Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran (JINOTEP) Kajian dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran
Vol 9, No 1 (2022)

Pengembangan E-Modul IPA Berbasis Literasi untuk Mendukung Pembelajaran Daring Bermakna

Mochamad Zainun Aslik (Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya dan SMPN 1 Wonoayu)
Hari Karyono (Teknologi Pendidikan)
Wawan Gunawan (Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya)

Article Info

Publish Date
15 Mar 2022


Abstrak: Pengembangan modul ini bertujuan menghasilkan E-modul siswa dan guru berbasis literasi melalui media WhatsApp untuk pembelajaran daring bermakna. Dengan media ini siswa dapat belajar dengan mudah dan bermakna walaupun harus belajar di rumah secara daring. Model pengembangan dengan ADDIE. Adapun langkahnya (1) menganalisis kebutuhan, kurikulum, dan karakter peserta didik, (2) perancangan instrumen penilaian, konten, latihan, dan analisis  materi pembelajaran, (3) pengembangan realisasi produk berupa E-modul, (4) menguji coba produk hasil pengembangan. Hasil penelitian validasi ahli materi menunjukkan bahwa rerata 89%. Sedangkan validasi  ahli desain buku siswa mencapai 88,5%, buku guru mencapai 92%. Hasil validasi ahli media modul siswa 85% dan buku guru 86,5%. Sedangkan hasil uji coba kelompok kecil mencapai 89,9%. Uji lapangan mencapai hasil rerata 91,0%, dan review teman sejawat mencapai rerata 87,6%. Kesimpulannya adalah pengembangan E-modul IPA Berbasis Literasi melalui media WhatsApp untuk mendukung pembelajaran daring bermakna dikategorikan layak.Abstract: The development of this module aims to produce literacy-based E-modules for students and teachers through WhatsApp media for meaningful online learning. With this media, students can learn easily and meaningfully even though they have to study at home online. Development model with ADDIE. The steps are (1) analyzing the needs, curriculum, and character of students, (2) designing assessment instruments, content, exercises, and analysis of learning materials, (3) developing product realization in the form of E-modules, (4) testing the product developed. . The results of the material expert validation research show that the average is 89%. While the validation of student book design experts reached 88.5%, teacher books reached 92%. The results of the expert validation of the student module media are 85% and the teacher's book is 86.5%. While the results of the small group trial reached 89.9%. Field trials achieved an average result of 91.0%, and peer reviews reached an average of 87.6%. The conclusion is that the development of Literacy-Based Science E-modules through WhatsApp media to support meaningful online learning is categorized as feasible.

Copyrights © 2022

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Humanities Computer Science & IT Education Social Sciences


JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi dan Teknologi Pembelajaran): Kajian dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran is a journal in the field of educational technology that contains literature review, action research, case study research, and empirical findings in scientific disciplines of educational ...