Segara Widya: Jurnal Penelitian Seni
Vol. 3 (2015): November

Seni Penerjemahan Wayang Inovasi Berbahasa Inggris Di Swasti Eco Cottages, Ubud, Gianyar

Ni Putu Tisna Andayani (Program Studi Seni Karawitan, Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar)

Article Info

Publish Date
30 Oct 2015


Perkembangan seni pertunjukan wayang telah berinovasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan tujuan untuk menghibur wisatawan mancanegara yang datang ke Bali. Pertunjukan wayang turistik ini mulai bermunculan di daerah-daerah wisata dan sekitarnya. Berikut ini permasalahan dan ideologi penerjemahan wayang turistik berbahasa Inggris di Swasti Eco Cottages, Desa Nyuh Kuning, Ubud, Gianyar diidentifikasi, ditranskripsi dan diteliti berlandaskan pada kajian studi linguistik terapan. Untuk dapat mengidentifikasi permasalahan penerjemahan pertunjukan wayang inovasi berbahasa Inggris di Swasti Eco Cottages tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode penilitian deskriptif kualitatif dan teknik wawancara terpusat. Permasalahan penerjemahan wayang inovasi berbahasa Inggris kemudian dikaji secara obyektif dan subyektif, sedangkan ideologi penerjemahannya diidentifikasi melalui teori domestikasi dan foreignisasi. Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa penerjemahan wayang inovasi berbahasa Inggris di Swasti Eco Cottages lebih cenderung menggunakan ideologi penerjemahan foreignisasi, yakni penerjemahan yang lebih berorientasi pada bahasa sumber.The development of the art of puppet show has been innovating into English language that aimed to entertain the international visitors who come to Bali. This touristic puppet show began to appear in tourism and surrounding areas. The following issues and the translation ideology of the English touristic puppets at Swasti Eco Cottages, Nyuh Kuning village, Ubud, Gianyar identified, transcribed and studied based on the study of applied linguistics studies. In order to identify the translation problems in English language innovation puppet show at Swasti Eco Cottages, researchers used the qualitative descriptive research methods and centered interview techniques. The translation problems in English innovation puppet show then assessed objectively and subjectively, whereas the ideology of translation identified through domestication and foreignization theories. Research results indicate that the English language translations of innovations puppet show at Swasti Eco Cottages preferred to use foreignization ideology of translation, that the translations is more oriented to the source language.

Copyrights © 2015

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The journal presents as a medium to share knowledge and understanding art, culture, and design in the area of regional, national, and international levels. The journal accommodates articles from research, creation, and study of art, culture, and design without limiting authors from a variety of ...