JIMKI : Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia
Vol 8 No 2 (2020): JIMKI: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Indonesia Volume 8.2 Edisi Maret - Agus

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Hepatoprotectors of Black Cumin Extract and Temulawak Extract in SGOT and SGPT Induced by Paracetamol

Fadhilla Qudsi Ramadhani (Unknown)
Des Suryani (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Aug 2020


ABSTRACT Background: Paracetamol is used for analgesics and antipyretics, its use can damage the liver. Herbs that prevent liver disorders are curcuma. Black cumin can increase antioxidants. Objective: This study aims to compare the effectiveness of black cumin extract and curcuma against the liver function of paracetamol-induced rats. Methods: A laboratory experimental study posttest only with control group design. A total of 4 groups were treated for 7 days. SGOT and SGPT levels were tested. Data analysis using one-way ANOVA post hoc Games-Howell.Results: K- and K+ groups in this study showed an increase in SGOT SGPT levels. There is an effect of giving a dose of paracetamol 500 mg/kgBB on liver damage, there is no differences and significant effect in the administration of black cumin extract and curcuma dose 500 mg/kgBB to the liver of rats that have been induced by paracetamol (p>0.05). Conclusion: Giving paracetamol has an influence on rat liver damage. And there was no difference in the effects of hepatoprotector in groups given black cumin extract and curcuma in paracetamol-induced rats. Keywords: black cumin, curcuma, paracetamol, SGOT, SGPT

Copyrights © 2020

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Health Professions Immunology & microbiology Medicine & Pharmacology Public Health


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