Journal Malige (Media Arsitektur Lintas Generasi)
Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Malige Arsitektur


santi santi (Universitas Halu Oleo)
Hapsarianty Hapsarianty (Universitas Halu Oleo)
La Ode Amrul Hasan (Universitas Halu Oleo)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Nov 2021


ABSTRAKJumlah penduduk Kota Kendari berdasarkan hasil sensus penduduk tahun 2019 berjumlah 340.796 jiwa,dengan rata-rata laju pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar 0,20% per tahun. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terusmeningkat dan didukung dengan peningkatan di sektor pembangunan perekonomian telah memicu terjadinyaperubahan terhadap kualitas lingkungan di Kota Kendari. Salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang akandihadapi yaitu peningkatan jumlah timbulan sampah, dan air limbah domestik. Tujuan penelitian untukmemberikan gambaran tingkat pencapaian hasil cakupan pelayanan sanitasi terutama sarana pengelolaan airlimbah domestik, pembangunan tempat pengelolaan sampah, dan pembangunan drainase lingkungan di KotaKendari. Metode penelitian yang digunakan merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan menunjukkan capaian layanan persampahan di kota Kendari tahun 2020mencapai 84%, capaian layanan air limbah mencapai 71% dari target nasional sebesar 90%, artinya KotaKendari kekurangan layanan sebesar 19%, serta capaian pelayanan drainase Kota Kendari sebesar 25,23% daritarget nasional sebesar 50% artinya Kota Kendari kekurangan layanan drainase sebesar 24,77%.Kata Kunci : Sanitasi, sampah, air limbah, drainaseABSTRACTThe population of Kendari city based on the results of the 2019 population census is 340.796 people, with anaverage population growth rate of 0,20% each year. Population growth that continues to increase and issupported by improvements in the economic development sector has triggered changes to the environmentalquality in Kendari City. One of the environmental problems that will be faced is the increase in the amount ofwaste generation, domestic wastewater. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the level ofachievement of the results of the coverage of sanitation services, especially domestic wastewater managementfacilities, construction of waste management sites, and construction of environmental drainage in Kendari City.The research method used is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. The results of this study indicatethat the achievement of solid waste services in the city of Kendari in 2020 reached 84%, the achievement ofwastewater services reached 71% of the national target of 90%, meaning that Kendari City lacked services by19%, and the achievement of drainage services in Kendari City was 25,23% of the national target of 50% meansthat Kendari City lacks drainage services by 24,77%.Keywords: Sanitation, waste, waste water, drainage

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