JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains)
Vol 3, No 1 (2013)

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment on Students’ Attitudes

Sabtiawan, Sabtiawan (Unknown)
Yuanita, Leny (Unknown)
Rahayu, Yuni Sri (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
27 Jan 2017


This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using the authentic assessment on students’ attitudes involving interest and enjoyment when they learned Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Topic. Selected sample of this research was 37 students of chemistry who enrolled in the Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis Subject, Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty, The State University of Surabaya. This research was conducted by using case study research. The data were gained through two techniques, namely, observation and interview, and were analyzed using descriptive qualitative. The findings informed that the students showed positive feelings toward the topic after and during learning constructed by using authentic assessment dimensions with embedded cooperative learning syntax, especially student’s interest and enjoyment. They felt interested to the topic because of three reasons, that are, learning the theory through practice, discussion intensively, and activity like the real workplace. Moreover, they enjoyed during the learning because of four reasons also, that are, discussion without reluctance, no forcing all concept at once, synchronizing between  theory  and  practice  occurring  well,  and  learning  in  a  team.  In  conclusion,  the  learning constructed through the authentic assessment dimensions was effective to foster students’ attitudes.belajar mahasiswa meliputi aspek student’s interest dan enjoyment pada Mata Kuliah Metode Spektroskopi Analisis (Analitik III). Subjek penelitian ini adalah 37 mahasiswa kimia yang memprogram Mata Kuliah Analitik III di FMIPA-UNESA. Penelitian  ini  dilakukan  menggunakan desain  studi  kasus  yang  mana  teknik  pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi dan interview. Data yang diperoleh menunjukkan respon positif selama pembelajaran (pembelajaran yang dirancang menggunakan dimensi-dimensi penilaian otentik) pada mata kuliah ini. Mereka merasa tertarik (student’s interest) belajar pada topik yang mereka pelajari karena tiga alasan yaitu belajar teori melalui praktik, diskusi secara intensif dan aktifitas seperti seorang profesional. Kesenangan belajar (student’s enjoyment) timbul karena empat hal, antara lain adanya diskusi, tidak dipaksa memahami semua konsep pada satu kali pertemuan, adanya integrasi yang baik antara teori dan praktek dan belajar dalam kelompok. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penilaian otentik efektif untuk menimbulkan dan mendorong sikap belajar mahasiwa.

Copyrights © 2013

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Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Chemistry Earth & Planetary Sciences Education Physics


JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains) is one of the research journals in the education field which includes science, physics, chemistry, and biology education. JPPS also contains articles that discuss the latest issues about ...