Imaji: Jurnal Seni dan Pendidikan Seni
Vol 18, No 2 (2020): IMAJI OKTOBER


Kuswarsantyo Kuswarsantyo (Faculty of Languanges and Arts)

Article Info

Publish Date
08 Mar 2021


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pentingnya inovasi, difusi dan perubahan konteksdalam penciptaan karya tari. Inovasi berbicara kebaruan yang muncul, sedangkan difusi bagaimanapenyebaran unsur baru tersebut dimanfaatkan. Keduanya merupakan frasa menuju budaya barusecara kontekstual melalui karya seni. Tanpa ada inovasi tidak akan ada perubahan kebudayaan(Barnett, 1953). Difusi yang lebih konkret dalam konteks penciptaan karya tari adalah bagaimanamenyebarluaskan karya tersebut, sehingga tidak berhenti pada produksi “dalam rangka” saja. Hasilpenulisan ini diketahui bahwa sebagai gejala sosial budaya, karya tari yang muncul didasari padapermasalahan sosial yang kontekstual dengan kehidupan masyarakat. Karya Jailolo, Kecak Rina,Sampah, adalah bukti lahirnya karya inovatif yang didasarkan pada konteks permasalahan sosialyang mampu memberikan perubahan bagi kehidupan masyarakat di sekitar tari itu diciptakan.Kata kunci: inovasi, difusi, perubahan konteks, penciptaan karya tariINNOVATION, DIFFUSION, AND CONTEXT CHANGE OF DANCE CREATIONAbstractThis article aims to reveal the importance of innovation, diffusion, and changes in the contextof dance creation. Innovation speaks to the novelty that arises, while diffusion of how the spreadof the new element is utilized. Both are phrases towards a new culture contextually throughworks of art. Without innovation, there would be no cultural change (Barnett, 1953). A moreconcrete diffusion in the context of the creation of dance works is how to disseminate the workso as not to stop at production “in order” only. The result of this writing is that as a socio-culturalsymptom, a dance work that appears is based on social problems that are contextual to people’slives. Jailolo’s work, Kecak Rina, Sampah, is a testament to the birth of innovative works basedon social problems that can provide change for the lives of the people around where the dancewas created.Keywords: innovation, diffusion, change of context, dance creation

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Arts Humanities Education Environmental Science Social Sciences


IMAJI is a journal containing the results of research/non-research studies related to arts and arts education, including fine arts and performing arts (dance, music, puppetry, and karawitan). IMAJI is published twice a year in April and October by the Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas ...