Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia
Vol 13 No 2 (2013): Januari

Dampak Kebijakan Harga Pembelian Petani Gabah terhadap Kesejahteraan Petani: Suatu Simulasi

Putri, Eka Intan Kumala (Unknown)
Novindra, Novindra (Unknown)
Nuva, Nuva (Unknown)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Jan 2013


To control supply and demand rice and increase income to farmer, Government assigned a rice purchasing policy. This study apply 2SLS model with time series data 1971--2009 to simulate and forecast the impact of rice purchasing policy on farmer welfare. The responses of rice real price at farmers' level towards the changes of real price of government purchases and rice production is elastic in the long term. Demand of rice is signicantly in uenced by the price of rice, population, and demand for rice at t-1. The increasing of rice purchasing price (HPP) on grain at 9.54% and 15% lead to an increasing of farmer's surplus IDR163,512,308,700 and IDR257,292,128,790.AbstrakGuna mengontrol keseimbangan konsumsi beras dengan produksi padi dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani, pemerintah Indonesia menetapkan kebijakan Harga Pembelian Padi (HPP). Studi ini melihat dampak kebijakan HPP terhadap kesejahteraan petani dilakukan melalui simulasi peramalan dengan Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) data time series periode 1971--2009. Secara ekonomi, respons harga riil gabah petani terhadap perubahan HPP dan produksi padi bersifat elastis dalam jangka panjang. Permintaan beras dipengaruhi harga beras, jumlah penduduk, dan permintaan beras t-1. Simulasi peramalan terhadap peningkatan HPP gabah 9,54% dan 15% menyebabkan surplus petani meningkat masing-masing Rp163.512.308.700,- dan Rp257.292.128.790,-.

Copyrights © 2013

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Economics, Econometrics & Finance


Jurnal Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Indonesia has been published since 2000 by the Department of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia. Based on the Decree of the Director General for Higher Education Accreditation Number 43/DIKTI/Kep/2008, JEPI has been accredited 'B'as a ...