Islamijah: Journal of Islamic Social Sciences
Vol 1, No 3 (2020)


Mohammad Al Farabi (Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan)

Article Info

Publish Date
31 Oct 2020


Abstrak: Misi kolonial Belanda untuk memperkokoh kekuasaan dan ekspansi ajaran Kristen di wilayah Nusantara berlangsung dengan didirikannya lembaga-lembaga pendidikan untuk menyiapkan pegawai di birokrasi pemerintahan dan tidak membenarkan masuknya materi pendidikan agama Islam di Sekolah-sekolah Gubernemen. Kondisi demikian mendorong reaksi kaum Modernis Muslim untuk bergegas mendirikan lembaga pendidikan tersendiri yang dianggap mampu beradaptasi sekaligus mengantisipasi berkembangnya misi kolonial tersebut. Reaksi ini buat pertama kali ditandai dengan berdirinya Adabiyah School melalui usaha dan kerja keras Abdullah Ahmad yang didukung oleh teman-teman seperjuangannya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perihal terkait dengan latar belakang  modernisasi di institusi Adabiyah dan upaya-upaya modernisasi yang telah dilakukan.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah, artikel ini mengungkap fakta historis bahwa Adabiyah School merupakan Sekolah Islam Modern pertama di Indonesia yang menganut sistem klasikal dan berkompetisi terhadap sistem pendidikan kolonial Belanda dengan mengembangkan sekolah modern guna mengurangi jumlah generasi muda muslim mengikuti pendidikan di Sekolah Gubernemen, sehingga terbina kepribadian warga masyarakat untuk mengamalkan Islam dan tidak terpengaruh dengan misi Kristenisasi yang dibawa penjajah Belanda. Meskipun Adabiyah School tidak bertahan begitu lama dalam perkembangan sejarah, namun penularan modernisasi pendidikan yang diawalinya memberikan pengaruh kuat terhadap bangkitnya sekolah-sekolah Islam modern hingga saat ini. Kata Kunci: Adabiyah School, modernisasi, sekolah Islam Abstract: Modernization of Islamic Education in Indonesia: The Case of the Adabiyah School. The Dutch colonial mission to strengthen the power and expansion of Christian teachings in the archipelago took place with the establishment of educational institutions to prepare workers in the world of government bureaucracy and do not justify the inclusion of Islamic religious education materials in the Governorate Schools. Such conditions encourage the reaction of Muslim Modernists to rush to establish an independent educational institution that is considered capable of adapting as well as anticipating the development of the colonial mission. This reaction was marked for the first time by the establishment of Adabiyah School through the efforts and hard work of Abdullah Ahmad and supported by his comrades. This article aims to examine matters relating to the background of modernization in the Adabiyah institution and the efforts of modernization that have been made. Using historical research methods, this article reveals the historical fact that the Adabiyah School is the first Modern Islamic School in Indonesia that adheres to the classical system and competes with the Dutch colonial education system by developing a modern school to reduce the number of young Muslims attending education in the Gubernemen's School so that it is fostered personalities of citizens to practice Islam and not be influenced by the mission of Christianization brought by the Dutch invaders. Although the Adabiyah School did not last so long in historical development, the transmission of the modernization of education that it started had a strong influence on the rise of modern Islamic schools to this day. Keywords: Adabiyah School, modernization, Islamic school

Copyrights © 2020

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Religion Humanities Education


Islamijah: Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (IJIS) is an international, scholarly open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Islamic social sciences. As an international, online-only journal it is devoted to the publication of original, ...