Indonesia Berdaya
Vol 2, No 1: January 2021

Edukasi dan pendampingan kader tentang manajemen diri lansia dengan komorbid diabetes melitus pada era pandemi COVID-19 di kelurahan Sidanegara Kabupaten Cilacap

Dewi Prasetyani (STIKES Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap)
Yuni Sapto Edhy Rahayu (STIKES Al Irsyad Al Islamiyyah Cilacap)

Article Info

Publish Date
12 Jan 2021


Pasien Covid-19 dengan diabetes memiliki tingkat kematian yang tinggi, yaitu 7,8% dibandingkan pasien Covid-19 non diabetes. Puskesmas Cilacap Tengah 1 memiliki jumlah pasien diabetes terbanyak di Kabupaten Cilacap. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap yaitu edukasi dan pendampingan kader posyandu lansia tentang manajemen diri lansia dengan DM. Sebagai langkah awal, penulis memberikan edukasi tentang manajemen diri DM kepada kader yang dihadiri oleh 19 orang kader perwakilan dari posyandu lansia yang ada di Kelurahan Sidanegara Kecamatan Cilacap Tengah. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan kader tentang manajemen diri diabetes, dilihat dari nilai rata-rata pre-test 70,4 yang naik menjadi 76,5 pada nilai rata-rata post-test, dimana selisih nilai pre-test dan post-test adalah 6 poin. Kader juga mendapatkan buku manajemen diri DM sebagai buku pedoman. Sedangkan kegiatan pendampingan kader di posyandu lansia masih menunggu ijin dari pemerintah daerah Cilacap, karena selama pandemi Covid-19 kegiatan posyandu masih ditutup. Abstract: Covid-19 patients with diabetes have a high mortality rate, which is 7,8% compared to non-diabetic covid-19 patients. Central Cilacap Health Center 1 has the highest number of diabetes patients in the Cilacap Regency. This community service activity is carried out in 2 stages, namely education and mentoring of elderly posyandu kader regarding elderly self-management with DM. As a first step, the authors provide education about self-management of DM to kader which was attended by 19 kader from the elderly posyandu in Sidanegara Village, Cilacap Tengah District. The results of data analysis showed that there was an increase in kader’s knowledge about diabetes self-management, seen from the pre-test average score 70,4 which rose to 76,5 on the average post-test score, where the difference between the pre-test and post-test scores is 6 point. Kader also receives the diabetes self-management book as a guidebook. Meanwhile, kader assistance activities at the elderly posyandu are still waiting for permission from the Cilacap regional government, because during the covid-19 pandemic, posyandu activities were still closed.

Copyrights © 2021

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The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. Indonesia Berdaya particularly focuses on the main problems in the development of the sciences of community services areas as ...