The Decree of the Minister of Health regarding Minimum Service Standards states that it is hoped that there will be no incidents of drug administration errors by 100%, this means that none of the occurrences of medication errors should occur in health services. There were 13 medication errors in the inpatient installation of Padangsidimpuan City Hospital in 2015-2017, although most cases did not have a very fatal impact. This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the occurrence of medication errors by the nurses in the inpatient installation of the Padangsidimpuan City Hospital. This type of research is an analytic survey using a cross sectional approach. The population is all nurses who directly interact with patients. amounting to 122 nurses divided from 11 rooms obtained a sample of the total sample of 93 nurses. Data obtained by interview using a questionnaire and analyzed using multiple logistic regression test with α = 0.05 and a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that the variables that had a significant influence on the variable on the occurrence of medication errors by the nurses in the Hospital Padangsidimpuan were environmental conditions variables with p value = 0.002, workload variables with p value = 0.007, and educational variables with p value p value = 0.001. The conclusion is that the management of Padangsidimpuan City Hospital needs to provide socialization in the field of knowledge and skills regarding drugs or pharmacology as well as medication errors in order to minimize the number of medication errors to 0 in order to meet the minimum hospital service standards.
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