Ta'dibuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Vol 10, No 2 (2021)

Konsep dan aplikasi Islamisasi Sains dan Kampus di Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Nirwan Syafrin (Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor)
Faris Abdul Hadi (Ibnu Khaldun University Bogor)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Jun 2021


Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA) Bogor became one of the campuses that adopted the idea of Islamization of Science (IIP) into its educational curriculum. The idea pioneered by Al-Attas and Al-Faruqi was socialized by A.M. Saefuddin in the Chancellor's 1983 speech with the term 'Islamization of Science and Campus' or ISK. Islamic Faculty (FAI) UIKA has been called the front line of ISK’s implementation. So how is the ISK process at UIKA Bogor? What FAI did lecturers understand about the concept of IIP? How is the application? This study will describe the perceptions of FAI lecturers regarding the concept and application of IIP. The researcher conducted a library research study on the IIP concept, as well as interviews with FAI lecturers regarding its concept and application in FAI. It was concluded that FAI lecturers’ perceptions were different. There are those whose perceptions are close to the pioneers, most of them understand it only as of the desecularization of knowledge, and the rest perceive it as the practice of Islamic teachings in daily life. AbstrakUniversitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor (UIKA) menjadi salah satu kampus yang mengadopsi gagasan Islamisasi Ilmu Pengetahuan (IIP) ke dalam kurikulum pendidikannya. Gagasan yang dipelopori Al-Attas dan Al-Faruqi ini disosialisasikan A.M. Saefuddin dalam pidato rektor tahun 1983 dengan istilah ‘Islamisasi Sains dan Kampus’ atau ISK. Fakultas Agama Islam (FAI) UIKA disebut sebagai garda terdepan dalam penerapan ISK. Lantas bagaimana proses ISK di UIKA Bogor? Apa yang dosen-dosen FAI pahami tentang konsep IIP? Seperti apa aplikasinya? Penelitian ini akan memaparkan persepsi dosen-dosen FAI terkait konsep dan aplikasi IIP. Peneliti melakukan studi library research tentang konsep IIP, serta wawancara terhadap dosen-dosen FAI terkait konsep IIP dan aplikasinya di FAI. Disimpulkan bahwa persepsi dosen-dosen FAI berbeda-beda. Ada yang persepsinya mendekati para pelopornya, sebagian besar memahaminya sebatas desekularisasi ilmu, dan sisanya memersepsikannya sebagai pengamalan ajaran Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info







Ta'dibuna : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, ISSN: 2252-5793 (Print) 2622-7215 (Electronic) is a journal of Islamic education published twice a year (April-October) on Islamic education with the scope of study are fundamental of Islamic education (philosophy, history and the nature of Islamic education), ...