving, for a group of high of medium and low.  The subjects were students of class X4 SMAN 4 Kotabumi. This research used the pre-experimental method, a one-shot case study design, and analysis of data statistics descriptive. An research results of analysis learning matter oxidation-reduction with model of the problem solving show that high skill grouping obtained a group of 50%  were excellent, 50% were good; to a group being 20% were excellent, 53% were good, and 27% were enough; in the group of low 11% were excellent, 11% were good, 45% were enough and 33% were less.  In skill inference obtained a group of high 83% were excellent, 17% were good; to a group being, 20% were excellent, 47% were good, and 33% were enough; in the group of low, 33% were good, 45% were enough, and 22% were less. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterampilan mengelompokkan dan inferensi pada materi oksidasi-reduksi dengan model pembelajaran problem solving untuk kelompok siswa kategori tinggi, sedang dan rendah.  Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X4  SMAN 4 Kotabumi.  Penelitian ini menggu­na­kan metode pre-eksperimen, desain one shot case study, dan analisis data statistik deskrip­tif.  Hasil penelitian analisis pembelajaran materi oksidasi-reduksi dengan model pembelajaran problem solving menun­juk­kan bahwa keterampilan mengelompokkan diperoleh kelompok tinggi 50% berkriteria sangat baik, 50% baik; ke­lom­pok sedang 20% sangat baik, 53% baik dan 27% cukup; kelompok rendah 11% sangat baik, 11% baik, 45% cukup, dan 33% kurang.  Pada keterampilan inferensi diperoleh kelom­pok tinggi 83% berkriteria sangat baik, 17% baik; kelompok sedang 20% sangat baik, 47% baik, dan 33% cukup; kelompok rendah 33% baik, 45% cukup, dan 22% kurang. Kata kunci: problem solving, kelompok kognitif, keterampilan mengelompokkan, keterampilan inferensi, oksidasi-reduksi

Copyrights © 2014

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