Vol. 7 No. 2 (2020)


Lina Amelia (STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena)
Aulia Afridzal (STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena)
Hasdiana Hasdiana (STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Sep 2020


The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the quality of PAUD which is managed by village funds and those that are not funded by village funds in Banda Aceh. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data collection technique is done through interviews. The research sample consisted of 2 schools, namely PAUD Sejahtera (funded by village funds) and TK Aisiyiyah (not funded by village funds). Interviews conducted by researchers included: (1) village PAUD principals and independent PAUD school principals, (2) teachers, (3) village officials (village heads) (4) Banda Aceh City Education Office. The findings in the field indicate that all districts/cities receive funds from the APBN which are used to develop PAUD administration. Through the one village one PAUD program, the government hopes that village institutions will become one of the funders or organizers of paud in their respective villages. The government program which launched one village with one paud seems to be no longer difficult to implement because of the existence of village funds that can be allocated for the operational costs of the village paud itself. So that the achievement of the goals of early childhood education can be achieved properly and the quality of the village paud institution itself meets the eligibility requirements of a paud education institution. After the Banda Aceh city regulation, the development of village villages was quite developed compared to before the assistance of village funds. This can be seen from the results of research at Paud Sejahtera village Ilie Banda Aceh which was compared with Paud Mandiri Tk Aisyiyah Lhong Raya Banda Aceh. Although there are several types of equipment for games and education at Paud Sejahtera that have not met the eligibility standards, the quality of the students produced is not much different from those of the comparable TK graduates. Paud Sejahtera can be a model in terms of managing village funds for human resource development in terms of community education. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran mutu PAUD yang dikelola dengan didanai dana gampong dengan yang tidak didanai oleh dana gampong di kota banda aceh. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif jenis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara. Sampel penelitiannya ada 2 sekolah yaitu PAUD Sejahtera (didanai dana gampong) dan TK Aisiyiyah (tidak didanai dana gampong). Wawancara dilakukan oleh peneliti antara lain kepada: (1) kepala sekolah PAUD desa dan kepala sekolah PAUD mandiri, (2) guru, (3) perangkat desa (kepala desa) (4) Dinas Pendidikan Kota Banda Aceh. Hasil temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa semua kabupaten/ kota menerima dana y ang b er sumber dar i APBN yang digunakan untuk pengembangan penyelenggaraan PAUD. Melalui program satu desa satu PAUD pemerintah mengaharapkan lembaga desa menjadi salah satu pendana ataupun penyelenggaran paud di desa mereka masing – masing. Program pemerintah yang mencanangkan satu desa satu paud tampaknya tidak sulit lagi untuk diterapkan hal itu di sebabkan karena adanya dana desa yang bisa dialokasikan untuk biaya operasional paud desa itu sendiri. Sehingga pencapaian tujuan dari pendidikan anak usia dini bisa dicapai dengan baik dan mutu dari lembaga paud desa itu sendiri memenuhi syarat kelayakan dari sebuah lembaga pendidikan paud. Setelah adanya Perwal kota Banda Aceh perkembangan Paud gampong lumayan berkembang dibandingkan sebelum adanya bantuan dari dana desa. Ini bisa dilihat dari hasil penelitian di Paud Sejahtera gampong Ilie Banda Aceh yang dibandingkan dengan Paud Mandiri Tk Aisyiyah Lhong Raya Banda Aceh. Walaupun ada beberapa kelengkapan alat permaninan dan edukasi di Paud Sejahtera belum memenuhi standar kelayakan tapi mutu dari anak didik yang dihasilkan tidak jauh berbeda dengan lulusan Tk pembandingnya. Paud sejahtera bisa menjadi percontohan dalam hal pengelolaan dana gampong untuk pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam hal pendidikan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Mutu PAUD, Dana Gampong, PAUD Mandiri, Kelola, Didanai

Copyrights © 2020

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Buah Hati Journal (e-ISSN 2502-6836 and p-ISSN 2355-102X) is a periodical scientific publication dedicated to lecturers, students and educational observers to disseminate relevant studies, thinks and research results in early childhood education.Any visitor to this site can browse abstracts, read ...