Economic Education Analysis Journal
Vol 5 No 3 (2016): Economic Education Analysis Journal


Amalia, Helga Nurul (Unknown)
Hadi, Syamsu (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
18 Mar 2017


Minat berwirausaha siswa dipengaruhi beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah prestasi dan lingkungan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah adakah pengaruh prestasi terhadap minat berwirausaha siswa , adakah pengaruh lingkungan terhadap minat berwirausaha siswa, adakah pengaruh prestasi dan lingkungan terhadap minat berwirausaha siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 86 siswa yang terdiri dari kelas XI Pemasaran SMK Diponegoro Salatiga, Karena penelitian ini merupakan penelitian populasi sehingga semua populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel prestasi dalam katagori tuntas dengan rata-rata persentase sebesar 81,9 %. Variabel lingkungan dalam katagori baik dengan persentase sebesar 71,0% dan variabel minat berwirausaha dalam kategori sedang dengan persentase 62,3% . Uji Regresi meunjukan hasil uji persial untuk prestasi diperoleh nilai thitung = 5,305 dan signifikan 0,000 < 0,05, variabel lingkungan diperoleh nilai thitung = 5,935 dengan nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha1,Ha2, Ha3 diterima. Besarnya pengaruh secara persial pada variabel prestasi adalah 25,60% dan variabel lingkungan sebesar 29,81%. Secara simultan sebesar 54,1% dan sisanya 45,9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara prestasi dan lingkungan tehadap minat berwirausaha siswa baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Dari penelitian ini dapat dikemukakan saran yaitu : agar siswa memiliki minat berwirausaha, bagi guru pelajaran kewirausahaan sebaiknya tidak hanya teori saja namun perlu adanya studi kasus ataupun mendatangkan narasumber wirausaha sukses. bagi sekolah sebaiknya praktek kerja industri harus sesuai dengan progam keahliahnya agar siswa dapat belajar dan meningkatkan penanaman potensi kepribadian. Students’ interest in entrepreneurship is influenced by several factors such as achievement and environment. The problems in this research are; is there any influences between students’ achievement with students’interest in entrepreneurship. Is there any environmental influences on students' entrepreneurship interest. Is there any influences in achievement and environmet toward the students’ interest in entrepreneurship. Population in this research were 86 students consisted of XI Grade Marketing students of SMK Diponegoro Salatiga. Since this study was population research, so all the population became the research sample. The results of the research showed that achievement variable is on the high category with average percentage of 81,9%. Environment variable in the good category with percentage of 71,0% and entrepreneurship interest is on the medium category with percentage of 62,3%. The Regression Test showed the result of partial testing for achievement, it was obtained tcount = 5,305 and significance 0.000, < 0.05, environment variables obtained value tcount= 5.935 with a significance value of 0.000 < 0,05 then Ho was rejected and Ha1 , Ha2 , HA3 were accepted. The significance of partial influence in achievement variable was 25.60 % and 29.81 % in environment variable. Simultaneously amounted to 54.1 % and the remaining 45.9 % was influenced by other factors which was not examined in this study. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between achievement and environment toward the students' interest in entrepreneurship either partially or simultaneously. From this research, it can be proposed some suggestions, they are: students are supposed to have interest in entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship teachers should not only emphasize in theory but also a real case study or teachers could introduce some successful entrepreneur speakers. For school, industrial work practices should be appropriate with students’ skill program, so that the students could learn and improve the basic potential personality.

Copyrights © 2016

Journal Info





Economics, Econometrics & Finance Education Other


Manuscripts for Economic Education Analysis Journal should fall within one of the following categories: Research in economics education: Original theoretical and empirical studies dealing with the analysis and evaluation of teaching methods, learning attitudes and interests, materials, or processes. ...