Proceeding Biology Education Conference
Vol 11, No 1 (2014): Prosiding Seminar Nasional XI Biologi


Rahayu, Dwi Anggorowati (Unknown)
Nugroho, Endik Deni (Unknown)
Haryono, Haryono (Unknown)
Kurniawan, Nia (Unknown)
Azrianingzih, Rodiyati (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
17 Nov 2014


Tor genus is a local Indonesian freshwater fish, and endangered species. The urgent conservation efforts should be made to determination of relationship based on phenetic approach. This is because the taxonomical position and classification of this fish were unclear. The data used in this study were meristic, general of morphology, and special character to determinate up to the species level. The special characters of this fish were the existence and size of the median lobe. Samples were taken from Banyu Biru lake (Lokal name were Sengkaring and Tambra), as well as the related species, They were consists of Tor duoronensis from Padang, Tor Tambraides from West Borneo, and Tor soro were obtained from North Sumatra. Fenogram formed based on UPGMA method. According to the phenogram, it was shown that 3 related groups of Tor Genus laid from near to far distance based on their relationship, 2 apomorphy and 4 automorphy group. The first consists of two subklad namely Tor duoronensis and Sengkaring with their similarity index 100%, and Tambra was sister clad of Tor duoronensis supported by the similarity index of 92.9 %. The second Subklad consists of Tor tambra and Tor soro (Apomorfi B) with a similarity index 59%, while the furthest distance Tor tambraides with similarity index of 45, 625%. Tambra and Sengkaring showed a grouping pattern that closely related to Tor duoronensis based on seven main distinguishing morphometric features. Seven main distinguishing features were consist of: size of median lobe, SL (standard length), MXBL (maxillary barbels lenght), CPL (caudal peduncle lenght), PDL (pre dorsal lenght), IW (interorbital width) and SNL (snout lenght). Furthermore, the results of morphometric analysis showed that Sengkaring and Tambra was indeed not a member of Tor Tambraides and Tor soro species due to significant difference of body size. Keywords: Tor, Relationship, Phenetic, Morphology, Special Character, Meristric, Conservation

Copyrights © 2014

Journal Info





Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology Materials Science & Nanotechnology Medicine & Pharmacology Public Health


Proceeding Biology Education Conference was published since 2003, with title Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi. The early number of the journal were published ...