Manuju : Malahayati Nursing Journal
Vol 4, No 6 (2022): Volume 4 Nomor 6 2022

Gambaran Status Demografi, Penyakit Komorbid Dan Kejadian Ikutan Pasca Imunisasi (KIPI) Pada Tenaga Kesehatan Setelah Vaksin Covid-19 Di RSUD Abdul Moeloek

Vera Yulyani (Universitas Malahayati)
Neno Fitriyani Hasbie (Universitas Malahayati)
Devita Febriani Putri (Universitas Malahayati)
Muhammad Yusuf Ramadhan (Universitas Malahayati)

Article Info

Publish Date
01 Jun 2022


ABSTRACT Health workers are designated as a priority group for COVID-19 vaccine recipients because health workers work in health care facilities and public service workers are a high-risk group for contracting COVID-19. After giving the COVID-19 vaccine, it is possible to develop AEFI. This study was conducted to find out the description of the demographic status, comorbid diseases, and AEFI in health workers after the COVID-19 vaccine in RSUD Abdul Moeloek 2021. Because RSUD Abdul Moeloek is one of the local government referral general hospitals to handle COVID-19. Observational analysis using a cross-sectional method approach using a purposive sampling technique of 280 total samples. Data collection began in December 2021. This research was conducted at RSUD Abdul Moeloek in Bandar Lampung. Univariate data analysis test using SPSS 24. It is known that from 280 respondents, 24 people have not received the third dose of the vaccine, the most age who received the vaccine was the age of 26-35 years as many as 84 people (30%), and the most gender were women as many as 168 people (60%), health workers who did not have comorbidities as many as 267 people (95.4%), and the most common symptom of AEFI after the COVID-19 vaccine was a headache as many as 109 people (38.9%). After conducting the research, it was found that most of the health workers had received the complete vaccine up to the third dose, with the highest age being at the age of 26-35 years, being female. Almost all respondents do not have comorbidities and the symptoms of AEFI after the COVID-19 vaccine are headaches. Keywords: COVID-19 Vaccine, Demography, AEFI ABSTRAK Tenaga kesehatan ditetapkan sebagai kelompok prioritas penerima vaksin COVID-19, dikarenakan tenaga kesehatan merupakan kelompok berisiko tinggi tertular COVID-19. Setelah pemberian vaksin COVID-19 dapat memungkinkan timbulnya KIPI. Maka dari itu penelitian ini di lakukan untuk mengetahui gambaran status demografi, penyakit komorbid dan KIPI pada tenaga kesehatan setelah vaksin COVID-19 di RSUD Abdul Moeloek tahun 2021. RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek merupakan salah satu rumah sakit umum daerah rujukan dari pemerintah setempat untuk menangani pasien COVID-19. Analitik observasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode cross sectional menggunakan teknik purposive sampling sebanyak 280 sampel keseluruhan. Pengambilan data dimulai pada bulan Desember 2021. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUD Abdul Moeloek Bandar Lampung. Analisis data univariat menggunakan SPSS 24. Didapatkan dari 280 orang responden penelitian, 24 orang belum vaksin dosis ketiga, usia terbanyak mendapat vaksin adalah usia 26-35 tahun sebanyak 84 orang (30%), jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah perempuan sebanyak 168 orang (60%), tenaga kesehatan yang tidak memiliki komorbid sebanyak 267 orang (95,4%), dan gejala KIPI pasca vaksin COVID-19 terbanyak adalah nyeri kepala sebanyak 109 orang (38,9%). Sebagian besar tenaga kesehatan telah mendapat vaksin lengkap sampai dosis ketiga, dengan usia terbanyak pada usia 26-35 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan. Hampir seluruh responden tidak memiliki komorbid dan gejala KIPI pasca vaksin COVID-19 yang paling banyak dirasakan adalah nyeri kepala. Kata Kunci : Vaksin COVID-19, demografi, KIPI

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Health Professions Nursing Public Health


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