JCES (Journal of Character Education Society)
Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Januari


Sri Mulyati Rahayu (Universitas Bhakti Kencana)
Meda Yuliani (Universitas Bhakti Kencana)
Eki Pratidina (Universitas Bhakti Kencana)
Agus Miraj Darajat (Universitas Bhakti Kencana)
Asep Roni (Universitas Bhakti Kencana)

Article Info

Publish Date
22 Jan 2021


Abstrak: Yayasan Ramda Bhakti Pertiwi merupakan Yayasan yang bergerak dalam bidang sosial dan Pendidikan. Panti Asuhan Babussalam terdiri perempuan dan laki-laki dengan rata-rata usia 11-20 tahun. Pada kondisi pandemi Covid-19 ini belum ada sosialiasi edukasi tentang adaptasi kebiasaan baru (AKB) pada penghuni panti, selain itu masalah yang ada di panti juga tentang kesehatan reproduksi, PHBS, dan penggunaan obat yang dikonsumsi saat sakit tanpa resep dokter. Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan ekonomi kesehatan melalui edukasi kesehatan dan peningkatan keterampilan. Metode yang digunakan dengan pre test dan post test design untuk mengukur keberhasilan edukasi yang diberikan dan melihat hasil masker yang dikerjakan oleh santri putri yang ada di panti, setelah diberikan keterampilan membuat masker. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat didapatkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan setelah diberikan edukasi tentangAKB, Kesehatan Resproduksi, PHBS, dan cermat dalam mengkonsumsi obat saat sakit. Sedangkan hasil dari pembuatan masker dari 25 santriwati seluruhnya dapat membuat 2-3 masker/perorang, namun belum bisa sampai dipasarkan hasilnya, karena masih perlu latihan dalam membuat dan memodifikasi masker.Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan setelah diberikan edukasi tentang AKB, kesehatan reproduksi, PHBS, dan cermat dalam mengkonsumsi obat, serta adanya penambahan keterampilan dalam membuat masker. Diharapkan pihak panti untuk selalu mengingatkan tentang edukasi yang telah diberikan dan terus mendukung kegiatan peningkatan keterampilan.Abstract: Ramda Bhakti Pertiwi Foundation is a foundation that is engaged in social and education. The Babussalam orphanage consists of women and men with an average age of 11-20 years. In the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been no education dissemination on the adaptation of new habits (IMR) to the residents of the institution, besides that the problems in the institution are also about reproductive health, PHBS, and the use of drugs consumed when sick without a doctor's prescription. The aim is to improve the health economy through health education and skills enhancement. The method used was the pre-test and post-test design to measure the success of the education given and to see the results of the masks that were done by female students at the orphanage, after being given the skills to make masks. The results of community service showed an increase in knowledge after being given education about AKB, Resproductive Health, PHBS, and being careful in consuming drugs when sick. While the results of making masks from 25 students can make 2-3 masks / per person, but the results cannot be marketed yet, because they still need practice in making and modifying masks. The conclusion is that there is an increase in knowledge after being given education about IMR, reproductive health, PHBS, and being careful in consuming drugs, as well as the addition of skills in making masks. It is hoped that the orphanage will always remind about the education that has been given and continue to support skills improvement activities.

Copyrights © 2021

Journal Info







Journal of Character Education Society (JCES) | ISSN 2614-3666, is one of the devotion journals managed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Muhammadiyah University of Mataram and published every January and July. The publication of JCES aims to disseminate conceptual thinking and ...