Journal of Regional and City Planning
Vol. 25 No. 1 (2014)

Hidup Bersama Risiko Bencana: Konstruksi Ruang dalam Perspektif Ruang Relasional (Living with Disaster Risk: A Relational Perspective to Space Construction)

Yasin Yusup (Prodi Pendidikan Geografi, FKIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta)

Article Info

Publish Date
02 Apr 2014


Abstrak: Komunitas di Kawasan Rawan Bencana (KRB) cenderung memiliki kelembaman geografis yang tinggi dan memilih "hidup bersama bencana". Mereka seringkali melihat lingkungan hidupnya "tidak bermasalah" dan membangun sistem kepercayaan religi maupun praktik-praktik ekologis yang "mendomestifikasi" ancaman bahaya. Dengan menggunakankonsepsi produksi ruang Lefebvre dan Actor-Network Theory Latour, makalah ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana komunitas di KRB Merapi berupaya hidup bersama bencana, yakni beradaptasi terhadap letusan yang terus berevolusi dengan mengandalkan jejaring sosial danmemperluasnya dengan komunitas lain di luar KRB. Dalam konteks ini jejaring sosial bisa menjembatani isolasi suatu wilayah sehingga kedekatan dengan sumber ancaman tidak otomatis meningkatkan kerentanan dan risiko bencana komunitas di KRB.Kata kunci: Konstruksi ruang, hidup bersama bencana, jejaring, kawasan rawan bencana (KRB)Abstract: Community in Disaster-Prone Region (DPR) tends to have a high geographical inertia and have the preference of "living with risk". They consider their environment "not problematic" and establish systems of religious beliefs and practices of ecological "mesticating" danger. Using Lefebvre's conception of space production and Latour's Actor-Network Theory,this paper explores how communities in Merapi DPR live with risk, adapting to evolving volcano eruption by relying on social network and extending it with wider communities outside the DPR. In this context, the network can bridge the isolation of an area thus the proximity to the source of the threat does not automatically increase vulnerabilities and disaster risks of the communities.Keywords: Construction of space, living with risk, network, disaster-prone region (DPR)

Copyrights © 2014

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Humanities Civil Engineering, Building, Construction & Architecture Environmental Science Social Sciences Transportation


Journal of Regional and City Planning or JRCP is an open access journal mainly focusing on urban and regional studies and planning in transitional, developing and emerging economies. JRCP covers topics related to the analysis, sciences, development, intervention, and design of communities, cities, ...