Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia
Vol 22, No 3 (2019): November

The Effect of Monitoring Education on Menstrual Health Awareness Among College Students in Banten

Dora Samaria (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta)
Theresia Theresia (Faculty of Nursing Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang 15811)
Doralita Doralita (Pantai Indah Kapuk Hospital, Jakarta 14460)

Article Info

Publish Date
29 Nov 2019


Previous studies have shown that female college students have a low awareness of menstrual health. This situation must be resolved to prevent negative effects on their reproductive health. The objective of this study was to identify the effect of menstrual flow monitoring education on menstrual health awareness using lectures, demonstrations, and exercises. The researcher used menstrual flow charts and menstrual calendars as learning media. This study used a quasi-experimental design with only one group pretest and posttest. The sample was made up of 117 female college students from the Economic Education Study Program at University X; the individuals were selected by a purposive sampling technique. The data were analyzed using a paired t-test. There was a significant difference in menstrual health awareness score between pretest and posttest (p= 0.017). The researchers recommend that future study should include the performance of a randomized control trial on a larger population. Keywords: menstrual health awareness, menstrual flow monitoring, education Abstrak Pengaruh Edukasi Monitoring Terhadap Kesadaran Kesehatan Menstruasi pada Mahasiswa di Banten. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswi memiliki kesadaran rendah akan kesehatan menstruasi. Kondisi ini harus diselesaikan untuk mencegah dampak negatif pada kesehatan reproduksi mereka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh pengaruh edukasi menstrual flow monitoring terhadap kesadaran kesehatan menstruasi menggunakan ceramah, demonstrasi, dan latihan. Peneliti menggunakan menstrual flow chart dan kalender menstruasi sebagai media pembelajaran. Desain penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan satu kelompok pretest dan posttest. Sampel penelitian meliputi 117 mahasiswi Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Universitas X yang diseleksi menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan Paired t-test. Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan skor kesadaran kesehatan menstruasi antara pretest dan posttest (p = 0.017). Peneliti merekomendasikan desain randomized control trial pada populasi yang lebih besar untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Kata kunci: kesadaran kesehatan menstruasi, menstrual flow monitoring, edukasi

Copyrights © 2019

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Health Professions Nursing


Focus and Scope Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (JKI, or Nursing Journal of Indonesia) contributes to the dissemination of information related to nursing research and evidence-based study on urban nursing issues in low-middle income countries. The scope of this journal is broadly multi-perspective in ...