Majalah Teknik Simes
Vol 11 No 1 (2017): Majalah Teknik Simes

Pengujian Kinerja Turbin Angin Savonius Sumbu Vertikal Overlap Dengan Deflektor Lengkung Ganda

Muhammad Halil (Universitas Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH)

Article Info

Publish Date
14 Aug 2018


Wind energy is a renewable energy source that can be converted into electrical energy. The utilization of wind energy can replace oil dwindling energy supplies in the world. One wind turbine that can transform wind energy into electric energy is Savonius turbine, which Savonius turbine can work at relatively low wind speeds. In this study Savonius turbine uses a double curved deflector in pairs upstream of the turbine and the turbine as well. Deflector mobilized with a double curved hinge system so that it can be in the know its performance in the best condition. The curvature of the deflector is 1/4 of the circumference of the rotor. This study was conducted at a speed of between 4 m/s to 6 m/s. The results showed that the condition of the double curved deflector orientation α2 = 135o angle β2 = 45° of the direction of flow produces the best or highest CP, as well as working torque at low rpm.

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