Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April

Rancang Bangun Mesin Es Krim dengan Kontrol Suhu

Ghozali, Ahmad Musyafa' (Unknown)
Sunyoto, Sunyoto (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Apr 2021


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merancang dan membuat mesin es krim yang efektif, efisien, dan ergonomis dengan kontrol suhu. Berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan mesin yang lama atau mesin yang sudah ada memiliki beberapa kekurangan sehingga kurang efektif, efisien, dan ergonomis. Metode yang digunakan adalah model RD 4D yang dimodifikasi yaitu Define, Design, Development, dan Dissemination. Instrumen yang dipakai adalah validasi desain dan lembar observasi kinerja mesin. Data berasal dari responden, Dosen Ahli perancangan, dan pihak UMKM. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Keefektifan mesin baru lebih baik karena mampu mengukur suhu adonan dan mensetting mesin mati pada suhu yang ditentukan. Efisiensi waktu 10% waktu pembuatan hanya 18 menit, mesin sebelumnya 20 menit. Efisiensi kapasitas 22,23%, Efisiensi biaya 10% dan lebih hemat biaya listrik Rp 17,337. Keergonomisan mesin baru dalam angket sangat layak dan lebih ergonomis dari sebelumnya.The purpose of this study is to design and build an ice cream machine equipped with temperature control. According to a survey, the current market products have many flaws making them less effective, efficient, and ergonomic. The study's method was a modified RD 4D, comprising Define, Design, Development, and Dissemination processes. The instruments used are design validation and performance observation sheets. The data were collected from respondents, experts of engineering design, and Small and Medium Business partners. The data obtained is analyzed using a descriptive-statistic analysis. The ice cream machine is more effective than its predecessor because it measures dough temperature and sets the machine's power off at a specific temperature. It only takes 18 minutes to make the ice cream, compared to its predecessor of 20 minutes, thus gives a time efficiency of 10%. The capacity efficiency is 22,23% and more cost-effective in terms of electricity at Rp 17,337. The machine is also considered more ergonomic than the previous one.

Copyrights © 2021

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Education Mechanical Engineering Social Sciences


Jurnal Dinamika Vokasional Teknik Mesin (JDVTM) is published by the Department of Mechanical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, State University of Yogyakarta. The journal is published twice a year in April and October. Each publication contains articles comprising high quality ...