JINOP (Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran)
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019): Mei 2019


Rose Fitria Lutfiana (University of Muhammadiyah Malang)
M Mansur Ibrahim (Unknown)
Saputra Tri Kurniawan (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
28 May 2019


ABSTRAK Lesson study  ini bertujuan untuk (1) meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran secara sistematis dan kolaboratif antara guru dan dosen; (2) membangun pengetahuan pedagogis antara guru dan dosen; (3) melakukan sosialisasi dan memperkuat kegiatan lesson study berbasis sekolah; (4) memberikan pelatihan kepada guru mata pelajaran PPKn di MTs Negeri Batu; (5) pelaksanaan kegiatan lesson study mata pelajaran PPKn; (6) mendeskripsikan pendapat-pendapat guru model, tim guru lesson study, tim pendamping lesson study terhadap pelaksanaan lesson study; (7) menyusun best practices pembelajaran mata pelajaran PPKn dengan kegiatan lesson study; dan (8) meningkatkan critical thinking peserta didik melalui model controversial public issues. Lesson Study yang digunakan menggunakan empat siklus yang masing-masing terdiri dari plan, do dan see. Berdasarkan lesson study yang dilakukan maka hasilnya yaitu: (1) terdapat peningkatan critical thinking siswa dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 dan siklus 3 ke siklus 4; (2) proses pembelajaran yang terjadi menjadi semakin menarik, upaya peningkatan critical thinking menyebabkan guru dan dosen menjadi kreatif dan inovatif dalam memecahkan permasalahan pembelajaran yang terjadi dan (3) proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dengan adanya plan, do dan see dalam setiap siklus. Kata Kunci: Critical Thinking, Pembelajaran PPKn, Controversial Public Issues ABSTRACT This lesson study aims to (1) improve the quality of learning systematically and collaboratively between teachers and lecturers; (2) building pedagogical knowledge between teachers and lecturers; (3) disseminating and strengthening school-based lesson study activities; (4) provide training to PPKn subject teachers at Batu Negeri MTs; (5) implementation of lesson study activities in PPKn subjects; (6) describe the opinions of the model teacher, the lesson study teacher team, the lesson study assistant team on the implementation of lesson study; (7) compile learning best practices for PPKn subjects with lesson study activities; and (8) increasing students' critical thinking through the controversial model of public issues. Lesson Study used uses four cycles, each of which consists of a plan, do and see. Based on the lesson study conducted, the results are: (1) there is an increase in critical thinking of students from cycle 1 to cycle 2 and cycle 3 to cycle 4; (2) the learning process that occurs becomes increasingly interesting, efforts to increase critical thinking cause teachers and lecturers to be creative and innovative in solving learning problems that occur and (3) the learning process goes well with the plan, do and see in each cycle.  Keywords: Critical Thinking, Learning of Civic Education, Controversial Public IssuesABSTRAK Lesson study  ini bertujuan untuk (1) meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran secara sistematis dan kolaboratif antara guru dan dosen; (2) membangun pengetahuan pedagogis antara guru dan dosen; (3) melakukan sosialisasi dan memperkuat kegiatan lesson study berbasis sekolah; (4) memberikan pelatihan kepada guru mata pelajaran PPKn di MTs Negeri Batu; (5) pelaksanaan kegiatan lesson study mata pelajaran PPKn; (6) mendeskripsikan pendapat-pendapat guru model, tim guru lesson study, tim pendamping lesson study terhadap pelaksanaan lesson study; (7) menyusun best practices pembelajaran mata pelajaran PPKn dengan kegiatan lesson study; dan (8) meningkatkan critical thinking peserta didik melalui model controversial public issues. Lesson Study yang digunakan menggunakan empat siklus yang masing-masing terdiri dari plan, do dan see. Berdasarkan lesson study yang dilakukan maka hasilnya yaitu: (1) terdapat peningkatan critical thinking siswa dari siklus 1 ke siklus 2 dan siklus 3 ke siklus 4; (2) proses pembelajaran yang terjadi menjadi semakin menarik, upaya peningkatan critical thinking menyebabkan guru dan dosen menjadi kreatif dan inovatif dalam memecahkan permasalahan pembelajaran yang terjadi dan (3) proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dengan adanya plan, do dan see dalam setiap siklus. Kata Kunci: Critical Thinking, Pembelajaran PPKn, Controversial Public Issues ABSTRACT This lesson study aims to (1) improve the quality of learning systematically and collaboratively between teachers and lecturers; (2) building pedagogical knowledge between teachers and lecturers; (3) disseminating and strengthening school-based lesson study activities; (4) provide training to PPKn subject teachers at Batu Negeri MTs; (5) implementation of lesson study activities in PPKn subjects; (6) describe the opinions of the model teacher, the lesson study teacher team, the lesson study assistant team on the implementation of lesson study; (7) compile learning best practices for PPKn subjects with lesson study activities; and (8) increasing students' critical thinking through the controversial model of public issues. Lesson Study used uses four cycles, each of which consists of a plan, do and see. Based on the lesson study conducted, the results are: (1) there is an increase in critical thinking of students from cycle 1 to cycle 2 and cycle 3 to cycle 4; (2) the learning process that occurs becomes increasingly interesting, efforts to increase critical thinking cause teachers and lecturers to be creative and innovative in solving learning problems that occur and (3) the learning process goes well with the plan, do and see in each cycle.  Keywords: Critical Thinking, Learning of Civic Education, Controversial Public Issues

Copyrights © 2019

Journal Info







JINoP acts as medium of publicating the result of research covering the learning innovation theme from the elementary to higher education level. The journal also acts as a medium of disseminating research thought conducted by teachers and lecturers. In substance, the articles published in the ...