Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA
Vol 18, No 1 (2013): JPMIPA: Volume 18, Issue 1, 2013


Purwanto, Bambang Heru (Unknown)
Hizqiyah, Ida Yayu Nurul (Unknown)
Halimah, Mimi (Unknown)
Nurdiani, Nia (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Apr 2013


ABSTRAKPenelitian mengenai upaya peningkatan dan pembinaan keprofesionalan guru bersertifikat pendidik melalui implementasi Lesson Study pada satuan pendidikan menengah pertama, Yayasan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah (YPDM) Pasundan, Kota Administratif Cimahi, telah dilaksanakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru terhadap peningkatan kompetensi guru, serta untuk mengetahui secara mendalam faktor-faktor penyebab belum efektifnya implementasi kebijakan sertifikasi guru. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Reseseach and Development (R D) yang mencakup kegiatan pemetaan SMP Pasundan di wilayah Kotip Cimahi yang memiliki guru-guru bersertifikat pendidik; pengukuran kompetensi guru bersertifikat pendidik melalui tes tertulis; identifikasi faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kompetensi guru melalui pengamatan, pemantauan dan evaluasi diri; analisis data, serta pelaporan. Instrumen penelitian divalidasi melalui pemeriksaan dan pertimbangan pakar (judgement expert) serta uji coba implementasi kepada guru-guru bersertifikat pendidik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Pasundan I, II dan III Cimahi dengan subjek 28 orang guru bersertifikat pendidik, pada tahun 2012. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kompetensi guru bersertifikat pendidik di SMP Pasundan wilayah Kotip Cimahi relatif baik, dengan skor rata-rata IPA 56,78; Matematika 78,33; PKn 50,50; IPS 60,00; Bahasa Indonesia 50,00;dan Bahasa Inggris 46,87. Temuan didapatkan bahwa kompetensi guru sebagai tolok ukur keprofesionalan guru harus senantiasa dibina dan ditingkatkan. ABSTRACTResearch and development efforts to increase the professionalism of teacher educators certified through the implementation of Lesson Study in units of secondary education, Elementary and Secondary Education Foundation (ESEF) Pasundan, City Administrative Cimahi, have been conducted. The purpose of this study were to determine the effect of teacher certification policy implementation to increase teachers' competence, and to investigate in depth the factors that cause the ineffectiveness of teacher certification policy implementation. The method used is the method Reseseach and Development (R D) which includes mapping SMP Pasundan in the Kotip Cimahi who have teachers certified educators; measuring teacher competence certified educator through a written test; identifying the factors that influence teachers' competence through observation, monitoring and self-evaluation; analyzing data, and reporting. Validated research instrument through examination and consideration of expert (expert judgment) as well as the implementation of the pilot teachers certified educators. The experiment was conducted in junior Pasundan I, II and III Cimahi with 28 subjects certified teacher educator, in 2012. Results of this study demonstrate competence certified teacher in junior high school educator Pasundan Cimahi Kotip region is relatively good, with an average score of 56.78 IPA; Mathematics 78.33; Civics 50.50; IPS 60.00; Indonesian 50.00, and Language UK 46.87. The findings showed that the teachers' competence as a measure of teacher professionalism must always be fostered and enhanced.

Copyrights © 2013

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Journal of Mathematics and Science Teaching or Jurnal Pengajaran Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (JPMIPA) was founded in 1993 and published qualitative and or quantitative research concerning mathematics and science teaching. JPMIPA is published by Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education ...