Jurnal Kajian Islam Interdisipliner
Vol 3, No 1 (2018)

Menelusuri Kondisi Kejiwaan-Relijius Kaum Homoseksual Terdidik Di Kampus Berbasis Islam (Studi Atas Mahasiswa Homoseksual Di Yogyakarta)

Azam Syukur Rahmatullah (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
09 Mar 2021


Di era kekinian kaum homoseksual semakin berkembang-pesat, terlebih lagi dengan adanya  media sosial yang  modern, semakin mempermudah akses kaum homoseksual untuk berinteraksi dengan sesama kaumnya. Bahkan mereka membuat group-group homoseksual yang kemudian disebarluaskan di dunia maya, dengan tujuan agar terus  bertambah  anggotanya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dari peneliti sebelumnya, menyatakan bahwa  banyak  para anggota kaum homoseksual yang berasal dari kalangan mahasiswa yang berada pada kampus-kampus yang notabene berbasis Islam dan berbudaya Islami. Meskipun keberadaan mereka masih bersifat “tersembunyi alias terselubung.” Ruang gerak mereka terbatasi oleh aturan-aturan agama yang dibudayakan di dalam kampus-kampus belabel Islam tersebut. Oleh karena itulah, peneliti berkeinginan untuk  mengetahui lebih dalam tentang bagaimana sebenarnya kondisi kejiwaan relijius para kaum mahasiswa homoseksual yang berada pada kampus Islam. Peneliti mengambil lokasi penelitian di Yogyakarta sebab  terdapat beberapa kampus berlabel Islam. Dalam hal ini ini peneliti samarkan nama kampus Islam tersebut. Peneliti telah mewawancarai 4  kaum homoseksual yang berasal dari dua kampus berbasis Islam di Yogyakarta. 2 berasal dari kampus Islam A yang keduanya menjalankan ibadah  dan 2 berasal dari kampus Islam B yang kedua responden juga menjalankan ibadah. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut  menyatakan bahwa  dari keempat kaum homoseksual tersebut mengalami keberbimbangan jiwa relijiusitasnya, di mana satu sisi mereka tetap   menjalankan aturan-aturan kampus yang berbasis Islami seperti halnya shalat, puasa, membaca al-Qur’ān, halaqah, kajian-kajian keislaman di kampus, namun di sisi lain jiwa homoseksual yang dimiliki tidak mudah dihilangkan dengan mudah. Pada akhirnya mereka mengalami “disonansi kognitif” yang menunjukkan  perasaan ketidaknyamanan mereka akibat sikap, pemikiran, dan perilaku yang saling bertentangan antara batin dan perbuatan.  Hasil penelitian lainnya ditunjukkan dengan  adanya perasaan  was-was,cemas dan takut jika Allah murka, hal ini dikarenakan meskipun mereka beribadah tetapi tetap berhubungan badan dengan sesama jenis. Namun kempat responden tersebut menyatakan tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa, dan tetap menjalani hidup yang memang harus dijalani.[In the current era, homosexuals are growing rapidly, especially with the existence of modern social media, which makes it easier for homosexuals to have access to interact with their fellow citizens. They even created homosexual groups which were then disseminated in cyberspace, with the aim of increasing members. Based on the results of research from previous researchers, it was stated that many of the homosexual members came from among students who were on campuses which in fact were based on Islam and had an Islamic culture. Even though their existence is still "hidden or covert." Their space for movement is limited by the religious rules that are cultivated in the Islamic label campuses. Therefore, the researcher wants to know more about the true spiritual condition of the homosexual students who are on the Islamic campus. The researcher took the research location in Yogyakarta because there are several campuses labeled Islam. In this case the researcher disguises the name of the Islamic campus. Researchers have interviewed 4 homosexuals from two Islamic-based campuses in Yogyakarta. 2 came from the Islam A campus, both of which were practicing worship and 2 were from the Islamic campus B where both respondents also practiced worship. The results of the study stated that of the four homosexuals experienced doubts about their religious spirit, where on the one hand they continued to observe Islamic-based campus rules such as prayer, fasting, reading al-Qur'ān, halaqah, Islamic studies in campus, but on the other hand the homosexual spirit that is owned is not easily eliminated. In the end they experience "cognitive dissonance" which indicates their feeling of discomfort due to conflicting attitudes, thoughts and behaviors between mind and action. The results of other research are indicated by feelings of anxiety, anxiety and fear if Allah is angry, this is because even though they worship, they still have sexual relations with the same sex. However, the four respondents stated that they could not do anything, and continued to live a life that must be lived.]

Copyrights © 2018

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Religion Arts Humanities Social Sciences


Jurnal Kajian Islam Interdisipliner welcomes original research for manuscripts with various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. It invites researchers and scholars of all backgrounds related to Islamic studies to contribute their research covering all aspects of Islam and the ...